Żebrowska Katarzyna

dr Katarzyna Żebrowska
Katedra Archeologii Egejskiej i Włókiennictwa


+48 22 55 22 814

zainteresowania naukowe:
– archeologia prehistorycznej Sycylii i regionu egejskiego
– kontakty italsko-egejskie
– architektura grobowa, szczególnie w kontekście krajobrazu
– archeologia włókiennictwa, w szczególności funkcjonalność narzędzi włókienniczych

projekty naukowe:

Sycylijskie narzędzia włókiennicze z epoki brązu: opracowanie zabytków i studia porównawcze nad ich funkcjonalnością”, 2017–2019, konkurs NCN PRELUDIUM 11 (UMO-2016/21/N/HS3/02926), kierownik projektu.

recenzowane artykuły i rozdziały w monografiach zbiorowych:

Żebrowska, K. (2023) The Early Bronze Age Funerary Landscape of Calicantone (Sicily). Internal Planning and Visual Features. In: D. Panagiotopoulos, P.M. Militello eds, Modelling Archaeological Landscapes: Bridging Past and Present in two Mediterranean Islands, Heidelberg, 77-96.

Żebrowska, K. (2021) Weaving in Early Bronze Age Sicily: Testing and Comparing the Functionality of Potential Weaving Tools. In: G. Albertazzi, G. Muti, A. Saggio eds, Islands in Dialogue (Islandia). Proceedings of the First Conference in the Prehistory and Protohistory of the Mediterranean Islands, Rome, 323-335.

Nosch, M-L., Ulanowska, A., Żebrowska, K., Bigoraj, K., Gręzak A. (2021) Sheep – ‘a Factory without Waste’. Comparative, Interdisciplinary and Diachronic Views on Sheep in the Aegean Bronze Age. In: R. Laffineur, T.G. Palaima eds, ZOIA. Animal-Human Interactions in the Aegean Middle and Late Bronze Age, Aegaeum 45, Leuven & Liège, 35-49.

Żebrowska, K. (2020) Textiles and Seals: The use of seals with the sheep motif in Bronze Age Greece. In: M. Bustamante-Álvarez, E.H. Sánchez López, J. Jiménez Ávila eds, PURPUREAE VESTES VII. Textiles and Dyes in Antiquity. Redefining Ancient Textile Handcraft. Structures, Tools and Production Processes, Proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Textiles and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Granada, Spain 2-4 October 2019), Granada, 425-430.

Żebrowska, K. (2020) The application of use-wear analysis to the study of function of prehistoric Sicilian textile tools. In: J.L. Fernández-Marchena, L. Asryan, A. Pedergnana, A. Ollé eds, Not only use. Application of functional methods for a better comprehension of operative chains, Quaternary International Special Issue, Quaternary International 659-570, 128-134.

Żebrowska, K. (2020) The organization of Middle Bronze Age Aeolian textile production in the light of recent experiments. In: M. Nordez, K. Peche-Quilichini, M. Roscio eds,  Le Bulletin de l’Aprab 18, 153-157.

Żebrowska, K. (2019) La filatura a Monte Cittadella (futura Morgantina) nella fase finale della preistoria siciliana, AD REM 1-2, 5-9.

Żebrowska, K. (2018) Aeolian Textile Tools from the Bronze Age – Testing the Functionality of Potential Heavy Spindle-Whorls. In: I. Cáceres, I. Expósito, M. Fontanals, M. Gema Chacón, J.M. Vergès eds, Experimental Archaeology: From Research to Society. Proceedings of the Vth International Congress of Experimental Archaeology, Tarragona, 25-27 October 2017, El Butlletí Arqueològic V 40, Tarragona, 105-111.

Żebrowska, K. (2018) The Early and Middle Bronze Age Textile Tools from the Aeolian Islands (Italy). In: A. Ulanowska, M. Siennicka, M. Grupa eds, Dynamics and Organisation of Textile Production in Past Societies in Europe and the Mediterranean, Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae XXXI, Łódź, 12-23.

Militello, P.M., Żebrowska, K. (2017) The tholos tombs in Sicily: A landscape approach. In: M. Fotiadis, R. Laffineur, Y. Lolos, A. Vlachopoulos eds, HESPEROS. The Aegean Seen from the West, Proceedings of the 16th International Aegean Conference, University of Ioannina, Department of History and Archaeology, Unit of Archaeology and Art History, 18-21 May 2016, AEGAEUM 41, Leuven & Liège, 139-146.

Żebrowska, K. (2016) Thapsos Tombs Revisited: Reconstructing the Prehistoric Funerary Landscape of Magnisi Peninsula (With Special Concern on Rock-Cut Tholoi). In: M. Figuera, K. Żebrowska eds, International Course in Archaeology “Papers in Mediterranean Archaeology”, Syndesmoi 5, Catania & Warsaw, 71-86.

redakcja naukowa recenzowanych monografii:

Aulsebrook, S., Żebrowska, K., Ulanowska, A. eds (2024) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 4 (Warsaw Studies in Archaeology 5), Turnhout, Warsaw. Brepols & the Faculty of Archaeology UW.

Aulsebrook, S., Żebrowska, K., Ulanowska, A., Lewartowski, K. eds (2022) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 3 (Warsaw Studies in Archaeology 3), Turnhout, Warsaw. Brepols & the Faculty of Archaeology UW.

Żebrowska, K., Ulanowska, A., Lewartowski, K. eds (2019), Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 2, Warsaw. University of Warsaw Press.

Żebrowska, K., Ulanowska, A., Lewartowski, K. eds (2017), Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 1, Warsaw. Institute of Archaeology University of Warsaw.

Figuera, M., Żebrowska, K. eds (2016), International Course in Archaeology “Papers in Mediterranean Archaeology”, Syndesmoi 5 (Quaderni del corso internazionalizzato in Archeologia: Catania, Konya, Varsavia), Catania & Warsaw. Università degli Studi di Catania.
