Światowit – Tom XLVII, fasc. A (2004-2005)

Spis treści

Monika Rekowska-Ruszkowska
Tomasz Mikocki (1954–2007) — p. 7

Piotr Jaworski
Cyrenaican coinage from the beginning of Roman rule. New evidence from Ptolemais — p. 11

Kazimierz Lewartowski
Mycenaean objects from the National Museum in Warsaw — p. 19

Jerzy Miziołek
“In the pure taste of Trajan’s century”: Preliminary observations on Pliny the Younger’s Laurentina as imagined by Count Stanisław Kostka Potocki — p. 25

Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti
Alcuni problemi di ritrovamenti di anfore tardoantiche nella Laguna di Venezia — p. 43
Selected problems of findings the late ancients amphora’s in the area of the Venetian Lagoon — p. 47

Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti
Testimonianze topografiche ed archeologiche dei contatti frala Laguna di Venezia ed Altinum — p. 49
Documentary evidence of topographic and archeological contact lagoon of Venice and Altinum — p. 53

Maciej Tarkowski, Mikołaj Baliszewski
From the Enlightenment to the Digital Sunlight System. Realistic visualization of Count Potocki’s Laurentine Villa. Progress of the works — p. 55

Excavations Reports

Татьяна Арсеньева, Томаш Шолль, Беатa Балюкевич, Светланa Науменко, Мартин Матерa
Отчет об итогах исследований в 2004 году в Танаисe — p. 59
Report on the fieldwork campaign 2004 at Tanais — p. 84

Татьяна Арсеньева, Томаш Шолль, Мартин Матера, Светланa Науменко, Шымон Островски
Отчет об итогах исследований в 2005 году в Танаисе — p. 85
Report on the fieldwork campaign 2005 at Tanais — p. 91

Tomasz Mikocki , K. Chmielewski, Piotr Jaworski, Wiesław Małkowski, Krzysztof Misiewicz, Monika Muszyńska-Mikocka, P. Sobczyński, Jerzy Żelazowski
Ptolemais in Libya. Excavations conducted by the Mission of the Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw University in 2004 and 2005. Report on two seasons of excavations — p. 93

Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka, Evgenia Fiedorovna Redina, Jarosław Bodzek, Wojciech Machowski
The Polish-Ukrainian excavation at Koshary (Odessa province): season 2004 — p. 109

Agnieszka Tomas
Municipium Novensium? Report on the field survey at Ostrite Mogili, Veliko Turnovo district  — p. 115