Oferty stypendialne dla badaczy z Ukrainy (Austriacka Akademia Nauk, DAI i Uniwerystet w Louvain) – fellowships from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, DAI (Germany) and UCLouvain (Belgium) dedicated to Ukrainian scholars

Szanowni Państwo,
poniżej wklejam nowe oferty stypendialne oferowane przez Austriacką Akademię Nauk, DAI w Niemczech oraz UCLouvain w Belgii, dedykowane badaczom z Ukrainy. Proszę uprzejmie o ich szerokie upowszechnienie.

Austrian Academy of Sciences:
JESH-Ukraine Emergency Call
Due to the war in Ukraine, the Austrian Academy of Sciences is offering an emergency call for applications from Ukrainian researchers as part of its academic mobility programme “Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities” (JESH).
The aim of the special call JESH-Ukraine is to support Ukrainian scientists who had/have to leave their country in temporarily carrying out a scientific project at an Austrian research institution: https://stipendien.oeaw.ac.at/stipendien/jesh-ukraine


UCLouvain opens its Access2University program to refugees from Ukraine
The Access2University program offers academic and extra-academic activities to refugees who had to interrupt their university activities. Refugees from Ukraine can join the ongoing program.

Z poważaniem
Agata Ulanowska