The newly established Faculty of Archaeology that continues traditions of the Institute of Archaeology is the largest academic institution of its kind in Poland, one of the largest in the world. It has a staff of c. 100 (researchers, lecturers, technicians and administration staff). The Faculty offers instruction in most branches of modern archaeology and related sciences to over 1500 students from different areas of study. The Dean of the Faculty is Prof. Dr. Bartosz Kontny.
- New course (OGUN) – “Aksum – African civilization of Late Antiquity”
- Laser Scanning (LiDAR) from drones at the Faculty of Archaeology
- CfP – Sympozjum Egejskie Special Workshop: Spaces and Landscapes of Production in the Aegean World and Beyond
- Dr. habil. Anna Wodzińska appointed a Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo (DAI Kairo)
- Holiday wishes
The beginnings of interest in archaeology at the University of Warsaw date from the early nineteenth century, the time of the Royal University of Warsaw (1816-1831). The University’s Numismatic Cabinet was created in 1816, and Professor Feliks Bentkowski became its first curator. The first collection of the Numismatic Cabinet included a set of 2847 coins …
Map of excavations from our faculty
The Faculty of Archaeology is housed in a building known as Szkoła Główna (“Main School”)
Faculty Office for Student Affairs – English-speaking students:
(Ground floor, room 1.06, Faculty Office for Students)
Contact person: Joanna Chomicz
Phone: (+48) 22 55 20 117
Office hours: Tuesday-Thursday 10 AM – 1 PM