e-mail: miron.bogacki@uw.edu.pl
www: Mironbogacki.pl
research interests:
photographical documentation methods, aerial Archaeology, non-invasive archaeology
Obłuski, A., Ochała, G., Bogacki, M., Małkowski, W., Maślak, S., Ghazali 2012: Preliminary Report, PAM, 24/1 Research, 2012, s. 431-442
Bogacki, M., Ptolemais. Zaginione miasto w Libii Ptolemais. A lost city in Libya, 2011, Warszawa
Bogacki, M., Topography of churches and other Late Antique buildings in Ptolemais, in: Jaworski P. (ed.), Misiewicz K. (ed.), Ptolemais in Cyrenaica. Results of non-invasive surveys, Ptolemais II, Warsaw, 2015, s. 231-246
Bogacki, M., Małkowski, W., Topographical survey in the area of two Christian buildings outside the city walls of Ptolemais (Cyrenaica, Libya), Światowit 8 (49), 2009-2010, 2011, fasc. A, s. 45-50
Bogacki, M., Giersz, M., Małkowski, W., Misiewicz, K., Prządka-Giersz, P., GPS RTK Mapping, Kite Aerial Photogrammetry, Geophysical Survey and GIS Based Analysis of Surface Artifact Distribution at the Pre-Hispanic Site of the Castillo de Huarmey, North Coast of Peru, Remote Sensing for Science, Education, and Natural and Cultural Heritage, 2010, s. 121-130
3d Models Gallery:
photo albums:
Aracheaological finds
Archaeological Festival in Biskupin
Excavations in Sudan (Ghazali)
Excavations in Tell el Retaba in Egypt
Excavations in Tanais in Russia
Non invasive survey in Huarmey – Peru