Déderix Sylviane

Dr. Sylviane Déderix
Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology
Stanisław Ulam programme grantee, NAWA (2024-2026).


 Research interests:
– Aegean archaeology
– Burial practices
– Landscape archaeology
– Geomatics
– Metallurgical practices

Research project:
Mining districts in context. A multi-scalar and diachronic approach to Aegean metallurgical practices

Archaeological field projects:
– Since 2020: P.I. of the project “Minoan burial practices at Malia” (École française d’Athènes): https://www.efa.gr/section-categorie/pratiques-funeraires-a-malia-s-dederix/
– Since 2018: Director of the prehistoric team of the Thorikos Archaeological Research Project (Belgian School at Athens; dir. R. Docter): https://www.thorikos.be/
– Since 2008: Member of the Sissi Archaeological Research Project (Belgian School at Athens; dir. J. Driessen): https://sarpedon.be/

Selected publications:
Déderix S., Ralli P. & Bastide M. (eds), forthcoming. Unsung Pioneer Women in the Archaeology of Greece (proceedings of the first workshop on Women in the Archaeology of Greece (March 8, 2023), to be published in the Bulletin de correspondance hellénique).

Déderix S., 2023. Placing Tholos A at Apesokari: an analysis of visibility, intervisibility and invisibility, in: Flouda G., An Archaeological Palimpsest in Minoan Crete. Tholos Tomb A and Habitation at Apesokari (Prehistory Monographs 70), Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, p. 21-30.

Schmitt A. & Déderix S., 2021. Too many secondary burials in Minoan Crete?, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 64, article 101354 [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2021.101354].

Déderix S., Papadimitriou N., Balitsari A., Cantoro G., Efstathiou A., Manataki M., Nazou M., Sarris A. & Laffineur R., 2021. Prehistoric Thorikos: preliminary report of the 2018 and 2019 fieldwork campaigns, in: Docter R.F. & Webster M. (eds), Thorikos: Reports and Studies 12, Louvain, Paris & Bristol: Peeters, p. 35-58

Déderix S., 2019. Patterns of visibility, intervisibility and invisibility at Bronze Age Apesokari (Crete), Open Archaeology 5, p. 187-203 [https://doi.org/10.1515/opar-2019-0014].

Dungan K., White D., Déderix S., Mills B. & Safi K., 2018. A total viewshed approach to local visibility in the Chaco World, Antiquity 92(364), p. 905-921 [https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2018.135].

Schmitt A., Déderix S. & Crevecoeur I. (eds), 2018. Gathered in Death. Archaeological and Ethnological Perspectives on Collective Burial and Social Organisation (Aegis 14), Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.

Driessen J., Anastasiadou M., Caloi I., Claeys T., Déderix S., Devolder M., Jusseret S., Langohr C., Letesson Q., Mathioudaki I., Mouthuy O. & Schmitt A., 2018. Excavations at Sissi, IV. Preliminary Report on the 2015-2016 Campaigns (Aegis 13), Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.

Déderix S., 2017. Communication networks, interactions and social negotiation in Prepalatial South-Central Crete, American Journal of Archaeology 121.1, p. 5-37 [https://doi.org/10.3764/aja.121.1.0005].

Déderix S., 2016. Traveling across archaeological landscapes: the contribution of hierarchical communication networks, in: Campana S., Scopigno R., Carpentiero G. & Cirillo M. (eds), CAA2015. Keep the Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Oxford: Archaeopress, p. 555-565.

Déderix S., 2015. A matter of scale. Assessing the visibility of circular tombs in the landscape of Bronze Age Crete, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 4, p. 525-534 [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.10.021].