Nowakiewicz Tomasz

Tomasz Nowakiewicz
dr hab. Tomasz Nowakiewicz
Department of Medieval and Early Modern Archeology


phone number:
+48 22 55 22 821

duty hours:
Thursday 13.00–15.00, room 3.21
Friday 14.45–16.45, room nr 3.21

research interests:
Research interests: archeology of the Early Middle Ages (or Viking Age), especially:
1. Archeology of the Balt lands (with special emphasis on the archeology of Old Prussian lands in the Viking Age and the confrontation of the Balts with the Latin world during the Northern Crusades);
2. Recognition and interpretation of bog-sites (with particular emphasis on the question of ancient cult deposits);
3. Archival archeology and issues of identifying dispersed archaeological collections;
4. Various aspects of economy in the Early Middle Ages (especially silver hoards and silver circulation).

Tomasz Nowakiewicz. pdf

Żuchowska Marta

Marta Żuchowska, PhD
Department of Circum-Pacific and Far Eastern Archaeology


Tuesday 11:00 – 13:00, room 106
Wednesday 11:00 – 13:00. room 106

research interests:
archaeology of the Near East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods; archaeology of East and Southeast Asia; trade and communication routes in Asia in the 1st millennium CE; long-range trade in Asia; production and distribution of silk in the 1st millennium CE

Marta Żuchowska

Nowakowska Magdalena

Magdalena Nowakowska
Magdalena Nowakowska, MA
Administrative Director
Department for Underwater Archaeology

e-mail (administrative matters):

phone number:
+48 (22) 55 22 836
mobile phone:
+48 723 030 061

duty hours:
Wednesday 11.30-12.30, room 3.18

research interests:
– underwater archaeology
– waterfront archaeology
– archaeological maritime landscape
– underwater cultural heritage
– bronze and early iron age period in the Baltic Sea region

Magdalena Nowakowska.pdf

Coordinator for UNESCO Unitwin Network for Underwater Archaeology Institute of Archaeology, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa

Maciałowicz Andrzej

Andrzej Maciałowicz
Dr. Andrzej Maciałowicz
Department of Barbaricum and the Roman Provincial Archaeology


phone number:
+48 22 55 22 805

duty hours:
winter semester:
Monday: 11.30–12.30, room 3.05
summer semester:
Tuesday: 12.15–13.15, room 3.05

research interests:
– La Tene/pre-Roman Iron Age archaeology
– La Tene culture impacts on northern Barbarians
– archaeology of the Barbarians’ “fashion”

see here

A website presenting the results of excavations conducted on the Przeworsk Culture cemetery at Gołębiewo (in Polish):

Fetner Rafał

Rafał Fetner
Dr. Rafał Fetner
Department of Bioarchaeology
Laboratorium Archeologicznych Analiz Specjalistycznych


duty hours:
Monday 9:45 – 11:15
Wednesday 11:30 – 13:00

research interests:
– bioarchaeology
– anthropology
– archaeometry

2011 Wpływ zarazy Justyniana na ekspansję Słowian na Bałkanach: przesłanki paleodemograficzne, Slavia Antiqua 52: 103-118.

2013 Excavation at Bakr Awa 2010 and 2011, Iraq 75: 43-88. [wraz z: P. Miglus, U. Bürger, S. Mühl, A. Sollee]

2013 Shape and Distribution of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) Scavenging Marks on a Bovine Skull, Journal of Tahonomy 11 (1): 41-47. [wraz z A. Sołtysiak]

2014 Pochówki męskie na wczesnośredniowiecznych cmentarzyskach grodowych Kalisza i Giecza [w:] W. Dzieduszycki, J. Wrzesiński (red.), Królowie i biskupi, rycerze i chłopi – identyfikacja zmarłych. Funeralia Lednickie. Spotkanie 16, Poznań, s. 63-71.

2014 The Results of Anthropological Research of Human Remains from the Old Babylonian Tomb from Bakr Awa, Iraq [w:] P. Bieliński i in. (red.), Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. 30 April-3 May2012, University of Warsaw, tom. 3. Wiesbaden, s. 319-328.

2016 Problemy i perspektywy badań paleodemograficznych nad kulturą wielbarską na przykładzie cmentarzyska w Kowalewku, Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski 38.3: 8-29. [wraz z: M. Chmiel- Chrzanowska]

2017 Taphonomy of human remains exposed in burial chambers, with special reference to Near Eastern hypogea, ossuaries and burial caves [w:] J. Bradbury, C. Scarre (red). Engaging with the death. Exploring changing human beliefs about death, mortality and the human body, Oxford, s. 67-76. [wraz z: A. Soltysiak]

2017 Dieta i status we wczesnośredniowiecznej Polsce: analiza izotopów trwałych kolagenu kostnego [w:] M. Kopczyński, A. Sieniarska (red.), Budowa fizyczna człowieka na ziemiach polskich wczoraj i dziś, Warszawa, s. 147-159.

Waliszewski Tomasz

Tomasz Waliszewski
dr hab. Tomasz Waliszewski, prof. ucz.
Katedra Archeologii Orientu


duty hours:

research interests:
– archaeology of Near East
– archaeology of late Antiquity and early Islamic times
– church architecture of the early Byzantine period
– ancient mosaics
– production of oil in the ancient world
– agriculture in the Greek-Roman world
– oil lamps of the Roman and early Byzantine period
