Tomas Agnieszka

  1. dr hab. Agnieszka Tomas, prof. ucz.
    Department of Barbaricum and the Roman Provincial Archaeology

ORCID: 0000-0001-9578-8221


duty hours – winter semester 24/25:
Tuesdays 11.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. Wednesdays  11.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m., room 3.05

(please write an email before meeting)

research interests:
– Roman provincial archaeology
– Roman army archaeology
– civil settlement along the Roman frontiers
– transformation of Roman military bases in Late Antiquity

professional activity and important achievements:
Employee of the Institute (now the Faculty) since 2007. Participant and coordinator of non-invasive and excavation research in Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. Participant of excavations in the Crimea, Russia and Poland. Scholarship holder of the S. Batory Foundation, the Foundation for Polish Science and the Brzezia Lanckoroński Foundation.

The Head of the Faculty of Archeology Archaeological Expedition of the University of Warsaw in Novae. Currently managing two research projects at the Roman legionary camp in Novae (northern Bulgaria) and one in Germany (vicus Schwarzenacker).

Vice-Dean for Student’s Affairs in 2020/2021.

research projects:
Novae 2016–2021. Extramural settlement near the Roman legionary fortress at Novae (Lower Moesia) and its fate in Late Antiquity (A. Tomas)

Novae 2017–2021. In medio castrorum. Sculptural and epigraphic landscape of the central part of the legionary fortress at Novae

Novae 2012–2015. Research on settlement structures near the Roman legionary camp at Novae (Lower Moesia) using non-destructive prospection methods (A. Tomas, completed)

list of publications:


  • Inter Moesos et Thraces. The Rural Hinterland of Novae in Lower Moesia (1st – 6th centuries AD), Oxford 2016: Archaeopress (ISBN 9781784913694).
  • Living with the Army I. Civil Settlements near Roman Legionary Fortresses in Lower Moesia, Warszawa 2017: Instytut Archeologii (ISBN 978-83-61376-35-4).
  • Tomas (with contributions by: M. Jaworski, P. Jaworski, P. Wroniecki, M. Pisz oraz R. Stachowicz-Rybka, M. Moskal-del Hoyo, H. Winter, P. Janik, P. Dyczek, E. Genczewa, B. Kontny, M. Kot, Sz. Modzelewski), Living with the Army II. Novae (Lower Moesia). The Results of Remote Sensing and Field Walking Surveys, 2012-2014, WarsawStudies in Archaeology 4,  Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 2022 ISBN 978-2-503-60399-5.

Articles in journals

  • “Flasze gliniane z principia w Novae.” Novensia 12, 2000, (z: L. Kovalevskaja, T. Sarnowski): 107–122.
  • “Flasze gliniane z Novae.” In: Materiały I Międzynarodowej Studenckiej Konferencji Archeologicznej “Europa Środkowo-wschodnia przez tysiąclecia”, Novensia 13, 2000: 49–67.
  • “Flasze gliniane z budowli komendantury w Novae.” Studia i materiały archeologiczne 11, 2003, 157–164.
  • “Jugs from Novae. A Study on Finds from 1960-99.” Novensia 14, 2003: 119–184.
  • “Municipium Novensium? Report On The Field Survey At Ostrite Mogili, Veliko Turnovo District.” Światowit 47/A, 2006: 115–128.
  • “Inter Moesos et Thraces. A Contribution To The Studies On The Rural Hinterland Of Novae In Lower Moesia.” Archeologia 58, (2007) 2009: 31–147.
  • “Connecting to Public Water: The Rural Landscape and Water Supply of Lower Moesia.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 15/2, 2011: 59–72.
  • “Reading Gender and Social Life in Military Spaces.” Światowit 49/A, (2009-2010) 2011: 139–152.
  • “Canabae legionis I Italicae: state of research on civil settlements accompanying the legionary camp in Novae (Lower Moesia) compared to relevant Lower Danubian sites.” Światowit L/A, (2011) 2012: 155–168.
  • “A New Dedicatory Inscription from Novae (Lower Moesia).” Światowit 52/A, (2013) 2014: 79–86.
  • “A Six-century pottery kiln from Novae (Moesia secunda). A contribution to the local pottery manufacturing.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 19/3, 2015: 63–74.
  • A. Tomas, Z. Kis, “A Roman site in the Sarviz River Valley (Pannonia Inferior). Preliminary results.” Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 66/1, 2015: 203–215.
  • “Life on the Frontier: Roman Military Families in Lower Moesia.” Studia Europaea Gnesnensia 16, 2017: 225-257.
  • “Castra et canabae legionis. Organizacja przestrzeni i administracja cywilnych osiedli przy rzymskich obozach legionowych.” In: Między murami miasta a ścianami koszar – garnizony i historia miejska na przestrzeni dziejów [=Zeszyty Naukowe UJ. Prace Historyczne 145 (4)], Kraków 2018, 665–683.
  • A. Tomas, M. Pisz, Al. Hegyi, “Non-destructive research in the surroundings of the Roman fort Tibiscum (Romania).” Archaeological Prospection 27/1, 2020: 1–20.
  • A. Tomas, E. Jaskulska, J. Dworniak-Jarych, E Jęczmienowski, T. Dziurdzik, A. Mech, “The eastern necropolis of Novae.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 24/3, 2020: 37–63.
  • What’s for dinner today? Remarks on the provisions and diet of Roman soldiers during the Principate.” Studia Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi Incohantis 5, 2020: 128–154.
  • A. Łajtar, T. Płóciennik, A. Tomas, “A Third-Century Senator Twice-Honoured in Novae.” Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik 223, 2022: 249–253.

Monograph articles and chapters:

  • Tomas, T. Sarnowski, “Marcus Aurelius Statianus from Lower Moesia. A Note on His Origin, Status and Business.” In: The Lower Danube in Antiquity (VI BC-VI AD), L. Vagalinski, N. Sharankov (eds), Tutrakan, Sofia 2007, 231–234.
  • “Extramural area.” In: Novae. An archaeological Guide, Warszawa 2012, 77–92. (z: T. Sarnowski ed., A.B. Biernacki, M. Lemke, P. Vladkova).
  • “Pachnące miasta czy slumsy? Urządzenia sanitarne w cywilnych osiedlach przy rzymskich bazach wojskowych.” In: Czystość i brud. Higiena w starożytności, W. Korpalska, W. Ślusarczyk (eds), Bydgoszcz 2013, 139–154.
  • “Izv”n krepostnite steni.” In: Nove (Novae). Arheologičeski p”tevoditel Sofia-Warszawa 2014, 77–89 (z: T. Sarnowski ed., A.B. Biernacki, P. Vladkova, M. Lemke, E. Jordanov).
  • Tomas, P. Wroniecki, “Roman legion and attached civilian settlement as a factor of Romanisation and landscape changes: a case of Novae (northern Bulgaria).” In:  Reading Landscape as A Factor in Creating Identity. International Conference, Jarosław, 22-24 June, 2012, W. Bedyński, I. Povedàk (eds), Warszawa 2014, 49–61.
  • “Non-destructive survey in Novae (Lower Moesia).” In: Limes XXII. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012, L. Vagalinski, N. Sharankov (eds.), Sofia 2015, 881–888.
  • “Dionysus or Liber Pater? The Evidence of the Bacchic Cult at Novae (castra et canabae legionis) and in its Hinterland.” In: Ad fines imperii Romani. Studia Thaddaeo Sarnowski ab amicis, collegis discipulisque dedicata, A. Tomas (ed.), Warszawa 2015, 257–275.
  • Tomas, M. Lemke, “The Mithreum at Novae Revisited.” In: Ad fines imperii Romani. Studia Thaddaeo Sarnowski ab amicis, collegis discipulisque dedicata, Tomas (ed.), Warszawa 2015, 227–247.
  • “Female family members related to soldiers and officers of the legio I Italica. A case study.” In: Colonization and Romanization in Moesia Inferior. Premises of A Contrastive Approach, L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba (ed.), Kaiserlautern: Harrassovitz, 2015, 93–124.
  • “Tracing Civilian Settlement in the Surroundings of Novae (Lower Moesia). Sources, Investigations, Results. In: Romans and the Others in the Lower Danube Region in the First Century BC – Third Century AD. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Tulcea, 7-11 of October 2015, Cr.-G. Alexandrescu (ed.), Biblioteca Istro-Pontică. Seria Archeologie, 12, Cluj-Napoca 2016, 191–204.
  • “Pre-Roman Settlements in the Hinterland of Novae in Lower Moesia: a re-assessment of the displacements of the conquered tribes by the Romans. In: Romans in the Middle and Lower Danube Valley: Case Studies in Archaeology, Epigraphy, and History, first century BC – fifth century AD, E. de Sena, C. Timoc (eds), B.A.R. Int. Ser. 2882, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2018, 13–22.
  • “Civil settlement at Novae (Moesia inferior).” In: Limes XXIII. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies Ingolstadt, Germany, September 2015, C.S. Sommer, S. Matesić (eds.), Ingolstadt 2018, 748–755.
  • “The canabae legionis in Lower Moesia. Some observations.” In: Sacrum et profanum, E. Klenina (ed.), Novae. Studies and Materials, VI, Poznań 2018, 67–76.
  • “Kłódka z wizerunkiem twarzy znaleziona w Novae.” In: Donum Cordis. Księga dedykowana Jerzemu Kolendo, K. Jakubiak (ed.), Warszawa 2019, 374–391.
  • “Reconstruction process of the civil settlement near Novae (Moesia inferior). Epigraphic evidence.” In: Ad ripam fluminis Danuvi. Papers of the 3rd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces Vienna, 11th-14th November 2015, Fr. Mitthoff, L. Zerbini, Ch. Cenati (eds), Tyche Suppl. 11, 2021, 39–66. Wien: Holzhausen.
  • “Stamped Military Building Materials from the Funerary Context. The Case of the Eastern Necropolis of Novae (Moesia inferior).” In: Antiquitas Aeterna. Essays on Ancient Archaeology and History Dedicated to Leszek Mrozewicz on his 70th Birthday, K. Balbuza, M. Duch, Z. Kaczmarek, K. Królczyk, A. Tatarkiewicz (eds), Philippika, XX, 2021, 418–423. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • “When a cemetery must become forgotten. Funerary rites, commemoration and the fate of the eastern necropolis at Novae.” In: Nunc decet caput impedire myrto. Studies Presented to Professor Piotr Dyczek on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, Warszawa 2021.
  • “The Lower Moesian canabae in the 1st and the early 2nd” In: 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces: Traian and the Danubian Provinces. The Political, Economic, and Religious Life in the Danubian Provinces. Zagreb – Croatia, November 15th to 17th, 2017, Proceedings, D. Toncinić (ed.), Zagreb 2021.

Field reports:

  • Sarnowski, L. Kovalevskaja, A. Tomas, “Novae – castra legionis, 2006-2009. Preliminary report on the excavations of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition.” Archeologia 59, (2008) 2010: 153–172.
  • Sarnowski, A. Tomas, “The Roman Legionary Defences. Excavations of 2009 and 2010.” Światowit 48/A, (2006-2010) 2011: 185–186.
  • Sarnowski, L. Kovalevskaja, “Principia et munitiones castrorum. Headquarters Building and Legionary Defences.” Światowit 50/A, (2011), 2012: 189–194.
  • “Non-Destructive Investigations in the Extramural Area of Novae (Lower Moesia) in 2012.” Światowit 51/A, (2012) 2013: 157–161.
  • Tomas, M. Jaworski, “Non-Destructive Archaeological Investigations in the Sárviz River Valley (Hungary).” Światowit 51/A, (2012) 2013: 171–176.
  • Sarnowski, L. Kovalevskaja, A. Tomas, P. Zakrzewski “Novae 2012. Munitiones castrorum. Legionary defences, Światowit 51/A, (2012) 2013, 145–150.
  • Tomas, E. Gencheva, “Geofizični izsledvaniâ na teritoriâta na kanabite na Novae.”  AOR prez 2012 g., Sofia 2013, 250–251.
  • A .Tomas, E. Gencheva, “Geofizični izsledvaniâ na teritoriâta na kanabite na Novae.” In: AOR prez 2013 g., Sofia 2014, 318–319.
  • “Non-Destructive Investigations in the Extramural Area of Novae (Lower Moesia) in 2013.” Światowit 52/A, (2013) 2014: 197–206.
  • Sarnowski, L. Kovalevskaja, A. Tomas, P. Zakrzewski, T. Dziurdzik, E. Jęczmienowski, “Novae 2013. Legionary Defences and Headquarters Building.” Światowit 52/A, (2013) 2014: 179–188.
  • Sarnowski, L. Kovalevskaja, A. Tomas, R. Chowaniec, P. Zakrzewski, “Novae – castra legionis, 2010-1012. Preliminary report on the excavations of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition.” Archeologia 62-63, (2011-12), 2014: 75–90.
  • “Non-Destructive Investigations in the Extramural Area of Novae (Lower Moesia) in 2014.” Światowit 53/A, (2014) 2015: 205–212.
  • “Geofizični proučvanija i obhoždanija v okolnostite na Nove.” In: AOR prez 2014 g., Sofia 2015, 409–410.
  • “Mitreum do rimskija legionen lager v Novae.” In: AOR prez 2015 g., Sofia 2016, 443–447.
  • Sarnowski, L. Kovalevskaja, A. Tomas, P. Zakrzewski, T. Dziurdzik, E. Jęczmienowski “Novae 2014. Legionary Defences and the Rear Part of the Fortress.” Światowit 53/A, (2014) 2016: 185–192.
  • Sarnowski, L. Kovalevskaja, A. Tomas, P. Zakrzewski, T. Dziurdzik, E. Jęczmienowski “Novae – castra, canabae, vicus, 2013-2015. Preliminary report on the Excavations and Prospection Surveys of the University of Warsaw Archaeological Expedition.” Archeologia 65, (2014) 2016: 177–203.
  • “Arheologičeski proučvanija na ukrepitelnata sistema i sondaži v razšireneto na Nove.” In: AOR prez 2016 g., Sofija 2017, 272–274.
  • “Arheologičeski proučvanija na ukrepitelnata sistema i sondaži v razšireneto na Nove.” In: AOR prez 2016 g., Sofija 2017, 272–274.
  • Sarnowski, L. Kovalevskaja, A. Tomas, T. Dziurdzik, E. Jęczmienowski, P. Zakrzewski “Novae 2015. Legionary defences and extramural settlement.” Światowit 54-55/A/B, (2015-2016) 2018: 322–328.
  • “Razkopki v razširenijeto na Nove (Nove II).” In: AOR prez 2018 g., Sofija 2019, 237–239.
  • “Iztočen nekropol na lagera i kăasnoantičnoto razširene na Nove (Nove II).” In: AOR prez 2019 g., čast 2, Sofija 2020, 678–681.
  • “Novae. Iztočen nekropol i retentura sinistra.” In: AOR prez 2021 g., Sofija 2022: NAIM BAN (przyjęte do druku).
  • „Novae – Sektor XIII (retentura)”, In: AOR prez 2022 g., Sofija 2023: NAIM BAN (przyjęte do druku).


  • Michael Doneus, Christian Gugl, Nives Doneus, Die Canabae von Carnuntum eine Modellstudie der Erforschung römischer Lagervorstädte Von der Luftbildprospektion zur siedlungsarchäologischen Synthese, Der Römische Limes in Österreich, Heft 47, Wien 2013 (Archeologia 62-63, 2011-2012), 111–113.
  • Tomasz Waliszewski, Elaion. Despre producția uleiului de măsline în Syro-Palestina romană și timpuriu bizantină… dar nu numai (Lucus. Acta Centri Lucusiensis 4A, 2016, Timişoara, 78–80.
  • O perspectivă asupra Moesiei inferior prin prisma fundamentelor sale militare. Michał Duch, Economic Role of the Roman Army in the province of Lower Moesia (Moesia inferior), Acta Humanistica Gnesnensia, XVI, 5 maps, 4 figures, Gniezno 2017, 284 pp. (edition in Polish: Gospodarcza rola armii rzymskiej w prowincji Mezja Dolna (Moesia inferior), Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, XXIV, Poznań – Gniezno 2016, Lucus. Acta Centri Lucusiensis 5B, 2017, 105­­–108.
  • Szilvia Biró, Die zivilen vici in Pannonien, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Monographien, 131, Mainz 2017, Bonner Jahrbücher 217, 2018, 546-550.
  • Noi radiografii arheologice asupra spațiului nord pontic. The Crimea and the Northern Black Sea Coast in Archaeological Research 1956-2013 / Крым и северное побережье Чёрного моря в археологических исследованиях 1956-2013, M. Matera, R. Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski (eds.), Światowit Supplement Series C: Pontica et Caucasica, vol. I, Warszawa 2017), Lucus. Acta Centri Lucusiensis 6B, 2018, 82–87.


  • “Na straży granic rzymskiego cesarstwa.” In: Blisko i daleko. Księga Jubileuszowa Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2009, 203-207 (z: T. Sarnowski).
  • “Trochę Rzymu w północnej Bułgarii.” Z bliska i z daleka 1, 2011: 72-77 (z: T. Sarnowski).
  • “Armia rzymska i prostytucja – mit czy rzeczywistość?” Archeo UW 1, 2013: 41-53.
  • “Po co Ty się malujesz?! O rzymskim poprawianiu urody i niezmiennej naturze jego krytyków.” Gazeta Biskupińska 6, 2016: 2–3.

Aulsebrook Stephanie

Dr. Stephanie Aulsebrook
Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology


duty hours:
Thursday 13:30 – 14:30 (online during inter-semester breaks and the summer semester; please email to make an appointment)

research interests:
– Aegean Late Bronze Age
– metal artefacts
– object biographies

Forging Society at Late Bronze Age Mycenae

Aegean Metalware – Collaboration with Dr Christina Clarke (ANU)

Historical Metallurgy Society

Aulsebrook, S. 2022. Recent developments in archaeometallurgical research: the Bronze Age Greek Mainland, Crete, and the Cyclades. Archaeological Reports 68: 109–132.

Aulsebrook, S. 2022. The impact of archaeological recording on the study of metal artefacts. Mycenae 1939: a case study. Annual of the British School of Athens 117: 415–455.

Aulsebrook, S. 2022. Forging ahead or foiled again? A new direction for cross-craft analysis with case studies from Late Bronze Age metalworking in the Aegean, in S. Aulsebrook, K. Żebrowska, A. Ulanowska and K. Lewartowski (eds.) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 3. Turnhout: Brepols: 99–112.

Aulsebrook, S. 2022. All’s well that ends well. An in-depth look at how objects entered Aegean Late Bronze Age wells, in S. Aulsebrook, K. Żebrowska, A. Ulanowska and K. Lewartowski (eds.) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 3. Turnhout: Brepols: 163–166.

Aulsebrook, S. 2020. Understanding the role of metal within the Late Bronze Age community at Mycenae: challenges and potential approaches. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 29(2): 237–264.

Aulsebrook, S. 2019. Crisis at the Cult Centre: Evidence from the Megaron Basements, in K. Żebrowska, A. Ulanowska and K. Lewartowski (eds.) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 2. Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press: 111–121.

Aulsebrook, S. 2019. Materialising Mythology: the Cup of Nestor from Shaft Grave IV at Mycenae, in K. Żebrowska, A. Ulanowska and K. Lewartowski (eds.) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 2. Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press: 79–89.

French, E.B. and S. Aulsebrook. 2018. Italy and Mycenae, in M. Bettelli, M. Del Freo and G.J. van Wijngaarden (eds.) Mediterranea Itinera. Studies in Honour of Lucia Vagnetti. Rome: CNR – Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo antico: 67–76.

Demakopoulou, K. and S. Aulsebrook. 2018. The Gold and Silver Vessels and Other Precious Finds from the Tholos Tomb at Kokla in the Argolid. Annual of the British School at Athens 113: 119–142.

Aulsebrook, S. 2018. Chicken or egg? Rethinking the relationship between the silver and tinned ceramic vessel assemblages. Annual of the British School at Athens 113: 75–118.

Aulsebrook, S. 2018. Rethinking standardisation: the social meanings of Mycenaean metal cups. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 37: 147–163.

Aulsebrook, S. 2017. Repair, recycle or modify? The response to damage and/or obsolescence in Mycenaean metal vessels during the Prepalatial and Palatial Periods and its implications for understanding metal recycling. Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici NS 3: 7–26.

Aulsebrook, S. 2017. Late Bronze Age manipulation of light and colour in metal, in C. Duckworth and A. Sassin (eds.) Colour and Light in Ancient and Medieval Art. London: Routledge: 35–45.

Aulsebrook, S. 2016. Placed with care: interaction with decorated Mycenaean metal vessels, in M. Mina, Y. Papadatos, and S. Triantafyllou (eds.) An Archaeology of Prehistoric Bodies and Embodied Identities in the Eastern Mediterranean. Proceedings of a conference held 10-12 April 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus. Oxford: Oxbow Books: 71–77.

Aulsebrook, S. 2015. Retrieving capacity data from crushed lead vessels: an example from the House of Lead, Mycenae. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 15.3: 201–211.

– ResearchGate

Jończyk Ludwika

pHd Ludwika Jończyk
Dr. Ludwika Jończyk
Department of Medieval and Early Modern Archeology


duty hours:
Monday 11.30 am – 1.15 pm, room 3.21

research interests:
– archaeology of Old Prussians and Balts in early medieval
– Old Prussians‘ funeral rites in early medieval


The NCN project currently in progress (2020–2024): “Mosiężysko”. An early medieval cemetery in Szurpiły, podlaskie voivodeship. A study of field research results.

Wołoszyn Janusz

PhD Janusz Z. Wołoszyn


duty hours:
Monday 13:00-14:30
Room 3.23

research interests:
Iconography of pre-Columbian cultures, Andean archaeology, archaeology of identity, rock art


The project currently in progress (2017-2023):
Toro Muerto – the multifaceted analysis of unique South American rock art complex.

Derda Tomasz

Tomasz Derda
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Derda
Chair of Epigraphy and Papyrology


phone number:
+48 22 55 22 815

duty hours:
Monday 13.00–15.00, room 3.15
Thursday 15.00–16.00, room 3.15

research interests:
– papyrology
– Greaco-Roman Egypt



  1. Deir el-Naqlun. The Greek Papyri (= Studia Antiqua, vol. 11), Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 1995
  2. Ἀρσινοΐτης νομὸς. Administration of the Fayum under Roman Rule
    (= The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement VII), Warszawa 2006
  3. Deir el-Naqlun. The Greek Papyri. Volume Two (P. Naqlun II) (= The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplement IX – with contributions by Jakub Urbanik and Jacques van der Vliet, Warszawa 2008
  4. P. Bodmer 1 recto: A Land List from the Panopolite Nome in Upper Egypt (after AD 216/7) (= The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplement XIV, Warszawa 2010

5      (with Joanna Wegner) Greek Ostraca from Marea. A Dossier of Construction Managers Active in the Region of Mareotis in the Second Half of the Sixth Century (= The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplement XXXVIII), in print.


Articles and chapters

  1. “Eumoiria. a Proper Name or an Epithet of Deceased”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 64, 1986, pp. 87-90
  2. “Στρουθός – pdd, an Example of a Bilingual Nickname (Reconsideration of Sam­melbuch i 5441)”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 65, 1986, pp. 187-190
  3. “An Athenian Dedicatory Inscription to Zeus Hypsistos Reconsidered”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 70, 1987, pp. 163-165 (with Adam Łajtar)
  4. “Θύριον – a New Occurence of a Rare Word”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 20, 1990, pp. 41-45
  5. “Necropolis Workers in Graeco-Roman Egypt”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 21, 1991, pp. 13-37
  6. “P. Naqlun inv. no. 35/88 – a Papyrus from the Recently Excavated Monastic Centre in Fayyum Oasis, [in:] Proceedings of the 19th Congress of Papyrology (2–9 September 1989), Cairo 1992, pp. 603–612
  7. “Personel nekropoli egipskich w okresie rzymskim”, Studia Archeologiczne 7, 1990 (in Polish)
  8. “Deir el-Naqlun: Preliminary Report 1988-89”, Nubica III/1, 1994, pp. 201-264 (with Włodzimierz Godlewski and Tomasz Górecki)
  9. “Deir el-Naqlun 1990: The Greek Papyri”, [in:] Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean II, Reports 1989-1990, pp. 54-57
  10. “Deir el-Naqlun 1990: Papirusy greckie”, [in:] Raporty Wykopaliskowe Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej II 1990, Warszawa 1991, pp. 52-54  (in Polish)
  11. “Inscriptions with the Formula θεοῦ χάρις κέρδος on Late Roman Amphorae”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 94, 1992, pp. 135–152
  12. “P. Naqlun inv. 53/86: a Letter from Bishop Nicolaos to Comes Basileios”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 22 (1992), pp. 11–19.
  13. „Some Remarks on the Christian Symbol ΧΜΓ”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 22 (1992), pp. 21–27.
  14. „Zbigniew Borkowski (1936–1991) in memoriam”, Meander 47, 1992, pp. 427–431 (in Polish)
  15. „Polish Excavations at Deir el-Naqlun 1986-91: Interdependence of Papyrology and Archaeology”, [in:] Proceedings of the 21st Congress of Papyrologists (Copenhagen 23-30 August 1992), Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen 1994, pp. 124-130, Plates 1-6
  16. “Chrześcijański symbol ΧΜΓ” [in:] Nunc de Suebis dicendum est … Studia archaeo­logica et historica Georgio Kolendo ab amicis et discipulis dicata, Warszawa 1995, pp.
  17. „Deir el-Naqlun 1992: The Greek Papyri and Inscriptions on Vessels”, [in:] Polish Ar­chaeology in the Mediterranean IV, Reports 1992, Warszawa 1993, pp. 49-52
  18. „Deir el-Naqlun 1992: Papirusy greckie”, [in:] Raporty Wyko­pa­lis­kowe Cent­rum Ar­cheo­logii Śródziemnomorskiej IV, Warszawa 1993
  19. „P. Naqlun inv. 66/87: a List of Garments Delivered to the Monastery”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 23 (1993) (= Studies in memory of Zbigniew Borkow­ski), pp. 43–48
  20. „A Christian Prayer from Ramses IVth Tomb in the Theban Valley of the Kings”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 24, 1994, pp. 19-22 (with Adam Łajtar)
  21. „Les titles apa, abba et papas dans les papyrus”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 24, 1994, pp. 23-56 (with Ewa Wipszycka)
  22. „The Naqlun Papyri and the Codex Alexandrinus”, [in:] The Spirituality of Ancient Mo­nasticism, Acts of the International Colloquium, Cracow-Tyniec, 16-19.11.1994, Cracow 1995, pp. 13-34.
  23. „Some Non-Documentary Texts from Deir el-Naqlun”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 25 (1995), pp. 41–48
  24. „P. Naqlun inv. 10/95: Greek excerpts from a liturgy with their Coptic translation”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 26 (1996), pp. 7–21 (with Katarzyna Urbaniak-Walczak)
  25. „Did the Jews use the name of Moses in Antiquity?”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 115 (1997), pp. 257–260
  26. „Papirusy z Deir el-Naqlun a Codex Alexandrinus”, [in:] Chrześcijaństwo u schyłku starożytności. Studia Źródłoznawcze, ed. Tomasz Derda and Ewa Wipszycka, War­sza­wa 1997, pp. 11–38
  27. “Deir el-Naqlun and its Greek papyri”, [in:] Archeologia e papiri nel Fayyum. Storia della ricerca, problemi e prospettive. Atti del Convegno Inter­nazionale Siracusa, 24-25 maggio 1996, Siracusa 1997, pp. 147-156
  28. “P. Colon. inv. 463: Receipt issued to a practor for the taxes transferred by him to a bank”, [in:] Kölner Papyri (P. Köln), Band IX, Wiesbaden 2001, no. 372, pp. 119-121
  29. “P. Naqlun inv. 55+58/86: a Byzantine letter from Deir el-Naqlun”, [in:] P. Sijpe­steijn. Papyri edited by different scholars in memory of Pieter Johannes Sijpesteijn, Am­sterdam – New York 2006
  30. “Data powstania drewnianego reliefu z Aszmunein w zbiorach Muzeów Berlińskich. Uwagi o wykorzystaniu źródeł prawnych dla datowania zabytków sztuki an­tycznej” (“Dating of the wooden relief from Ashmunein kept in the Berlin Museum. Remarks on using legal sources for dating masterpieces of ancient art”) [in:] Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej (= Studies in Honour of Maria Nowicka), Warszawa 1998, pp. 31-42 (with Adam Łajtar) — an enlarged English version will be published in 2005
  31. “The Jews and the name of Moses – a reply”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 124, 1999, pp. 210-211
  32. “Zwei Inschriften auf spätrömischen Amphoren” [in:] T. Sarnowski (ed.), Novae. Das Stabs­gebaüde. Architektur und Funde, Limesforschungen. Römisch-Ger­manische Komis­sion, Frankfurt
  33. “P. Naqlun inv. 27+28/88: a document from an Egyptian monastery in the Fayum and the procedure of énachlãfhsiw/retractatio”, [in:] Au-delà des frontières. Mélanges de droit romain offerts à Witold Wolodkiewicz, Warszawa 2000, pp. 197-205 (with Jakub Urbanik)
  34. “Papirologia”, [in:] Vademecum historyka starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, t. III. Źródło­znaw­stwo póznego antyku, Warszawa 1999, pp. 417-489.
  35. “Chronologia”, [in:] Vademecum historyka starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, t. III. Źródło­znaw­stwo póznego antyku, Warszawa 1999, pp. 334–363 (with Adam ¸ajtar)
  36. Nos. 72, 73, 80, 81, 82, 83, [in:] Bogowie Starożytnego Egiptu (= The Gods of Ancient Egypt), ed. by K. Babraj & H. Szymańska, Cracow 2000 – a catalogue of an exhibition in the Archaeological Museum in Cracow
  37. “De bij en de grande dame, de prostituee en de ‘dwaze moeder’: Cleopatra in de Poolse en de Russische literatuur”, Kleio 30 (2001), pp. 98-101
  38. “Laat-Ptolemeïsch Egypte zonder Cleopatra: de poëzie van Cavafy”, Kleio 30 (2001), pp. 102-105
  39. “Papyri and ostraca kept in the Department of Papyrology of Warsaw University. A Web page project”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 30, 2000, pp. 265-270 (with Ewa Wipszycka, Tomasz Markiewicz and Jakub Urbanik)
  40. “Papirologia”, [in:] Vademecum historyka starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, t. I/II. Źródło­znaw­stwo starożytnosci klasycznej, Warszawa 2001, pp. 364-399 (with Ewa Wipszycka)
  41. Pagi in the Arsinoites: a Study in Administration of the Fayum in the Early Byzantine Period”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 31, 2001, pp. 17-32.
  42. “Aurelius Agathodaemon, dekaprôtos of the Second and Third Toparchy of the Arsinoite Nome”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 31, 2001, pp. 9-12.
  43. P. Tebt. II 581 descr.: a receipt issued by Aurelius Agathodaemon, dekaprôtos of the second and third toparchy of the Arsinoite nome”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 31, 2001, pp. 13-14.
  44. “The village of Philoxenos in the Arsinoites: a note”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 31, 2001, pp. 15-16
  45. “O. Edfou 192 and 193: Two Documents on One Potsherd” [in:] Edfu, An Egyptian Provincial Capital in the Ptolemaic Period, ed. Katelijn Vandorpe and Willy Clarysse, Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, Handelingen van het contactforum (Brussel 3 September 2001), pp. 45-50.
  46. “Soterichos Oasites revisited” (with Paweł Janiszewski), [in:] Εὐεργεσίας χάριν. Studies Presented to Benedetto Bravo and Ewa Wipszycka by Their Disciples, Warszawa 2002, pp. 51-70.
  47. “Toparchies in the Arsinoite Nome: a Study in Administration of the Fayum in the Graeco-Roman Period”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 33, 2003, pp. 27-54.
  48. Komogrammateis and their komogrammateiai in the Arsinoite Nome in Roman Period”, [in:] Mario Capasso and Paola Davoli (eds.), New Archaeological and Papyrological Researches on the Fayyum. Proceedings of the International Meeting of Egyptology and Papyrology, Lecce, June 8th–10th, 2005 (= Papyrologica Lupiensia, 14/2005), Galatina 2007, pp. 125–134,
  49. “Greek inscriptions” in Hanna Szymańska, Krzysztof Babraj, Marea. Excavations in Egypt 2000–2006. Bath with Sakiyah. Funerary Chapel. with contributions by Tomasz Derda and Grzegorz Majcherek, Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie, t. IV, Kraków 2007, pp. 169–176
  50. “Waterway Fayum–Alexandria. A Note on P. Lille I 1 (= P. Zen. Pest., Appendix A)”, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 36, 2006, pp. 9–20.
  51. “Four Christian Funerary Inscriptions from the Fayum (I. Deir al-‘Azab 1-4)“, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 36, 2006, pp. 21–33 (with Jacques van der Vliet)
  52. “From Ptolemaic Arsinoites Nomos to Three Arsinoite merides as independent nomes in Roman period: Continuity and administrative change”, [in:] S. L. Lippert and M. Schentuleit, eds., Graeco-Roman Fayum: Texts and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Third International Fayum Symposion, Freudenstadt, May 29 – June 1, 2007, Wiesbaden 2008, pp. 93–100
  53. 1. „Novae in Ancient Sources”, edited by J. Kolendo in collaboration with T. Derda and T. Płóciennik, [w:] Novae. Legionary Fortress and Late Antique Town. Volume One. A Companion to the Study of Novae, ed. T. Derda, P. Dyczek, J. Kolendo, Warsaw 2008, pp. 71–114
  54. ‘Soterichos Oasites’, [in:] Encyclopedia of Ancient History, ed. Roger S. Bagnall, Kai Brodersen, Craige B. Champion, Andrew Erskine, Sabine R. Huebner, 2012
  55. ‘Monuments of Christian Sinnuris (Fayyum, Egypt)’ (with Peter Grossmann, and Jacques van der Vliet), Eastern Christian Art 8 (2011), pp. 29–49
  56. Greek and Latin papyri from the Egypt Exploration Society excavations at Qasr Ibrim: A testimony to the Roman army in Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia in the first years of Augustus (with Adam Łajtar), [in:] P. Schubert (ed.), Actes du 26e Congrès international de papyrologie, Genève, 16–21 août 2010, Geneva 2012, pp. 183-186
  57. ‘18. A police report(?) containing a list of stolen items and village teretai in Byzantine Egypt’ (with Constantinos Balamoshev) [in:] Inediti offerti a Rosario Pintaudi per il suo 65° compleanno (P. Pintaudi), ed. Diletta Minutoli, Firenze 2012, pp. 82–89
  58. ‘13. P. Qasr Ibrim inv. 80/11: A testimony to Zenodotos’ edition of the Iliad?’ (with Adam Łajtar), [in:] Papyrological Texts in Honor of Roger S. Bagnall, ed. Rodney Ast, Hélène Cuvigny, Todd M. Hickey, and Julia Lougovaya, American Studies in Papyrology, vol. 53, Atlanta 2012, pp. 75–78
  59. ‘Klaudiusz Ptolemeusz i nauka aleksandryjska’, [w:] Świat Ptolemeusza. Włoska kartografia renesansowa w zbiorach Biblioteki Narodowej, Warszawa 2012, pp. 36-43
  60. ‘Refuse dump in sector B in Naqlun: excavation report 2008–2009’ (with Dorota Dzierzbicka), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21 (2012), pp. 212-221.
  61. ‘Inscriptions on ceramics from Tell Atrib (ancient Athribis) in the Nile Delta’ (with Adam Łajtar), Etudes et Travaux 26 (2013), pp. 173-191.
  62. ‘Two wills from Oxyrhynchos’ (with Maria Nowak), Journal of Juristic Papyrology 42 (2012), pp. 101-115.
  63. „Roman occupation of Qasr Ibrim as reflected in Greek papyri from the site” (with Adam Łajtar), [w:] J. L. Hagen & J. van der Vliet (eds.), Qasr Ibrim, between Egypt and Africa: Studies in Cultural Exchange (NINO Symposium, Leiden, 11–12 December 2009), Leiden 2014, pp. 105–110.
  64. BGU XX 2862: An update of the figure of men liable to poll tax, [in:] Dokumentarische Texte der Berliner Papyrussammlung aus ptolemäischer und römischer Zeit zur Wiedereröffnung des Neuen Museums, ed. F. Reiter, Berlin 2014
  65. Three lists of soldiers on papyrus found in Qasr Ibrim (with Adam Łajtar and Tomasz Płóciennik) [in:] A. Tomas (ed.), Ad fines imperii Romani. Studia Thaddaeo Sarnowski septuagenario ab amicis, collegis discipulisque dedicata, Warszawa 2015, pp. 47–57.

66,   Where did the third legion of Augustan Egypt have its base? (with Adam Łajtar and Tomasz Płóciennik), Palamedes 9/10 (2014/2015), published 2016, pp. 99–105

  1. New documentary papyri from the Polish excavations at Deir el-Naqlun (P. Naqlun 35–38) (with Joanna Wegner), Journal of Juristic Papyrology 44 (2014), published 2016, pp. 117–132.
  2. Letter from Tebetny to the monks of Naqlun concerning fieldwork (P. Naqlun 39) (with Joanna Wegner), [in:] Mélanges Jean Gascou. Travaux et Mémoirs du Centre de Recherche d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance 20/1, 2016, pp. 133–150.
  3. Πατέρες τοῦ ἁγίου Νεκλονίου. Functionaries of the Naqlun monastery in the first two centuries of its existence, [in:] Aegyptus et Nubia Christiana, The Włodzimierz Godlewski Jubilee Volume on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, ed. by A. Łajtar, A. Obłuski, I. Zych, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw 2016, pp. 73–97.
  4. Will of [—]is daughter of Pachois from Oxyrhynchos. P.Oxy. ii 379 descr. (with Maria Nowak), [in:] Mater Familias, Scritti Romanistici per Maria Zabłocka (=Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement 29), ed. Zuzanna Benincasa, Jakub Urbanik, Warsaw 2016, pp. 135–144.
  5. Will of Ploution, son of Ischyrion, from Oxyrhynchos, a weaver(?). Legatum per praeceptionem in an Oxyrhynchite local will?, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 207 (2018), pp. 145–154
  6. In Memoriam Tomasz Górecki, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 47 (2017), pp. xxxiii–xli
  7. Chapter Four: ‘A Roman Province in the Eastern Mediterranean’, [in:] Blackwell Companion. Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt, ed. Katelijn Vandorpe, pp. 51–69
  8. ‘Naqlun in the 5th–7th century: papyrological and literary evidence’ (with Joanna Wegner), [in:] Sandra Lippert, Marie-Pierre Chaufray, Ivan Guermeur i Vincent Rondot (wyd.), Le Fayoum. Archéologie – Histoire – Religion. Actes du sixième colloque international. Montpellier, 26–28 octobre 2016, Wiesbaden 2018, pp. 183–198.
  9. „The Naqlun fathers and their business affairs“ (with Joanna Wegner), [in:] Monastic Economies in Egypt and Palestine, ed. Louise Blanke, Cambridge University Press.


Review of books

  1. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 24, 1994, pp. 214-215 — review of: Roger S. Bagnall, Bruce W. Frier, The Demography of Roman Egypt (= Cambridge Studies in Population Economy and Society in Past Time, vol. XXIII), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994
  2. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 26, 1996, pp. 218-219 — review of: Lexikom der latei­ni­schen Lehnwörter in den griechischsprachigen Texten Ägyptens mit Bericksichtigung koptischer Quellen (= Lex. Lat. Lehn.), Faszikel I (“Alpha”), erstellt von Irene-Maria Cervenka-Ehrenstrasser, Wien 1996


Editorial activity

since 1991:   Assistant of the Editors of The Journal of Juristic Papyrology

since 1995:   Editor of The Journal of Juristic Papyrology

1997–2006:   Co-Editor of Nubica et Æthiopica. International Journal for Coptic, Meroitic, Nubian, Ethiopian, and Related Studies [continuation of Nubica]

since 2002:   Editor of the Supplements to the The Journal of Juristic Papyrology – vols. I–XXXIV.



Director of the projects

  1. P. Bodmer 1 recto: a land list from the Panopolite Nome in Upper Egypt”, grant no. 1 H01G 024 13 financed by the State Committee for Scientific Research of the Republic of Poland, completed in 2000.
  2. Publikacja papirusów z klasztoru w Naqlun, grant no. 2 H01G 025 24 financed by the State Committee for Scientific Research of the Republic of Poland, completed in 2007.
  3. Wino w Egipcie grecko-rzymskim. Rodzaje win, naczynia na wino i miary objętości – studium interdyscyplinarne, grant no. N N109 179038 financed by the National Science Centre of the Republic of Poland, completed in 2011
  4. Studium funkcjonowania eremu w grobowcu 1152 w Gurna (Luxor) w świetle danych archeologicznych i tekstowych, grant no. N N109 318337 financed by the National Science Centre of the Republic of Poland, completed in 2014.
  5. Papyri Graecae Vratislavienses. Opracowanie dokumentów greckich z kolekcji Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, grant no. N N108 189438 financed by the National Science Centre of the Republic of Poland, completed in 2015.
  6. Ostraka z Marei, czyli jak w V w. zbudowano wielką bazylikę, grant no. 2012/07/B/HS3/03638 financed by the National Science Centre of the Republic of Poland, completed in 2017.
  7. Ekspozycja papirusów z kolekcji Biblioteki im. Rafała Taubenschlaga, grant no. 576/P-DUNdem/2013, financed by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Poland, completed in May 2014.
  8. Czy „Marea“ to Marea? Rzymski ośrodek przemysłowy i wielkie miasto bizantyńskie w regionie Mareotis (koło Aleksandrii) – grant NCN Opus, UMO-2017/25/B/HS3/01841, czas realizacji lipiec 2018 – czerwiec 2021.


Dyczek Piotr

prof. Piotr Dyczek


duty hours:

research interests: focus on the history and archaeology of the Roman provinces, the Roman limes, Roman Provincial art, Roman pottery, and the Aegean, and Illyria

1. Sculptures from the “templum Aesculapii et Hygiae” in the Legionary Hospital at Novae (Moesia Interior), ed. Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu, Cult and Votive Monuments in the Roman Provinces , [in:] Proceedings of the 13th International Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art, Bucharest-Alba Iulia-Constanţa, 27nd of May – 3rd of June 2013 – within the framework of Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani, Cluj-Napoca 2015, 201-209.
2. Stolica Teuty – Rhizon – antyczne miasto ludzi takich jak my, Głos Polonii 13, 2015 , 22-26.
3. et alii, Rimski voenen lagier i rannovizantijski grad Novae, Arheologičeski otkrytija i razkopki prez 2014, Sofia 2015, 403-405.
4. Risan – historia pełna tajemnic – ulotka muzealna, Podgorica 2015.
5. „The Most Splendid Town of Novaesians”, Limes XXII. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Fronter Studies Ruse, Bulgria, September 2012, eds. L. Vagalinski, N. Sharankov, Sofia 2015, 169-177.
6. Rhizon in der Zeit des Königs Ballaios, Kontaktzone Balkan, Beiträge des internationalen Kolloquiums „Die Donau-Balkan-Region als Kontaktzone zwischen Ost-West und Nor-Süd“ vom 16.-18.Mai 2012 in Frankfurt a. M. , Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frügeschichte, 20, 2015, 107-116.
7. In the footsteps of spiritual culture: different people, different traditions, one Europe. Best practice in museology Skills and tools to the cultural heritage and cultural tourism management Papers collected and coordinated by Sara Santoro in the framework of Tempus IV project. Network for Post Graduate Masters in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management in Balkan Countries (CHTMBAL), II VOLUME, Teramo 2015, ISBN 978-88-97017-08-0, 169-178
8. From Tanais to Novae: the Polish Archaeology in transition countries, Skills and tools to the cultural heritage and cultural tourism management Papers collected and coordinated by Sara Santoro in the framework of Tempus IV project. Network for Post Graduate Masters in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management in Balkan Countries (CHTMBAL), II VOLUME, Teramo 2015, ISBN 978-88-97017-08-0 227-270.
9. Tre vjet gërmime shqiptar o-polake në Shkodër, Iliria 38, 2015, 9-22.
10. Shkdёr. Gёrmimet arkeologjike tё viteve 2013-2014, Iliria 38, 279-292
11. Image of the Castrum of the I Italica on the Column of Trajan: Fiction or archaeological Reality ? MOESICA ET CHRISTIANA, Studies in Honour of Professor Alexandru Barnea Edited by Adriana Panaite, Romeo Cîrjan and Carol Căpiţă Muzeul Brăilei “Carol I” – Editura Istros, Brăila 2016, 95-110.
12. Obrazki z wystawy — ze sztambucha archeologa/Slike sa izložbe — iz albuma archeologa, [In:[ Tak to się wszystko zaczęło… śladami Polaków w Czarnogórze/Tako je sve počelo…tragom Poljaka u Crnoj Gori, Ed. P. Dyczek, Podgorica 2015, 33-66.
13. New Finds of Roman Armour from Legionary Fortress at Novae (Moesia Inferior), Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 17 2016, 87-94.
14. Novae sector XII – Baraki na I kohorta na VIII Augustov I na I Italijski legion, Arheologičeski otkrytija i proučvanija za 2015 godina, Sofia 2016, 338-440.
15. Amphorae from the Barracks of legio VIII Augusta and legio I Italica in Novae, Rei Cretarae Romanae Fautorum Acta 44, 2016, 563-570.
16. Coena funebris on a funerary stela from Novae, Palamedes 9/10, 2014/2015, 107-118.
17. Ancient port of Rhizon/Risinum – Montenegro, Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World, 12/2016, 2016, 79-88.
18. A new way of dating so-called Byzantine lamps as exemplified by finds from Novae, Orbis Barbarorum. Studia ad archaeologiam Germanorum et Baltorum temporibus Imperii Romanii pertinentia Adalberdo Nowakowski dedicate, pod redakcją Jaceka Andrzejowskiego, Clausa von Carnapa-Bornheima, Adama Cieslińskiego I Bartosza Kontnego, Warszawa-Scheswig 2017, 601-611.
19. Maximinus Thrax in Novae, Roman Frontier Studies 2009. Proceedings of the XXI International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies (Limes Congress) held at Newcastle upon Tyne in August 2009 edited by Nick Hodgson, Paul Bidwell and Judith Schachtmann, Oxford 2017, 461-465.
20. Hejże chłopcze przynieś czarę – Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Aleksandrowi Krawczukowi z okazji dziewięćdziesiątej piątej rocznicy urodzin pod redakcją E. Dąbrowy, T. Grabowskiego i M. Piegonia, Florilegium Kraków 2017, 83—98.
21. On the So-Called Legionary Pottery and „Mysterious” Lower Danube Kaolin Wares (LDKW), Troesmis- A Changing Landscape. Romans and the Others in the Loer Danube Region in the First Century BC – Third Century AD. Proceedings on an International Colloquium Tulcea, 7th – 10th of October 2015, Biblioteca Istro-Pontica, Seria Arheologie 12, Cluj-Napoca 2016, 233-256.
22. Novae Sector XII – First Cohort Barracks of Legio VIII Augusta and Legio I Italica, [in:] ed. L. Vagalinski, Archaeological Discoveries and Excavations in 2016, 274-276.
23. The Augustan inspirations for the decoration of the chimney place in the Tyszkiewicz-Potocki Palace in Warsaw. presented to mark the occasion of the University of Warsaw bicentennial [in:] eds. G. Bąkowska-Czerner, J. BodzekAugustus From Republic to Empire, Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 36, 2017, 54-61.
24. Representation of daily-life of legionaries and civilians on selected grave stones from Novae (Moesia Inferior), [in:], ed. .S. Lefebvre, Iconographie du quotidian dans ‘art provincial romain: Modèles régionaux. 44ème supplement àla Revue Archéologique de L’Est, Dijon 2017, 139-148.
25. P. Dyczek, L. Chrzanowski, Deux types lampes tardo-antiques, decouvertes dans les fouilles de Novae, [w:] eds. G. Nuţu, S.-C. Ailincăi. C. Micu, The Man, the River and the Sea, Studies in Archaeology and History in Honour of Florin Topoleanu on his 65th Aniversary,. Cluj-Napoca 2017, 51- 64.
26. Co jadali starożytni, Uniwersytecka książka kucharska, red, A. Kędziorek, B. Jankowiak-Konik, Warszawa 2016, 165-173.
27. Rhizon/Risinium de novo in lucem proditus, [w:] eds. L. Përzhita, I. Gjipali G. Hoxha, B. Muka, New Archaeological Discoveries in the Albanian Regions, vol. 1 Tiranë 2017, 375-392
28. Amphorae from Late Roman structures on the site of the legionary barracks in Novae (Moesia Inferior), [ed.]. D. Dixneuf, Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and archaeometry, Volume 2, Études Alexandrines 43, 2017, 683-691.
29. Terra incognita: results of polish excavations in Albania and Montenegro, Studia Europea Gnesnenia 16, 2017351-369.
30. The fine ware supply of the earliest Roman units on the Lower Danube limes: the case of the First Cohorts in Novae, Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 45, 2018, 551-558.
31. Nove sector XII: Barakite na pârva kohorta na VIII Augustov i Pârvy Italijski legion, Arheologičeski otkritija i proučvanija prez 2017 godina, Sofia 2018, 195-197.
32. Wooden Barracks of the First Cohort of the Legio VIII Augusta from Novae (Moesia Inferior) , Limes XXXIII, Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Ingolstadt 2015, Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmsmalpflege, Sonderband 4/1, Mainz 2018, 530-536
33. The eye of Argus, [in:] Sacrum et Profanum ed. E. J. Klenina, Novae Studies and Materials VI, Poznań 2018, 29-40.
34. An Illyrian Palace in Rhizon: Preliminary Results, [in:] L’Illyrie Méridionale et L’Épire dans L’Antiquité VI, eds. J-L. Lamboley, L. Përzhita et A. Skënderaj, vol I, Paris 2018, 259 -265.
35. –S. Shpuza, Scodra. De la capitelk du royaume Illyrien à la capitale de la province romaine. [in:] L’Illyrie Méridionale et L’Épire dans L’Antiquité VI, eds. J-L. Lamboley, L. Përzhita et A. Skënderaj, vol I, Paris 2018, 269 -278.

Professor Piotr Dyczek is the Head of the Department of History and Material Culture in the Institute of Archaeology, as well as the Director for the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Centre, at the University of Warsaw.

Łukaszewicz Adam

prof. dr Adam Łukaszewicz
Chair of Epigraphy and Papyrology


duty hours:
Wednesday 14.45-15.45, room 3.15

research interests:
– papyrology and epigraphy
– mediterranean archaeology
– ancient history (research on written sources)
– textual criticism, classical philology
– history of research in Egypt
– reception of Antiquity in Polish literature

about me:
Archaeologist of the Mediterranean, papyrologist and epigraphist, historian of Antiquity.
Habilitation Aegyptiaca Antoniniana. Działalność Karakalli w Egipcie (215-216), Warszawa 1993 (Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw).
Vicepresident of the Committee on Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences; member of the committee of the Polish Academy of Learning; member (alumnus) of the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), Humboldtian (member of the Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum), honorary member of the Society of Historians of Antiquity.
In the years 1999–2002, director of the archaeological mission of the Polsish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology in Dendera.
In 2012, promoter of the doctorate honoris cause for prof. dr Hans Hauben from KU Leuven (Belgia).
Member of numerous scientific societies (i.a. former president of the Warsaw Branch of the Societas Philologa Polonorum in the years 2006–2014).
Only in the period 2005–2018, participant in 128 scientific conferences, including 75 international and 53 Polish, with 101 papers delivered during them.

bibliography (selection):


Les édifices publics dans les villes de l’Égypte romaine. Problèmes administratifs et financiers, Warsaw 1986; 2nd ed.: Warsaw 2018
Opowieści spod piramid, Warsaw 2015

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Inter Orientem et Septentrionem, Warsaw 2008

Egipt Greków i Rzymian, Warsaw 2006

Kleopatra. Ostatnia królowa starożytnego Egiptu, Warsaw 2005

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Świat papirusów, Warsaw 2001

Antoninus Philosarapis. Observations on Caracalla’s visit to the Sarapeum of Alexandria, Warsaw 1998

Aegyptiacae quaestiones tres, Warsaw 1995


books translated into Polish:

N. Grimal, Dzieie starożytnego Egiptu, Warsaw 2004 (from French)

P. Grimal, Marek Aureliusz, Warsaw 1997 (from French)

M. Lurker, Bogowie i symbole starożytnych Egipcjan, Warsaw 1995 (from German)

J. Vogt, Upadek Rzymu. Metamorfoza kultury antycznej,Warsaw 1993 (from German)


articles (selection):

‘Ptolemy XII and the Romans – an Alexandrian Money Story’, The Polish Journal of the Arts and CultureNS 3 (1/2016), pp. 29–39

‘Alexander the Great and the Island of Pharos’, [in:] K. Nawotka & A. Wojciechowska (eds.), Alexander the Great and the East. History, Art, Tradition, Wiesbaden 2016, pp. 33–39

‘César et Cléopâtre sur le Nil’, Eos103 (2016), pp. 49–56

‘Remarks on Mars Ultor, Augustus and Egypt’, [in:] Z. Benincasa & J. Urbanik (eds.), Mater familias. Scritti romanistici per Maria Zabłocka, Warsaw 2016, pp. 487–499

‘Egyptian Archaeology – a Part of African Studies?’, [in:] N. Pawlak, H. Rubinkowska-Anioł, & I. Will (eds.), African Studies. Forging New Perspectives and Directions, Warsaw 2016, pp. 19–30

‘Cleopatra and Kandake’, [in:] A. Łajtar, A. Obłuski, & I. Zych (eds.), Aegyptus et Nubia Christiana. The Włodzimierz Godlewski Jubilee Volume on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Warsaw 2016, pp. 691–698

‘Improvised Remarks on Alexander the Great and His Heritage’, [in:] K. Twardowska et alii(eds.), Within the Circle of Ancient Ideas and Virtues. Studies in Honour of Professor Maria Dzielska, Cracow 2014, pp. 97–116

‘Alexander and Alexandria – a View from Kom el-Dikka’, [in:] V. Grieb, K. Nawotka, & A. Wojciechowska (eds.), Alexander the Great and Egypt. History, Art, Tradition, Wiesbaden 2014, pp. 307–314

‘Lecture Halls at Kom el-Dikka in Alexandria’, [in:] Divine Men and Women in the History and Society of Late Hellenism, Cracow 2013, pp. 101–112

‘Polish Epigraphical Mission in the Tomb of Ramesses VI (KV 9) in the Valley of the Kings in 2010’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean22, Research 2010(2013), pp. 161–170

‘A Remark on the Name of the Emperor Lucius Aurelius Verus in Egypt’, Études et travaux26 (2013), pp. 448–451

‘Second Thoughts on the Beginnings of Alexandria’, Études et travaux 25 (2012), pp. 206–211

‘Von Alexandria bis Oberägypten. Polnische Archäologie im Lande der Pharaonen, Jahrbuch des Wissenschaftlichen Zentrums der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien3 (2010–2012), pp. 173–192

‘A Beastie and the Beast’, [in:] Birthday Beasts’ Book. Where Human Roads Cross Animal Trails… Cultural Studies in Honour of Jerzy Axer, Warsaw 2011, pp. 153–159

‘Caesar in Alexandria. Fragmentary Latin Dipinti Discovered at Kom el-Dikka in Alexandria’,The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 41 (2011), pp. 79–92

‘Jean Potocki au pied des pyramides’, [in:] Jean Potocki à nouveau. Études réunies et présentées par Emilie Klene, Amsterdam – New York 2010, pp. 111–120

‘Cornelius Gallus and the Beginnings of Roman Policy in Nubia’, [in:] W. Godlewski & A. Łajtar (eds.), Between the Cataracts, Proceedings of the 11th Conference of Nubian Studies, vol. 2, Warsaw 2010, pp. 535–540

‘Textual Research and the Life of the Amphorae. Some Evidence from Late Roman Alexandria’, [in:] S. Menchelli et alii(eds.), LCRW 3, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean, Archaeology and Archaeometry. Comparison between Western and Eastern Mediterranean, Oxford 2010, pp. 941–943

‘Ostraca and Architecture at Kom el-Dikka’, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology39 (2009), pp. 121–131

‘Quelques observations sur les chrématistes de Syène (P. Eleph. DAIK 1)’, Symposion1999, Cologne 2003, pp. 433–442

‘Artémisia – l’Antigone de Memphis? (À propos de la steresis thekes)’, Symposion1993, Cologne 1994, pp. 215–218

‘Einige Bemerkungen zu den Asketen in den griechischen urkundlichen Papyri’, [in:] W. Godlewski (ed.), Coptic Studies, Warsaw 1990, pp. 93–101

‘Some Berlin Papyri Reconsidered’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik82 (1990), pp. 129–132

‘Zum Papyrus Gissensis 40 I 9 (“Constitutio Antoniniana”)’, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 20 (1990), pp. 93–101

‘Quelques remarques sur un saint anachorète de Faras’, Études et travaux10 (1978), pp. 355–362

Brzóska Artur

Artur Brzóska MSc
Department for Underwater Archaeology


phone number:
+48 22 55 22 818

duty hours:
Thursday 16.00–16.45, room 3.18
Friday 11.30–13.00, room 3.18

research interests:
– historical archaeology
– wreck archaeology
– river archaeology
– methodology of underwater excavations

Artur Brzózka

Underwater archaeologist and diving instructor CMAS and SSI. From 2001 he is working in IA UW . Participant in many commercial archaeological missions. From 2013 he is working at the Departament of Underwater Archaeology.