Aleksandra Grzegorska, MA
Department of Bioarchaeology
duty hours:
Monday 11.30 a.m. – 1 p.m., room 0.26
research interests:
– bioarchaeology
– paleopathology
– infectious diseases
– paleoparasitology
– hygiene
Aleksandra Grzegorska, MA
Department of Bioarchaeology
duty hours:
Monday 11.30 a.m. – 1 p.m., room 0.26
research interests:
– bioarchaeology
– paleopathology
– infectious diseases
– paleoparasitology
– hygiene
Dr. Nazarij Buławka
Studio of Non-Invasive and Digital Archeology
research interests:
– machine and deep learning
– remote sensing
– landscape archaeology
– studies on ancient irrigation
– archeaology of the Near East, Iran and Central Asia
– Iron Age in Central Asia (Yaz periods)
Graduate of the Department of Archaeology of the UW. In 2020 he received his doctoral degree on the basis of his dissertation entitled. “The settlement of Yaz culture in the oases of Tedjen and Murghab in Turkmenistan”
From 2022 to 2024, he carried out postdoctoral project at the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology in Tarragona, Spain, dedicated to the study of ancient irrigation networks using remote sensing and machine learning – UnderTheSands. Ancient irrigation detection and analysis using advanced remote sensing methods, (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01-101062705).
selected publications:
Buławka, Nazarij, Hector A. Orengo, i Iban Berganzo-Besga. „Deep Learning-Based Detection of Qanat Underground Water Distribution Systems Using HEXAGON Spy Satellite Imagery”. Journal of Archaeological Science 171 (2024): 106053.
Buławka, Nazarij, i Hector A. Orengo. „Application of multi-temporal and multisource satellite imagery in the study of irrigated landscapes in arid climates”. Remote Sensing 16, nr 11 (2024): 1997.
Buławka, Nazarij. „Yaz I-III settlement pattern in Serakhs Oasis, southern Turkmenistan”. Iran 55, nr 2 (3 lipiec 2017): 143–70.
dr hab. Katarzyna Pyżewicz
The Head of Archaeology (Studies in English)
Stone Age Department
Laboratorium Archeologicznych Analiz Specjalistycznych
office hours:
Tuesday 01.00 p.m. – 02.30 p.m, room 0.30
Thursday 01.00 p.m. – 02.30 p.m, room 0.30
research interests:
– Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology
– use-wear analysis
– lithic studies
– experimental archaeology
Natalia Gryczewska, MA
Stone Age Department
phone number:
+48 22 55 22 842
duty hours:
Wednesday 1.15 p.m.–2.45 p.m., room 2.15
Thursday 1.15 p.m.–2.45 p.m., room 2.15
research interests:
– palaeolithic archaeology
– human evolution
– cave archaeology
– biomarker analyses in cave sediments
Kot, M., Gryczewska, N., Berto, C., Wojenka, M., Szeliga, M., Jaskulska, E., Fetner, R., Krajcarz, M., Wertz, K., Zarzecka-Szubińska, K., Krajcarz, M.T., Moskal-del Hoyo, M., Jakubczak, M. (2019). Thirteen cave sites: Settlement patterns in Sąspów Valley, Polish Jura. Antiquity, 93(371), E30. doi:10.15184/aqy.2019.155
Gryczewska, N. (2019), Pierwsi Homo sapiens na Dalekim Wschodzie- zarys problematyki. Studia i Materiały Archeologiczne 16, 52-72.
Gryczewska, N., Kot, M., Wojenka, M., (2019). Napisy na ścianach jaskini Złodziejskiej w Ojcowie. Przyczynek do studiów nad historią ruchu turystycznego w okolicach Ojcowa. Prądnik. Prace i Materiały Muzeum im. Prof. Wł. Szafera 29, 117-134.
Gryczewska, N., Kot, M., Szymczak, K., (2020) Dziurawiec Malesowy- zapomniane stanowisko z Doliny Sąspowskiej. Prądnik. Prace i Materiały Muzeum im. Prof. Wł. Szafera. 30, 291-298.
Kot M., Wojenka M, Czajka G., Kontny B., Gryczewska N. (2020) Post-Neolithic human occupation in Tunel Wielki Cave (southern Poland). Folia Quaternaria 88, 17-39. DOI 10.4467/21995923FQ.20.002.13191
Wojenka M., Jaskulska E., Popovic D., Baca M., Frog, Fetner R., Wertz K., Rataj K., Gryczewska N., Kosiński T., Kot M., (2021) The girl with finches: a unique post-medieval burial in Tunel Wielki Cave, southern Poland. Prähistorische Zeitschrift.
Kot M., Gryczewska N. 2021 Found in a box: unknown bifacial leafpoint from the Koziarnia cave. The Študijné zvesti AÚ SAV Journal. FOSSIL DIRECTEUR Multiple Perspectives of Lithic Studies in Central and Eastern Europe, Supplementum 2, Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV – Supplementum 2, 19 – 30; doi: 10.31577/szausav.2021.suppl.2.2
Kot M., Krajcarz M.T., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Gryczewska N., Wojenka M., Pyżewicz K., Sinet-Mathiot V., Diakowski M., Fedorowicz S., Gąsiorowski M., Marciszak A., Mackiewicz P., Lipecki G. 2021 Chronostratigraphy of Jerzmanowician. New data from Koziarnia Cave, Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38, 103014
Kot M., Gryczewska N., Biard M. 2021 When the leafpoints are missing: On possibilities of Jerzmanowician assemblages identification based on the small debitage alone. Lithic Technology 46(2): 119-129.
Kot M., Gryczewska N., Szymanek M., Moskal del-Hoyo M., Szeliga M., Berto C., Wojenka M., Krajcarz M., Krajcarz M.T. Wertz K., Fedorowicz S., Jaskulska E., Pilcicka-Ciura H. 2022 Bramka Rockshelter: An Early Mesolithic cave site in Polish Jura. Quaternary International 610, 44-64.
Gryczewska N., Szeliga M., Wojenka M., Szymczak K. , Kot M. (2021) Jeszcze raz o badaniach archeologicznych w Dziurawcu Malesowym. Prądnik. Prace i Materiały Muzeum im. Prof. Wł. Szafera 31, 65-70.
Jakubczak M., Budziszewski J., Leloch M., Gryczewska N., Szeliga M., Kot M. (2022). Mining field “Dąbrówka-I”. Neolithic Jurassic flint mine with vestigially preserved mine relief: Neolithic Jurassic flint mine with vestigially preserved mine relief. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 74(1), 345–372.
Kot M., Berto C., Krajcarz M.T., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Gryczewska N., Szymanek M., Marciszak A., Stefaniak K., Zarzecka-Szubińska K., Lipecki G., Wertz K., Madeyska T. (2022) Frontiers of the Lower Palaeolithic expansion in Europe: Tunel Wielki Cave (Poland), Scientific Reports 12, 16355. 10.1038/s41598-022-20582-0
Gryczewska N., Kot M., Berto C., Brancaleoni G., Krajcarz M. T., Cyrek K., Sudoł-Procyk M., Wojenka M., Wilczyński J., Chmielewska M., Sulwiński M., Suska-Malawska M. (2023). Tracing ephemeral human occupation through archaeological, palaeoenvironmental and molecular proxies at Łabajowa Cave. Antiquity, 97(396), e31. doi:10.15184/aqy.2023.147
Kot M., Tyszkiewicz J., Gryczewska N. (2024) Can we read stones? Quantifying the information loss in flintknapping, Journal of Archaeological Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2023.105905
Kot M.,Kogai S., Pavlenok G., Gryczewska N., Brancaleoni G., Krajcarz M.T., Moska P., et al. “New Data for Asymmetric Core Reduction in Western Tian Shan Piedmonts: The Ertash Sai 2 Open-Air Site.” Lithic Technology, (2024), 1–22. doi:10.1080/01977261.2024.2319429.
Marek Truszkowski, MA
Department for Modelling and Digital Documentation
phone number:
+ 48 22 55 22 828
Dr. Katarzyna Żebrowska
Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology
phone number:
+48 22 55 22 814
office hours:
Thursday 13.15–14.15, room 3.14
research interests:
– Archaeology of prehistoric Sicily and the Aegean region
– Italo-Aegean contacts
– funerary architecture, especially in relation to landscape
– textile archaeology, in particular the functionality of textile tools
– Aegean seals and sealing practices
research projects:
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“TEXTile digitisAtIon tooLs and mEthodS for cultural heritage (TEXTaiLES)”, 2024–2027, HORIZON REA, HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-ECCCH-01 (ID 01101158328), researcher. |
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“Sicilian Textile Tools from the Bronze Age: Examination of Finds and Comparative Studies on Their Functionality”, 2017 – 2019, PRELUDIUM 11 ( 2016/21/N/HS3/02926) of the Polish National Science Centre, primary investigator. |
peer-reviewed articles and chapters in monographs:
Żebrowska, K. (2023) The Early Bronze Age Funerary Landscape of Calicantone (Sicily). Internal Planning and Visual Features. In: D. Panagiotopoulos, P.M. Militello eds, Modelling Archaeological Landscapes: Bridging Past and Present in two Mediterranean Islands, Heidelberg, 77-96.
Żebrowska, K. (2021) Weaving in Early Bronze Age Sicily: Testing and Comparing the Functionality of Potential Weaving Tools. In: G. Albertazzi, G. Muti, A. Saggio eds, Islands in Dialogue (Islandia). Proceedings of the First Conference in the Prehistory and Protohistory of the Mediterranean Islands, Rome, 323-335.
Nosch, M-L., Ulanowska, A., Żebrowska, K., Bigoraj, K., Gręzak A. (2021) Sheep – ‘a Factory without Waste’. Comparative, Interdisciplinary and Diachronic Views on Sheep in the Aegean Bronze Age. In: R. Laffineur, T.G. Palaima eds, ZOIA. Animal-Human Interactions in the Aegean Middle and Late Bronze Age, Aegaeum 45, Leuven & Liège, 35-49.
Żebrowska, K. (2020) Textiles and Seals: The use of seals with the sheep motif in Bronze Age Greece. In: M. Bustamante-Álvarez, E.H. Sánchez López, J. Jiménez Ávila eds, PURPUREAE VESTES VII. Textiles and Dyes in Antiquity. Redefining Ancient Textile Handcraft. Structures, Tools and Production Processes, Proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Textiles and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Granada, Spain 2-4 October 2019), Granada, 425-430.
Żebrowska, K. (2020) The application of use-wear analysis to the study of function of prehistoric Sicilian textile tools. In: J.L. Fernández-Marchena, L. Asryan, A. Pedergnana, A. Ollé eds, Not only use. Application of functional methods for a better comprehension of operative chains, Quaternary International Special Issue, Quaternary International 659-570, 128-134.
Żebrowska, K. (2020) The organization of Middle Bronze Age Aeolian textile production in the light of recent experiments. In: M. Nordez, K. Peche-Quilichini, M. Roscio eds, Le Bulletin de l’Aprab 18, 153-157.
Żebrowska, K. (2019) La filatura a Monte Cittadella (futura Morgantina) nella fase finale della preistoria siciliana, AD REM 1-2, 5-9.
Żebrowska, K. (2018) Aeolian Textile Tools from the Bronze Age – Testing the Functionality of Potential Heavy Spindle-Whorls. In: I. Cáceres, I. Expósito, M. Fontanals, M. Gema Chacón, J.M. Vergès eds, Experimental Archaeology: From Research to Society. Proceedings of the Vth International Congress of Experimental Archaeology, Tarragona, 25-27 October 2017, El Butlletí Arqueològic V 40, Tarragona, 105-111.
Żebrowska, K. (2018) The Early and Middle Bronze Age Textile Tools from the Aeolian Islands (Italy). In: A. Ulanowska, M. Siennicka, M. Grupa eds, Dynamics and Organisation of Textile Production in Past Societies in Europe and the Mediterranean, Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae XXXI, Łódź, 12-23.
Militello, P.M., Żebrowska, K. (2017) The tholos tombs in Sicily: A landscape approach. In: M. Fotiadis, R. Laffineur, Y. Lolos, A. Vlachopoulos eds, HESPEROS. The Aegean Seen from the West, Proceedings of the 16th International Aegean Conference, University of Ioannina, Department of History and Archaeology, Unit of Archaeology and Art History, 18-21 May 2016, AEGAEUM 41, Leuven & Liège, 139-146.
Żebrowska, K. (2016) Thapsos Tombs Revisited: Reconstructing the Prehistoric Funerary Landscape of Magnisi Peninsula (With Special Concern on Rock-Cut Tholoi). In: M. Figuera, K. Żebrowska eds, International Course in Archaeology “Papers in Mediterranean Archaeology”, Syndesmoi 5, Catania & Warsaw, 71-86.
scientific editing of peer-reviewed monographs:
Aulsebrook, S., Żebrowska, K., Ulanowska, A. eds (2024) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 4 (Warsaw Studies in Archaeology 5), Turnhout, Warsaw. Brepols & the Faculty of Archaeology UW.
Aulsebrook, S., Żebrowska, K., Ulanowska, A., Lewartowski, K. eds (2022) Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 3 (Warsaw Studies in Archaeology 3), Turnhout, Warsaw. Brepols & the Faculty of Archaeology UW.
Żebrowska, K., Ulanowska, A., Lewartowski, K. eds (2019), Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 2, Warsaw. University of Warsaw Press.
Żebrowska, K., Ulanowska, A., Lewartowski, K. eds (2017), Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 1, Warsaw. Institute of Archaeology University of Warsaw.
Figuera, M., Żebrowska, K. eds (2016), International Course in Archaeology “Papers in Mediterranean Archaeology”, Syndesmoi 5 (Quaderni del corso internazionalizzato in Archeologia: Catania, Konya, Varsavia), Catania & Warsaw. Università degli Studi di Catania.
Dr. Sylviane Déderix
Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology
Stanisław Ulam programme grantee, NAWA (2024-2026).
Research interests:
– Aegean archaeology
– Burial practices
– Landscape archaeology
– Geomatics
– Metallurgical practices
Research project:
Mining districts in context. A multi-scalar and diachronic approach to Aegean metallurgical practices
Archaeological field projects:
– Since 2020: P.I. of the project “Minoan burial practices at Malia” (École française d’Athènes):
– Since 2018: Director of the prehistoric team of the Thorikos Archaeological Research Project (Belgian School at Athens; dir. R. Docter):
– Since 2008: Member of the Sissi Archaeological Research Project (Belgian School at Athens; dir. J. Driessen):
Selected publications:
Déderix S., Ralli P. & Bastide M. (eds), forthcoming. Unsung Pioneer Women in the Archaeology of Greece (proceedings of the first workshop on Women in the Archaeology of Greece (March 8, 2023), to be published in the Bulletin de correspondance hellénique).
Déderix S., 2023. Placing Tholos A at Apesokari: an analysis of visibility, intervisibility and invisibility, in: Flouda G., An Archaeological Palimpsest in Minoan Crete. Tholos Tomb A and Habitation at Apesokari (Prehistory Monographs 70), Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, p. 21-30.
Schmitt A. & Déderix S., 2021. Too many secondary burials in Minoan Crete?, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 64, article 101354 [].
Déderix S., Papadimitriou N., Balitsari A., Cantoro G., Efstathiou A., Manataki M., Nazou M., Sarris A. & Laffineur R., 2021. Prehistoric Thorikos: preliminary report of the 2018 and 2019 fieldwork campaigns, in: Docter R.F. & Webster M. (eds), Thorikos: Reports and Studies 12, Louvain, Paris & Bristol: Peeters, p. 35-58
Déderix S., 2019. Patterns of visibility, intervisibility and invisibility at Bronze Age Apesokari (Crete), Open Archaeology 5, p. 187-203 [].
Dungan K., White D., Déderix S., Mills B. & Safi K., 2018. A total viewshed approach to local visibility in the Chaco World, Antiquity 92(364), p. 905-921 [].
Schmitt A., Déderix S. & Crevecoeur I. (eds), 2018. Gathered in Death. Archaeological and Ethnological Perspectives on Collective Burial and Social Organisation (Aegis 14), Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Driessen J., Anastasiadou M., Caloi I., Claeys T., Déderix S., Devolder M., Jusseret S., Langohr C., Letesson Q., Mathioudaki I., Mouthuy O. & Schmitt A., 2018. Excavations at Sissi, IV. Preliminary Report on the 2015-2016 Campaigns (Aegis 13), Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Déderix S., 2017. Communication networks, interactions and social negotiation in Prepalatial South-Central Crete, American Journal of Archaeology 121.1, p. 5-37 [].
Déderix S., 2016. Traveling across archaeological landscapes: the contribution of hierarchical communication networks, in: Campana S., Scopigno R., Carpentiero G. & Cirillo M. (eds), CAA2015. Keep the Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Oxford: Archaeopress, p. 555-565.
Déderix S., 2015. A matter of scale. Assessing the visibility of circular tombs in the landscape of Bronze Age Crete, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 4, p. 525-534 [].
Dr. Michał Grabowski
Department for Underwater Archaeology
+48 22 55 22 800 (secretariat)
research interests:
– maritime archaeology
– Ship- and boatbuilding in Northern Europe
– inland navigation
– 3d documentation of archaeological finds
– Academia
dr hab. Kyrylo Myzgin
Katedra Numizmatyki i Muzealnictwa
Pracownia Archeologii Europy Wschodniej
phone number:
+48 22 55 22 827
duty hours:
Friday 1.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m., room 3.27 lub online
research interests:
– ancient numismatics
– archeology of the late Roman period….
selected articles
Dr. Sarah Finlayson
Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology
Stanisław Ulam programme grantee, NAWA (2024-2025).
Phone number:
+48 22 55 22 814
Research interests:
– Aegean archaeology
– Aegean scripts
– seals and sealing practices
– experimental archaeology
Research project:
Inscribed and impressed: exploring clay sealings from the Bronze Age Aegean as mini-documents in diachronic administrative systems.