Department of Classical Tradition in the Visual Arts

Arcadia Romantic Park near Nieborów
Arcadia Romantic Park near Nieborów

Address: 00-927 Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście st. 26/28, Szkoła Główna, phon. 55 22 815, pok. 3.15, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 32, Pałac Tyszkiewiczów-Potockich, phon. 55 21 523, room B14.

Head of department:
prof. Jerzy Miziołek

PhD Jerzy Żelazowski
PhD hab. Hubert Kowalski

‘Let us return to the classics and a veritable renaissance of form and content will ensue.’ These words of a 19th-century thinker could be used as the motto to best describe the Department’s modus operandi; its main aim is to explore all manifestations of the reception of Greek and Roman art—from the late Antique period to the beginning of the 21st century. Being the outcome of a fascination with archaeology and antiquarian studies, they are ubiquitous in the visual culture of subsequent periods: the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the classicism of recent centuries. Detailed studies of the history of classical archaeology and thousands of monuments—both Polish and foreign—from a realm which lies somewhere between archaeology and art history, await in-depth studies and interdisciplinary exploration.

Rome and Warsaw: reception of the Antique and artistic education during the Enlightenment period (NPRH2/H11/81/2013)

Reconstruction and display of fragments of the Vasa residences found in the bed of the Vistula river. Regaining national heritage while undertaking interdisciplinary research of the river bed (NPRH/11H 13 0031 82/2015)

Archaeological research: campus of the University of Warsaw
Archaeological research: 517 km of the Vistula River
Archaeological investigation in Italy (Locri, Volterra), in preparation

Department of Relation between Mediterranean World and Barbaricum

Barbarzyńskie naśladownictwo rzymskiej monety, fot. M. Bogacki
A barbaric imitation of a Roman coin, photo by M. Bogacki

Address: 00-927 Warsaw, str. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Szkoła Główna, room 327
tel. +48 22 5522 827

dr hab. Roksana Chowaniec

prof. dr hab. Aleksander Bursche
dr hab. Roksana Chowaniec
dr Kyrylo Myzgin
dr Emilia Smagur
mgr Tomasz Więcek
dr Anna Zapolska

dr hab. Arkadiusz Dymowski
dr Ireneusz Jakubczyk
mgr Monika Stobiecka

List of currently directed grants by employees of the department:
Grant NCN Maestro, agreement DEC-2011/02/A/HS3/00389 Okres Wędrówek Ludów w dorzeczu Odry i Wisły, years 2012-2018 – prof. dr hab. Aleksander Bursche

Grant MNiSW NPRH, agreement 11H 12 0230 81 Znaleziska monet rzymskich z ziem Polski i historycznie z Polską związanych (FMRPl), years 2012-2018 – prof. dr hab. Aleksander Bursche,

Grant NCN i DFG Beethoven realizowany wraz z Niemieckim Instytutem Archeologicznym, agreement DEC-2014/15/G/HS3/04583 Imagines Maiestatis: Monety barbarzyńskie, elity władzy i narodziny Europy, years 2015-2018 – prof. dr hab. Aleksander Bursche

Grant NCN OPUS, agreement UMO-2016/21/B/HS3/00026 On the borders of Syracuse. Multidisciplinary studies of the ancient town Akrai/Acrae, south-eastern Sicily, Italy, years 2017-2020 – dr hab. Roksana Chowaniec,

Grant MNiSW SPUB, agreement4815/E-343/SPUB/2016/2-1 Baza wykopaliskowa Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w Palazzolo Acreide, Sycylia, Włochy, years 2016-2018 – dr hab. Roksana Chowaniec,

Grant MNiSW SPUB, agreement 4815/E-343/SPUB/2018/1 Baza wykopaliskowa Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w Palazzolo Acreide, Sycylia, Włochy, years 2018-2019 – dr hab. Roksana Chowaniec,

Grant NCN FUGA, agreement 2015/16/S/HS3/00180 Między morzami: przemiany kulturowe między Bałtykiem a Morzem Czarnym w świetle znalezisk monet rzymskich, years 2015-2018 – dr Kyrylo Myzgin

Grant NCN SONATINA, agreement 2017/24/C/HS3/00120 Nowe spojrzenie na znaleziska złotych monet rzymskich z Indii: ich kontekst i funkcja w pierwszych pięciu wiekach naszej ery, years 2017-2020 – dr Emilia Smagur

Grant NCN OPUS, agreement 2016/23/B/HS3/00173 Użytkowanie monet antycznych w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w średniowieczu i w okresie nowożytnym, years 2017-2020 – dr hab. Arkadiusz Dymowski

List of excavation sites
Akrai/Acrae, Palazzolo Acreide, prov. Syracuse, south-eastern Sicily, Italy, greek-Roman town (mid-7th century B.C. – beginning 8th century A.D.)

Jasknia Wisielca, Kroczyce-Okupne, prov. Zawiercie, multicultural settlement and necropolis (Neolithic Period – modern times, the Migration Period deposits (late 4th-beginning 5th century A.D.)

Krosno, prov. Pasłęk, Wielbark culture necropolis (Roman Iron Age)

Suchań, prov. stargardzki, multicultural settlement (Late Bronze Period – Middle Ages, treasure of golden artefacts of Scandinavian origin from the Migration Period (6th century A.D.)

Department of Early Medieval Archaeology

Grodzisk near Węgrów, phot. Miron Bogacki, Michał Dąbski
Grodzisk near Węgrów, phot. Miron Bogacki, Michał Dąbski

Address: ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Szkoła Główna, 00-927 Warszawa, pok. 3.21, 3.21a

pok. 3.21 tel. 55 22 821
pok. 3.21a tel. 55 22 822

Head of department:
PhD Wojciech Wróblewski e-mail:

PhD. Tomasz Nowakiewicz e-mail:
PhD Dariusz Błaszczyk e-mail:
Monika Różańska-Kardaś, MA e-mail:

Retired employees:
prof. Andrzej Buko e-mail:
prof. Joanna Kalaga e-mail:

PhD students:



Department for Underwater Archaeology

Crimea Project
Crimea Project (Crimea, Ukraine), photo: Underwater Expedition IA UW

Address: 00-927 Warsaw, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście St., Szkoła Główna, room 3.18, phone: 55 22 801

Head of Department:
Professor Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti
duty hours:
meetings on the “google meet” platform (request for prior e-mail contact:
Tuesday: 13:00 – 13:45
Friday: 13:00 – 13:45

Artur Brzóska, M.A.
duty hours:
Thursday: 11:00 – 12:00
Friday: 13:00 – 14:00

Magdalena Nowakowska, M.A. (Administrative Director of Faculty of Archaeology)

Karolina Trusz, M.A. (Ph.D. candidate at IAIE PAN)

Ph.D student:
Małgorzata Mileszczyk, M.A.
Academia, ResearchGate, ORCID
Available for consultations via e-mail:


Department for Underwater Archaeology was established in 2012, and since 2014 it has been a full-member of UNESCO UniTwin Network for Underwater Archaeology. Its Head, from the very beginning, has been Professor Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti, whose main research interest is the ancient trade in the area of the Mediterranean. Studies of trade routes are also the main activity of Marta Żuchowska, Ph.D. Artur Brzóska, M.A., concentrates on the methods of underwater research. The Ph.D. candidate of the Faculty of History, Małgorzata Mileszczyk, is studying lake grid dwellings from the north-eastern Poland. Aleksandra Chołuj, M.A., investigator within the “Harmonia” grant, focuses on studies of ancient glass. The regular co-operator of the Department is also Magdalena Nowakowska, M.A.  The activities of the Department involve the classes in archaeology of ships and boats, methods of underwater research, protection of underwater cultural heritage and ancient trade issues.


Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti: NCN (Harmonia) „Commercial Contacts the Region of Murcia (Spain) with the Mediterranean World in Antiquity on the Basis of Archaeological and Historical Sources”

Marta Żuchowska: NCN (Opus) “Tkaniny w ikonografii Palmyry” (01.02.2017 – 30.01.2020)

Aleksandra Chołuj, Małgorzata Mileszczyk, Magdalena Nowakowska, the Explorers Club
„3rd Warsaw Seminar on Underwater Archaeology”

Department of Bioarchaeology

Department of Bioarchaeology
Department of Bioarchaeology (standing from the left: Rafał Fetner, Kamil Niemczak, Arkadiusz Sołtysiak, Agata Bebel, Anna Drzewicz (gościnnie), Janusz Wołoszyn;
sitting from the left: Anna Gręzak, Wiesław Więckowski, Joanna Piątkowska-Małecka, Alicja Lasota-Moskalewska, Monika Dzierlińska, Elżbieta Jaskulska)

Address: 00-927 Warszawa, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Szkoła Główna, tel. 55-22-837 (844), pok. 0.26, 0.28, 0.29

Head of department:
Dr. Anna Gręzak

Prof. dr hab. Alicja Lasota – Moskalewska (prof. emeryt.)
dr Rafał Fetner
dr Elżbieta Jaskulska
dr hab. Joanna Piątkowska-Małecka
dr hab. prof. UW Arkadiusz Sołtysiak
dr Wiesław Więckowski
dr hab. Janusz Wołoszyn

Dr Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow)
mgr Agata Bebel

PhD students:
mgr Monika Dzierlińska
mgr Kamil Niemczak
mgr Joanna Szymczak
mgr Aleksandra Grzegorska

At the Department of Bioarchaeology we conduct research and teach courses in archaeozoology, anthropology and archaeobotany. Bioarchaeology is an integral part of any archaeological research, especially helpful in the reconstruction of human and environmental relations throughout history. We conduct analyzes of animal, human and plant remains, reconstructing the economy, living conditions, diet, health or origin of animals, humans and plants, as well as the environment, trade, intercultural contacts and issues related to worship and religion. We work with many archaeological missions in Poland and abroad, in Europe, as well as in Asia, Africa and South America.

Bioarchaeology of the Near East

Department for the Archaeology of Ancient Europe

Cremation grave from the Bronze Age on the necropolis at Nowy Łowicz in Pomerania. Photo A. Cieśliński
Cremation grave from the Bronze Age on the necropolis at Nowy Łowicz in Pomerania. Photo A. Cieśliński

Address: 00-927 Warsaw, st. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Szkoła Główna, phone. 55-22-805 (806, 807), room. 3.05, 3.06, 3.07

Head of department:
prof. Adam Cieśliński

dr. Sylwia Domaradzka
prof. Bartosz Kontny
dr. Andrzej Maciałowicz
prof. Wojciech Nowakowski
dr. Andrzej Szela
prof. Paweł Szymański

PhD students:
Iwona Lewoc M.A. (supervisor: Bartosz Kontny)
Kamila Brodowska M.A. (supervisor: Bartosz Kontny)
Martyna Wasilewska M.A. (supervisor: Bartosz Kontny)
Paweł Dziechciarz M.A. (supervisor: Bartosz Kontny)
Sebastian Chrupek M.A. (supervisor: Adam Cieśliński)
Agnieszka Jarzec M.A. (supervisor: Adam Cieśliński)
Bartłomiej Kaczyński M.A. (supervisor: Paweł Szymański)
Agata Wiśniewska M.A. (supervisor: Paweł Szymański)

The Department specialises in the archaeology of the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, Pre-Roman Period, Roman Period, Migration Period and the beginnings of the Early Middle Ages (2nd millennium BC – 1st millennium AD) in vast areas of Central, Eastern and Northern Europe, with special reference to the territory of Poland. Current research concerns first of all various aspects of material and spiritual culture of Balt and Germanic peoples, such as, among others, funeral rites, weaponry studies, changes of settlement structures and interregional contacts, including relationships of the barbarians with the ancient world. The Centre also specialises in so-called archival archaeology, which aims to restore “forgotten” sources which were often scattered during World War II into the academic discourse. Fieldwork of the Centre focuses on the territory of Northern Poland and it encompasses sites of various nature: cemeteries, settlements and cult places.

Czerwony Dwór, site XXI, gm. Kowale Oleckie, woj. warmińsko-mazurskie. Cremation cemetery of the Sudovian culture from the Roman and Migration periods.

Nowy Łowicz, site 2, gm. Kalisz Pomorski, woj. zachodniopomorskie. Barrow cemetery of the Lusatian and Wielbark cultures (in collaboration with A. Kasprzak from the Museum in Koszalin).

Lubanowo Lake, gm. Banie, woj. zachodniopomorskie. Sacrificial site from the Roman period and the early Middle Ages (in collaboration with the Center of Underwater Archeology of the Institute of Archeology, University of Warsaw).

Department of Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia

Deir el-Bahari fot M.Barwik
Deir el-Bahari, fot M.Barwik

Address: 00-927 Warszawa,ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Szkoła Główna, room 3.25, 3.08
tel. (+48) 22 55 22 825

Head of department:

dr hab. Anna Wodzińska

dr hab. Mirosław Barwik
dr Dorota Dzierzbicka
mgr Łukasz Jarmużek
dr hab. Sławomir Rzepka
dr Dobrochna Zielińska

prof. dr hab. Andrzej Niwiński
dr Gertrud van Loon

PhD students:
Katarzyna Danys
Bogusław Franczyk
Dagmara Haładaj
Adrianna Madej
Maciej Wyżgoł

Tell el-Retaba
Deir el-Surian
Deir el-Bahari, temple of Hatshepsut
Old Dongola

Department of Near Eastern Archaeology

Address: 00-927 Warszawa,ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Szkoła Główna, pok. 3.26.
tel. (+48) 22 5522823

Head of department:

Dr Anna Smogorzewska
Dr Franciszek Stępniowski
Prof. dr hab. Barbara Kaim
Dr hab. Dorota Ławecka
Dr hab. Dariusz Szeląg
Dr hab. Tomasz Waliszewski
Dr hab. Krzysztof Jakubiak
Mgr Marcin Wagner
Dr hab. Prof. UW Jolanta Młynarczyk
Dr Mariusz Burdajewicz

PhD students:

