The Faculty of Archaeology building – opening hours during the winter session and inter-semester break

The Faculty of Archaeology building – opening hours during the winter session (31.01.2022 – 11.02.2022)

The building is open from 08.30 AM to 05.30 PM

The Dean’s Office is open from 09.00 AM to 03.00 PM

The Faculty Office for Students is open from 09.00 AM to 03.00 PM

The Accountant Office is open from 09.00 AM to 03.00 PM

The Faculty of Archaeology UW Library is open from 09.00 AM  to 05.00 PM


The Faculty of Archaeology building – opening hours during the inter-semester break (12.02.2022 – 20.02.2022)

The building is open from 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM

The Dean’s Office is open from 10.00 AM to 02.00 PM

The Faculty Office for Students is open from 10.00 AM to 02.00 PM

The Accountant Office is open from 10.00 AM to 02.00 PM

The Faculty of Archaeology UW Library is open from 10.00 AM  to 02.00 PM

Artefacts, Creativity, Technology, and Skills from Prehistory to the Classical Period in Greece – 4EU+ educational project and summer semester courses

We welcome you to join the summer semester courses offered by the new educational project funded by the 4EU+ Alliance, the first archaeological project integrating teachers and students from four 4EU+ Universities: Heidelberg, Charles, Copenhagen and Warsaw. The project is titled ‘Artefacts, Creativity, Technology, and Skills from Prehistory to the Classical Period in Greece. Communities of Learning in the Past and in Higher Education Today’ (ACTS) and it has been designed as a new platform of innovative research-based teaching among the four partner universities: Heidelberg, Charles, Copenhagen and UW.
The recruitment slot for the course offered by the FA UW (Communities of practice: hands-on approach to skills and textile technology in Bronze Age Greece, by A. Ulanowska, hybrid on Mondays, 16.45-18.15 CET) is opened now (24/01-6/02.2022 and 14/02-20/02). The UW students need to enroll via USOS.For the offer and registration links for the courses offered by the Charles and Heidelberg Universities, please see here: The CU has already offered two courses: Ancient Ionia (for description, see: and Archaeology of production: methods and experience (, registration slot: 07/02/2022 – 04/03/2022. Heidelberg offer will appear soon.The recruitment for the summer school at Athens (24/07-31/07/2022) will start in March or April. Please note that students who wish to apply for the school must prove their participation in other courses offered by the ACTS project.

Kind regards,
ACTS UW Coordinator
Agata Ulanowska

The epidemic situation and the examination session

Dear Students,

Due to the repeated questions, I would like to kindly inform you that in accordance with the university regulations, in the case of lectures ending with an exam in accordance with the study program, they can be organized remotely only at the previously expressed request of the examiner. The list of exams conducted remotely and the tools with which they will be conducted has been published in the form of the EUH ordinance and will be visible after data migration (probably tomorrow there will be an announcement on this matter on the FA UW website).

In the case of obtaining credits, the decision on the method of conducting the credit depends entirely on the teacher, his arrangements with the students and enrollment in the subject syllabus.

Please note, however, that the tutor is responsible for conducting both exams and credits in a form that excludes unethical obtaining of credits (cheating). This, in turn, is usually much simpler during the stationary testing, hence the lecturers have the right to stick to this form of checking the results.

I would also like to remind you that a referral to quarantine, automatic until the results of the COVID-19 test are obtained, is tantamount to sick leave, the same is the case with referral to isolation in case of a positive test result. Your absence on the final grading test should be easily excused on the basis of a referral by the Sanepid for quarantine or isolation. In this case, you should establish with the tutors the new dates of credits after the end of the sick leave period (of course, during the examination session or re-sit session). Also in the case of the exam, additional exam date will be set in accordance with the Study Regulations on the basis of a sick leave/quarantine referral/isolation referral presented to EUH by the end of the sick leave period (paragraph 37 section 7 RS).

Yours faithfully,

Elżbieta Jaskulska

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs (EUH)
The Faculty of Archeology of the University of Warsaw

Certification of Language Proficiency

Dear Students

Taking into account the rapidly changing epidemiological situation in the country, The University Council for the Certification of Language Proficiency decided to conduct the winter session of the academic year 2021/22 in a remote mode.

According to the resolution of the Council No. 2 dated 24.01.2022, both the written part and the oral part will be held online.


Student-Doctoral Archaeological Scientific Conference “Artefakt”

Student-Doctoral Archaeological Scientific Conference “Artefakt” is an initiative of students belonging to the scientific circles of the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw.
Our aim is to enable students and PhD students to share knowledge and results of their own research and broaden their horizons in various fields of archaeology.

This Friday at 15.00 we will announce the exact date of registration and the conference itself!

Further details you can find on the conference page

Invitation to the lecture of Prof. Agata Ulanowska „Not Only Clothing…”

It’s my plesure to transmit the information from the Institute of Classical Studies, University of London:

This is a reminder that the next ICS Mycenaean Seminar will take place online on Wednesday 12 January 2022 at 3.30 pm (UK time):

Agata Ulanowska (Warsaw) 
Not Only Clothing. The Consumption of Textiles in Bronze Age Greece and New Evidence for Technical Textiles from Imprints on the Undersides of Clay Sealings
It is necessary for all attendees to register in advance by visiting the following page and clicking on the ‘Book now’ button. A confirmation email will be sent to each person booking and this will be followed by a further message with joining details for the event on Zoom shortly before the date of the seminar. Please do check your spam/junk inbox if you do not receive a confirmation email, as sometimes messages sent from unfamiliar addresses end up there. It is not necessary to download the Zoom application or to have a Zoom account to participate in this seminar. Clicking on the event link will bring up a prompt to open the Zoom application or you can join by clicking on ‘start from your browser’. If you encounter any issues, please contact Valerie James:
Kazimierz Lewartowski

Return to the on premises teaching

Dear Students, Dear Colleagues,

In connection with emerging inquiries, I would like to remind you that we are returning to classes conducted on the faculty premises from January 10, 2022. Of course, if new ordinances are issued at the national or university level, this situation may change. I would also like to inform you that according to the information from the Rector’s Office, the level of reported infections among the academic community in the week of December 20, 2021 – January 2, 2022 remains at a very low level (31 reported infections among members of the academic community throughout the university).


Elżbieta Jaskulska
Vice-Dean  for Students Affairs