FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS – Sympozjum Egejskie: 9th Conference in Aegean Archaeology

We would like to remind you that the call for papers is still open for Sympozjum Egejskie: 9th Conference in Aegean Archaeology, which will take place in Warsaw and online on June 19th and 20th 2023!

Please send your abstracts (in English, max. 250 words), your personal details (title, full name, affiliation, email address) and a short personal biography (max. 100 words including ORCID number and/or research webpage links) to by March 20th 2023.

For more information please follow this link:

Sympozjum Egejskie 9: Call for Papers

The secret life of furniture. A different view on beds, chairs, and thrones – lecture

We would like to invite you to a lecture of

Dr. Manon Schutz

(The University of Oxford and Universität Münster)

The secret life of furniture. A different view on beds, chairs, and thrones

The online lecture will take place on March 7 at 4.45 PM:

The lecture will be held as part of the seminar “Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia” (Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw).

Photography exhibition “Chernihiv: Wartime 2022 – Russian invasion of Ukraine”

We invite you to the opening of the photography exhibition “Chernihiv: Wartime 2022 – Russian invasion of Ukraine”, which will take place on March 1 (Wednesday), at 10:00, in the Korytarz Gallery in the building of the Faculty of Archeology of the University of Warsaw at Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28.

The authors of the photos are Valentyn Bobyr and Vladyslav Savenok

During the opening, Vladyslav Savenok (one of the authors) and Dr. Volodymyr Pylypenko from the University of Chernihiv will talk about the photographs.

– Vladislav Savenok –

“Some of these pictures have already gone around the world. They show how war destroys dreams, cities and countries that seek freedom and defend their independence”.

Lecture by Mr. Aleksander Schwartz, an expert of the Rabbinical Commission for Cemeteries

We cordially invite you to a lecture by Mr. Aleksander Schwartz, an expert of the Rabbinical Commission for Cemeteries, a specialist in Jewish law in the field of cemeteries and burials.

Lecture “Practical application of Jewish law in research on cemeteries and burial grounds of Holocaust victims” will take place on February 27, 2023 (Monday), at 1:15 pm, room 2.10 (first floor), in the building of the Faculty of Archeology of the University of Warsaw at Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28.

Students who want to do archaeological excavation practice at the Jewish Cemetery in Warsaw are required to attend the lecture.

“Procrastination for UW Students”.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Welcome Point invites UW long-time students to join a training “Procrastination for UW Students”.

The training takes place on 9th March, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, on Faculty of Modern Languages.

To sign up click the link below:

the registration link

In case of any doubts, please email us:


Best regards,

Welcome Point Team – Katarzyna, Ewa, Małgorzata, Maria, Mila, Olga

University of Warsaw

Main Campus: Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw

Ochota Campus: Banacha 2C, 02-097 Warsaw


Integrated Microscopy Approaches in Archaeobotany (IMAA) Workshop

The next Integrated Microscopy Approaches in Archaeobotany (IMAA) Workshop will take place at the University of Reading (UK) on the 1st – 2nd April 2023. The themes for this year’s workshop are:

  • Archaeo- and Paleobotanical Approaches to Tropical Agriculture
  • Innovation in microanalysis, taphonomy and identification
  • Rewilding and Conservation
  • Science Communication of Archaeo- and Palaeobotanical Data
  • Sustainable Uses of Plants
  • The Archaeobotany of the Islamic West

The call for abstracts for oral and poster contributions remains open until 21st February 2023. Further details about abstract submission, registration and the discussion sessions can be found on the website.


Changes in the organization of classes 21.02.2023

Dear Colleagues,

In connection with the information provided by the Rector’s Office, I kindly inform you that on February 21, the dean’s hours are announced from 1:00 p.m. Previous classes are moved to remote mode. Suppose it is necessary to use the infrastructure of the Faculty of Archeology in order to conduct/participate in remote courses. In that case, the building will be available for lecturers and students until 2:00 p.m.

Kind regards,

Elżbieta Jaskulska

Prodziekan ds. Studenckich

Wydziału Archeologii UW

New course this semester!

We are happy to announce the general lecture Rise of Christianity (2800-DWROCH-OG) that dr Karel Innemée will give as a visiting lecturer at Warsaw University. It deals with the first six centuries of Chistianity, its material and immaterial culture, and the question how a rather obscure movement, rooted in Second Temple Judaism, could become the state religion of the Roman Empire. Especially the role of emperors and their aspirations of being leaders of both Church and State will be dealt with.

The course takes place on Thursdays, 13:13 PM at room 212. and starts 2nd of March.
We would like to remind you that registration for OGUN lectures is possible through general UW token registration.

Recruitment for partial studies under the Erasmus + program for the academic year 2023/2024

Dear Students,
Recruitment for partial studies under the Erasmus+ program for the academic year 2023/2024 will occur on March 02, 2023 (Thursday) at 12.00 (12 PM, Warsaw time), in builiding of Faculty of Archeology, room 2.09.

The program is open to students of the 2nd year of bachelor’s studies and 1st year of master’s studies and doctoral students – regular students of Polish-speaking Archaeology and English-speaking Archaeology (Studies in English) programs.

Students can apply to:

– Universität Konstanz (D KONSTAN01)

– Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn (D BONN01)

– Univerzita Karlova (CZ PRAHA07)

-Kobenhavns Universitet (DK KOBENHA01)

-Universita degli Studi di Catania (CATANIA01)

-Université de Geneve (CH GENEVE01)

Required documents:

  1. Confirmation of the average grade for the last year of study (excerpt from USOS)
  2. Confirmation of the knowledge of a foreign language at the level required by the selected partner university
  3. The opinion of the research supervisor

Please send any questions to the program coordinator’s e-mail address:
Sylwia Domaradzka, PhD, e-mail:

More information :

Université de Geneve (CH GENEVE01):

Scholarship to Start – Rector’s Fund

„Scholarships to Start” is addresed to the most talented students and doctoral candidate who have been admitted in a given academic year to the university or doctoral school.
The program provides for three types of scholarships:
“Scholarship to Start for Olympians”
“Scholarship to Start for Athletes”
“Scholarship to Start for Doctoral Candidates”

More information:

Application can be delivered until 10th of February, 2023.