Student representative election results

I kindly inform you that on November 10, the results of the election of student representatives at the Faculty of Archeology were announced.

The following were elected to the Student Council of the Faculty of Archeology of the University of Warsaw:

1. BELKIEWICZ Klaudia Monika
3. FORNAL Nikola Lucyna
4. KOBOJEK Weronika Wiktoria
5. KURJAN Izabella Natalia

Student representatives in the Council of the Faculty of Archeology of the University of Warsaw were:

1. KURJAN Izabella Natalia
2. SŁUGOCKI Jarema Ryszard
3. SZYMANEK Jędrzej Filip

The published election protocols are attached (in Polish only): Protokół – RSS WA – okr. wyb. nr 19; Protokół – RW WA.

Congratulations to all those selected, and I look forward to fruitful cooperation.

Elżbieta Jaskulska

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs
Faculty of Archeology, University of Warsaw

October 31 – WA UW building closed

In connection with the Regulation No. 130 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw (of October 20, 2021), October 31, 2022 is a day off for UW employees who are not academic teachers. Therefore, the building of the Faculty of Archeology of the University of Warsaw will be closed.

„Community Archaeology in Rural Environments (CARE) project: reflections from Poland”

Dear Students,

Join us for the third lecture in the “Heritage Month” series organized as part of PCMA Seminars:
Dr. Patrycja Filipowicz (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) – „Community Archaeology in Rural Environments (CARE) project: reflections from Poland”.
The seminar will be held on Thursday, 20th October, at 11:00 am CET on Zoom.
The aim of the “Heritage Month” organized by Dr. Tomomi Fushiya (PCMA UW) is to introduce archaeologists and students to different approaches and practices of collaborative archaeology and heritage studies.
More details:
This will be the last lecture in the series.

3rd of October – day free of classes

I kindly inform you that the Rector of the University of Warsaw has announced the 3rd of October as a day free of classes. The normal schedule will commence on the 4th of October (Tuesday).

Best regards,

Elżbieta Jaskulska

Vice-dean for Students Affairs
Faculty of Archaeology UW

Additional registration for courses

Dear Students,

In connection with emerging inquiries about adding more students to the class lists, on which registration is closed due to the lack of places, I would like to kindly inform you that requests for additional registrations will be considered after October 21, when the possibility of registering for courses is closed for students. Before the deadline, students can add themselves to the lists if a place becomes available. Applications for additional registrations will be considered in the order of applications.

After October 21, the student applying to be added to the list must apply with a request to be added to the closed list, enclosing in the attachment the consent of the tutor to admit the student (consent may be given in the form of an e-mail sent from the lecturer’s official account).

Yours faithfully,

Elżbieta Jaskulska

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs
Faculty of Archaeology
University of Warsaw

Welcome Days for new long-term international students in academic year 2022/2023

We invite all new international long-term students to a welcome meeting –
specifically dedicated to providing you with all the information you might need as a new member of the UW community. You will learn about the structure and function of the University, the many opportunities it offers, the basic rules, as well as the University itself.
You can participate in one of two stationary meetings:
• meeting in Polish: 28th of September (Wednesday)
• meeting in English: 29th of September (Thursday)
Both meetings will begin at 11.00am and will last approximately 3 hours (till 2.00pm).
Main Campus, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
More information will be sent to you after registration.
How to sign up?
To participate, please register using the form corresponding to your meeting of choice. The deadline for registration is 25th of September, 11:59 pm
• registration for meeting in English (link)
• registration for meeting in Polish (link)

Cambridge Annual Student Conference 5

Dear All,

The Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference Committee kindly wishes to invite everyone to register for our Fifth Annual Conference! We aim to provide a forum for archaeology and heritage students at any stage of their education to discuss their research interests in a productive and enriching environment. Our Conference will take place on September 16th-18th both online and in person at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.

This year’s topic is ‘Crisis and Resilience’. This conference provides with us the opportunity to share our understanding of how crises impacted on past societies, how people have moved on with resilience, and more importantly, what we can learn from the past that will help us now and in the future.

This year’s conference consists of seven captivating sessions, which are proposed and chaired by archaeologists across the globe, covering the field of social archaeology, archaeological science and heritage study. Thirty two strong papers from twenty two universities and institutions will be presented to explore the crisis and resilience of Homo erectus right to the present day. We aim to encourage our audience to communicate the proposed issues freely in a warm, friendly, and inclusive environment with mutual respect.

The committee strongly encourages our audiences to attend in person as we have prepared wine reception and conference dinner for participants to continue fascinating discussions and establish friendships.

The registration link is here:

Please note that presentations are recorded (Q&A will not be recorded), so if you do not wish to be recorded, please turn off your camera.

We hope to see you in our conference soon!

Best wishes,

The CASA Committee