Office hours of the Deputy Vice-Dean for the Students Affairs

Dear Students,

I would like to apologise for the late announcement, there were some organisational difficulties. As you were already informed from the 1st of September I was appointed a Deputy Vice-Dean for the Students Affairs.  The contact info and the information about office hours have been updated on the Faculty authorities webpage, but I’m attaching them below as well.


for students (temporary email) –;

for other matters –;

Office hours:

In September (14th-30th Sept. 2021) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:00 AM-2:00 PM, online or in-person by appointment.

Appointment can be arranged by email or Google Calendar appointment page (using the University of Warsaw email account only). Do not forget to indicate your name and year of study as well as information if an online or in-person meeting is required.


dr Elżbieta Jaskulska

Deputy Vice-Dean for the Students Affairs

Free healthcare in CenterMed

Dear Students,
Due to numerous inquiries from UW students about the rules of using healthcare system within the health insurance, I would like to inform you that on the Faculty’s website in the “Student’s rights” you can find the information on this issue, as well as the telephone number of the medical help line at the CenterMed Warsaw academic clinics at the University of Warsaw. The materials are in Polish, so in case of any questions, please contact dr Elżbieta Jaskulska.


Dear Students,

today, September 30, my term of office as deputy director of the Institute of Archeology, UW and acting Head of the Teaching Unit at the Faculty of Archeology of the UW expires. Thank you very much for this whole, I must admit, difficult year.
From October 1, all questions, applications and requests should be addressed to the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and KJD of the Faculty of Archeology, University of Warsaw, dr hab. Agnieszka Tomas (to the address or as indicated by the professor.

Dr hab. Wiesław Więckowski

Interesting courses

Dear Students,
Please find attached information about the very interesting courses  offered by Dr. Francisco J. Núñez (assistant professor at CAŚ) during the winter semester on the subject related to the Iron Age in the Middle East. COURSES.

Online Welcome Week

Dear Student,

We would like to invite you for the series of meetings, which will inaugurate the academic year 2020/2021. Our Online Welcome Week 2020 lasts from 6th to 9th of October.

Detailed schedule can be found on our website:

Our Online Welcome Week starts with Welcome Days – both in Polish (on 6th of October) and English (on 7th of October).

At the meeting you will learn the most important things about the University itself, its structure and basic rules. We will also give you more information about other possibilities that are waiting for you as members of the community.

Participation in the meeting is free of charge upon registration through this online form: (for meeting in English).

Don’t hesitate and register! Please also join our Facebook event:

We can’t wait to see you there!

A request to students

Dear Students, we are working on decisions concerning the organization of the winter semester of the academic year 2020/21. At present we are trying to collect information which will help us to decide whether and which classes will be held at the University and which will be based on distance online learning.
We are asking you to send us information whether you are able to arrive in Poland and participate in some classes at the University. We would also like to know whether you have any obstacles in participating in online classes.
The information should be sent not later than 25th of September on the email address or