Student-Doctoral Archaeological Scientific Conference “Artefakt”

Student-Doctoral Archaeological Scientific Conference “Artefakt” is an initiative of students belonging to the scientific circles of the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw.
Our aim is to enable students and PhD students to share knowledge and results of their own research and broaden their horizons in various fields of archaeology.

This Friday at 15.00 we will announce the exact date of registration and the conference itself!

Further details you can find on the conference page

The Faculty of Archaeology building – opening hours during Christmas vacation

The Faculty of Archaeology building – opening hours during Christmas vacation:
23.12.2021 – 27.12.2021 – the building is closed
28.12.2021 – 30.12.2021 – the building is open from 09:00 to 15:00
31.12.2021 – 02.01.2022 – the building is closed
03.01.2022 – 05.01.2022 – the building is open from 9:00 to 15:00
06.01.2022 – 09.01.2022 – the building is closed
From 10.01.2022, the building will be open from 07:30 to 20:30.

Classes cancelled on 21st of Dec. between 3-8 PM

Dear Students, Dear Colleagues,
Due to the planned Faculty Council, following the request of the Dean of the Faculty of Archeology, I am establishing dean’s hours free from academic classes on December the 21st from 15:00 to 20:00.

Elżbieta Jaskulska
Vice-Dean for Students’ Affairs,
Faculty of Archaeology UW

Reporting the infection by SARS-COV-2 virus or quarantine

Dear Students,


Due to the growing number of infections with the SARS-COV-2 virus, I would like to remind you that the University of Warsaw has regulations regarding the proper conduct in the event of detection of an infection. Detailed information can be found at For details in English incl. regarding the functioning of student dormitories (dormitories) you can contact also university’s Welcome Point (

I would also like to remind you that, according to the regulations, if you are infected (with a positive test result) or you are sent to quarantine due to close contact with an infected person (quarantine according to the regulations does not apply to fully vaccinated persons), you are obliged to inform a student’s affairs office (respectively: r.kamiń or and acting Vice-Dean for Student Affairs ( about the situation.

The notification should contain the following information:

  1. Name and surname
  2. Field, degree and year of studies
  3. Information about what the report concerns (positive COVID test with an annotation whether a home test or one in diagnostic point was performed; or quarantine)
  4. Date of the last day of stay at the Faculty of Archeology. If after this date you participated in classes in other buildings at the university, please also provide such information.

I would like to remind you that it is not enough to report your absence to the lecturers who conduct your classes – cases of SARS-COV-2 infection require compliance with the national regulations in force during the pandemic.


Yours faithfully

Elżbieta Jaskulska

acting Vice-Dean for Student Affairs
Faculty of Archaeology UW

Office hours of the Deputy Vice-Dean for the Students Affairs

Dear Students,

I would like to apologise for the late announcement, there were some organisational difficulties. As you were already informed from the 1st of September I was appointed a Deputy Vice-Dean for the Students Affairs.  The contact info and the information about office hours have been updated on the Faculty authorities webpage, but I’m attaching them below as well.


for students (temporary email) –;

for other matters –;

Office hours:

In September (14th-30th Sept. 2021) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:00 AM-2:00 PM, online or in-person by appointment.

Appointment can be arranged by email or Google Calendar appointment page (using the University of Warsaw email account only). Do not forget to indicate your name and year of study as well as information if an online or in-person meeting is required.


dr Elżbieta Jaskulska

Deputy Vice-Dean for the Students Affairs

Free healthcare in CenterMed

Dear Students,
Due to numerous inquiries from UW students about the rules of using healthcare system within the health insurance, I would like to inform you that on the Faculty’s website in the “Student’s rights” you can find the information on this issue, as well as the telephone number of the medical help line at the CenterMed Warsaw academic clinics at the University of Warsaw. The materials are in Polish, so in case of any questions, please contact dr Elżbieta Jaskulska.