Admission for ‘Solidarity with Ukraine’ programme

On June 6, admission for the programme “Solidarity with Ukraine” will be launched.  The course will last from July 1 to September 30, 2022 and will be financed by NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange).

One of the modules is aimed at people who are students in Ukraine in the academic year 2021/22, who crossed the border of the Republic of Poland no earlier than February 24, 2022, and intend to continue their studies at the University of Warsaw.

All participants will receive free education, as well as a scholarship of PLN 1,500 per month.

The main aims of the course are:

  • learning Polish with an emphasis on communication and vocabulary useful during studies,
  • learning English,
  • preparation for studies at the University of Warsaw through familiarization with the structure, rules and possibilities offered by the University,
  • adaptation to a new situation,
  • providing basic knowledge about Polish culture and communication in a multicultural environment,
  • strengthening personal, social and digital competences, including skills in coping with stress, mental resilience, time management and organization of own work, team work, learning techniques, operating information systems essential in the education process.

More information:

ACTS 4EU+ Alliance educational project Summer School at Athens – recruitment slot opens on June 2nd 2022

We welcome you to apply for the  ACTS  4EU+ Alliance educational project Summer School at Athens (25-30 July 2022). The recruitment slot in USOS opens on 2/06-15/06/2022. For the details, please see the ACTS Summer School description in USOS: 2800-4EU-SUMS-ACTS.

Please note that students who wish to apply for the School must prove their participation in other courses offered by the ACTS project in winter or summer semester.

Kind regards,
ACTS UW Coordinator
Agata Ulanowska

Doctoral study offer

Dear Colleagues.
The Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in 2022 announces 10 archaeological topics for doctoral studies. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2022. The Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences has signed cooperation agreements with two universities in Slovakia. With the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra for a 3-year internal and a 5-year external study in the field of archaeology.
With Comenius University in Bratislava for 4-year internal and 5-year external studies in general history.
Students can find more information about the admission interviews on the universities’ websites:

Institute of Archaeology SAS_Slovakia_dissertation topics

Yours sincerely
PhDr. Klaudia Daňová, PhD.

“Miasteczko na styku Kultur” – Cultural Hot Spot UW, May 20

Dear Student,

After 3 years, the long-awaited second edition of “Miasteczko na styku kultur – Cultural Hot Spot UW” returns! Welcome Point, Volunteer Centre of the UW, UW Students’ Union’s and Students’ Union of the Faculty of Oriental Studies invite you to explore every corners of our cultural world together.

The event will take place on 20th of May from 11 to 18 at the Main Campus of the UW.

During the event you will be able to:

• meet representatives of several cultures and student organizations

• take part in discussion panels and lectures with invited guests, they will be, among others foreign ambassadors

• taste the cuisine from all over the world in the food truck zone.

Many art shows will be waiting for you on the main stage and we have prepared a lot of attractions for fans of gadgets and various awards.

More information can be found on the Facebook event or our website.

You cannot miss it- join us and let’s celebrate diversity together!

Free medical care for students of the University of Warsaw

Dear Students,

we would like to inform you that The Academic Clinic CenterMed Warszawa Sp. z o.o launched a special telephone number dedicated to providing free medical care (internist and occupational medicine) for students of the University of Warsaw:

22 592 48 30

The number will be used to quickly sign up for an appointment or to obtain other free medical assistance (prescription, sick leave, referral, information) for all  foreign-language students of the University of Warsaw, in need of this help. As a rule, assistance will be provided free of charge to all students covered by the NFZ benefits (National Health Fund), both to those registered with our internists and in the form of one-time visits to students from outside Warsaw who have a selected doctor in their place of residence.

The free assistance obtained under this number can also be used by foreign students who have the European health insurance card EKUZ (European Health Insurance Card), Pole’s Card, Permanent Residence Card or individual health insurance – signed and paid for in the National Health Fund.

If you don’t have insurance or you have problems with insurance, our consultants on this number will provide each interested student with information on the methods and formalities that need to be completed in order to use such free medical assistance in our facilities.

In the student’s section you can find a business card with a telephone number and code QR to facilitate contact with a doctor.

May 4 and 5 – days free from classes

Dear students, dear Colleagues,

After consultations with the dean’s team and taking into account the exceptionally long summer semester in the current academic year, I decided to announce May 4 and 5 days free from classes and lectures at the Faculty of Archeology of the University of Warsaw (note! This does not apply to classes conducted outside the faculty, such as OGUN, foreign language courses and sports). I hope that this will allow you to enjoy the “Juwenalia” on May 6 and 7 (also days free from classes) and after the extended May weekend you will return to learning with enthusiasm.

Yours faithfully,

Elżbieta Jaskulska

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs
The Faculty of Archeology of the University of Warsaw

Classes temporarily cancelled

Today (8th of April), dr. Dorota Dzierzbicka’s classes: Exploring Scientific Research Papers- translatorium dla st. dziennych and Scientific writing workshop (MA) have been cancelled. We apologize for this situation.

Miasteczko na Styku Kultur – Cultural Hot Spot UW

Dear Students,

The Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw, The UW’s Students’ Union and Welcome Point would like to invite you to co-create the 2nd edition of a very special event: Miasteczko na Styku Kultur – Cultural Hot Spot UW. It will be a showcase of the multicultural potential of our academic community and an opportunity to bring different cultures together.

Cultural HotSpot WILL TAKE PLACE ON MAY 20TH (FRIDAY) ON UW’S MAIN CAMPUS (26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street).

If you want to present your country, teach us about its language, customs or cuisine, the stage is yours! The way you want to show your culture is entirely up to you, all creative ideas are most welcome!

What do we expect from you?
• to participate in a multicultural workshop combined with the organisational meeting at the beginning of May (the exact date will be arranged soon together with volunteers);
• to be available on May 20th (from noon until early evening – the exact hours to be announced soon). Coordinators will provide beverages and lunch.
• to have an idea about what you would like to present on your stand. The coordinators of the event will provide space for each stand and all necessary supplies.

If you are interested, please FILL IN THIS APPLICATION FORM (check “Organisation of the “Miasteczko na Styku Kultur – Cultural Hot-Spot UW”): If you have already filled in the volunteer form, please send an email to with the information that you are interested in joining this event.

All students who decide to join the event and present their home culture will receive a

We are counting on you!

Best wishes,
Cultural HotSpot Coordinators