Exams are coming — how to become an effective learner and get rid of unnecessary stress

Dear Student,
we encourage you to participate in Welcome Point’s workshop:
Exams are coming — how to become an effective learner and get rid of unnecessary stress” on Thursday, 11th January, 9.30 am – 4.30 pm
This workshop is:
  • provided in English,
  • free of charge,
  • led by a professional coach Luiza Chrzanowska.

More details are available on the website:

If you have any questions, please contact us at welcome.event@uw.edu.pl

New archaeology group on Facebook

Dear Students,

At the request of a student of the Archaeology – Studies in English program, we agreed to publish a link to a newly created group on the Facebook social platform. This is a private initiative of students, independent of the Faculty of Archaeology, but nevertheless helpful during studies.


PhD opportunity in archaeobotany

We got information on PhD opportunity to share with interested students.

We invite applications for a funded, full-time PhD position of 42 months duration under the ERC Consolidator Grant (101087964) project led by Prof. Giedre Motuzaite Matuzeviciute Keen titled PAST AND FUTURE MILLET FOODWAYS (MILWAYS) The successful candidate will be based at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of History at Vilnius University (Lithuania). The project will be coordinated by Vilnius University, with work distributed across several countries in north-eastern and central Europe.

You can find detailed information at: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/121163

“Procrastination for UW Students”.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Welcome Point invites UW long-time students to join a training “Procrastination for UW Students”.

The training takes place on 9th March, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, on Faculty of Modern Languages.

To sign up click the link below:

the registration link

In case of any doubts, please email us: welcome.event@uw.edu.pl


Best regards,

Welcome Point Team – Katarzyna, Ewa, Małgorzata, Maria, Mila, Olga

University of Warsaw

Main Campus: Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw

Ochota Campus: Banacha 2C, 02-097 Warsaw

e-mail: welcome@uw.edu.pl

Changes in the organization of classes 21.02.2023

Dear Colleagues,

In connection with the information provided by the Rector’s Office, I kindly inform you that on February 21, the dean’s hours are announced from 1:00 p.m. Previous classes are moved to remote mode. Suppose it is necessary to use the infrastructure of the Faculty of Archeology in order to conduct/participate in remote courses. In that case, the building will be available for lecturers and students until 2:00 p.m.

Kind regards,

Elżbieta Jaskulska

Prodziekan ds. Studenckich

Wydziału Archeologii UW

Scholarship to Start – Rector’s Fund

„Scholarships to Start” is addresed to the most talented students and doctoral candidate who have been admitted in a given academic year to the university or doctoral school.
The program provides for three types of scholarships:
“Scholarship to Start for Olympians”
“Scholarship to Start for Athletes”
“Scholarship to Start for Doctoral Candidates”

More information:

Application can be delivered until 10th of February, 2023.