Praetorium in Novae

Discovering the praetorium. Layout, chronology and function of the commander’s residence in the Roman legionary fortress Novae (today Bulgaria)

Roman legionary camps were not just a place for soldiers to be stationed in barracks. Legions, as large units of about 5,000 soldiers, needed accommodation on an area of ​​about 20 hectares, but a significant part of it was occupied by extensive buildings with a specific function. Among them was the legionary headquarters building (principia), which mainly served a religious and propaganda function, with a central square decorated with statues of deities and emperors. In the immediate vicinity of this building was the residence of the legionary commander (legatus legionis), who according to Roman tradition came from the senatorial class and therefore belonged to the highest social elite. As an aristocrat, the commander had a richly equipped residence (praetorium), where he had servants at his disposal. He could also live in the fortress with his family.

Polish excavations in Novae have been ongoing since 1960 and are today the longest-explored site outside Poland. So far, archaeologists have discovered, among others: the principia building, the military hospital and the baths – all of these structures are monumental and occupy a significant area of ​​the site. However, we still do not know where the commander of the legion lived. Using the latest methods of detecting structures using specialist non-destructive research instruments to detect underground remains, archaeologists working in Novae will try to locate the place where the legate’s residence could have been. Selected places in the building will be excavated in order to obtain artifacts and samples for laboratory tests, thanks to which it will be possible to determine the quality of the equipment, the products consumed, as well as the fate of the building in the late antique period, when the structure of the army changed and the residence could have been transformed into a house or buildings for other purposes.

Gold earring found during reconnaisance excavations carried out in the place potentially being the residence of the legionary legate in Novae (photo A. Tomas)


Dear Students,
Mrs. Marta Kaczanowicz is canceling her first-year classes for Archaeology-Studies in English  program today due to catching a cold.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Dean’s office.

Additional connections deadline for subjects taken in the summer semester 2024L

Dear Students,
I kindly inform you that by the decision of the Vice-Rector for student affairs and quality of education, Dr. Hab. Maciej Raś, prof. student from February 17 to March 11, 2025, students will be able to connect courses taken in the summer semester of the 2024/2025 academic year to USOSweb. This will apply to language classes in a situation where the student continues language classes started in the winter semester in the summer semester of the 2024/2025 academic year.

Please disseminate this information among students of your unit.

With respect,
Anna Figiel

senior clerk
Office for Educational Services
Teaching Support Center

Recruitment for partial studies under the Erasmus + program for the academic year 2025/2026

Dear Students,
Recruitment for partial studies under the Erasmus+ program for the academic year 2025/2026 will occur on February 28, 2025 (Friday) at 12.30 (12 PM, Warsaw time), in builiding of Faculty of Archeology, room 1.10.

The program is open to students of the 2nd year of bachelor’s studies and 1st year of master’s studies and doctoral students – regular students of Polish-speaking Archaeology and English-speaking Archaeology (Studies in English) programs.

Students can apply to:

-Universität Konstanz (D KONSTAN01)

-Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn (D BONN01)

-Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (D HEIDELB01)

-Univerzita Karlova (CZ PRAHA07)

-Kobenhavns Universitet (DK KOBENHA01)

-Universita degli Studi di Catania (CATANIA01)

-Universita di Pisa (I PISA01)

-Sorbonne University (F PARIS468)

-Akdeniz Üniversitesi (TR ANTALYA01)

-Kocaeli University (TR KOCAELI02)

-Université de Geneve (CH GENEVE01)

-Háskóli Íslands (IS REYKJAV01)

-Univerzitet u Beogradu (RS BELGRAD02)


Doctoral students can apply to:

-Akdeniz Üniversitesi (TR ANTALYA01)

-Univerzita Karlova (CZ PRAHA07)

-Universität Konstanz (D KONSTAN01)


Required documents:

  1. Confirmation of the average grade for the last year of study (a confirmation from the Student Office)
  2. Confirmation of the knowledge of a foreign language at the level required by the selected partner university
  3. The opinion of the research supervisor

Please send any questions to the program coordinator’s e-mail address:
Sylwia Domaradzka, PhD, e-mail:

More information :

Université de Geneve (CH GENEVE01): Ogólnych zasad kwalifikacji studentów/doktorantów do mobilności edukacyjnej w ramach Programu SEMP na zagraniczne studia częściowe w roku akademickim 2025/2026.

Laser Scanning (LiDAR) from drones at the Faculty of Archaeology

Archaeological research based on LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), also known as Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS), has proven to be a breakthrough in discovering new archaeological sites. Thanks to purchases made under the Dariah Lab program at the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw, we now have the ability to use high-resolution scanners at a lower cost.

Dr. habil. Anna Wodzińska appointed a Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo (DAI Kairo)

With great joy, we share the news that Dr. habil. Anna Wodzińska has just become a Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo (DAI Kairo)! We sincerely congratulate her on this prestigious distinction.

More information can be found on the DAI Kairo website: