Dr. habil. Anna Wodzińska appointed a Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo (DAI Kairo)

With great joy, we share the news that Dr. habil. Anna Wodzińska has just become a Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo (DAI Kairo)! We sincerely congratulate her on this prestigious distinction.

More information can be found on the DAI Kairo website: https://www.facebook.com/DAINST.Kairo/posts/pfbid02r7TioEnikuU3h1W9wz98g4xMCNSwYeLZoHNn9yfReDUtTgLnt14ZuPWyJgjGvGjwl

Colloque international AUTOUR DE MUSTI

In 2016, a cultural partnership project was signed between the National Heritage Institute and the University of Warsaw to carry out multidisciplinary archaeological research on the site of Mustis and its hinterland in ancient times. Since 2021, funding has been provided by the National Science Centre (Poland) under the title: “(Read) The African palimpsest. Dynamics of urban and rural communities in Numidian and Roman Mustis (AFRIPAL)”.

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Dean’s hours on 26th November

Dear Colleagues,
Due to the unusually scheduled date of the Faculty meeting, which will take place on 26.11.2024 at 13:30 in room 210, at the request of the Dean, I am announcing Dean’s hours free on 26.11.2024 from 13:15 to 16:30.

Elżbieta Jaskulska