BA/MA examination and defense

Diploma process for students – presentation in PDF

Diploma process for students – recording of the meeting (provided by Google Drive, required to log in with a student account)

As of June 5, 2020, a Rector’s new ordinance No. 120 on the submission of the thesis and the remote diploma examination procedure is in force. Please read it and apply the bachelor’s and master’s theses for upcoming defenses.

Regulations for the preparation and defence of a BA thesis in the field of Archaeology (Studies in English) PL (ROL)

Regulations for the preparation and defence of a MA thesis in the field of Archaeology (Studies in English) PL (ROM)


Diploma process in brief

In the final year of studies, you must:

  • Choose a thesis supervisor (winter semester)
  • Determine the topic and title of your thesis (by the end of the winter semester)
  • Complete the study program (by the end of the retake session in September)
  • Defend your thesis (by September 30*)
  • Receive your diploma (issued within 30 days from the defense date)

*According to the regulations, the study period may be extended by up to 3 months, provided that the study program is completed on time.

Selecting a thesis supervisor (winter semester)

A thesis supervisor can be:

  • A lecturer conducting a thesis seminar
  • A UW lecturer not conducting a thesis seminar (holding at least a doctoral degree)*
  • Another academic staff member (not employed at UW, holding at least a doctoral degree)

*For a bachelor’s thesis, an academic teacher with a master’s degree may be authorized to supervise the thesis with approval from the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Archaeology (EUH – Head of the Educational Unit) and the Teaching Council. This requires submitting a formal request to the Teaching Council via the EUH.


  • The student approaches the chosen supervisor and obtains their consent
  • If the selected supervisor is not conducting a thesis seminar, the student must present written consent from the supervisor to the seminar instructor for approval
  • If approval is denied, the student must report the issue to the EUH, who makes the final decision
  • The student writes the thesis under the chosen supervisor’s guidance while also presenting progress within the seminar

For supervisors from outside the University of Warsaw, the process is more complex. Please refer to the relevant  Regulations for the preparation and defence of a BA or MA thesis in the field of Archaeology (Studies in English) for details.

Determining the thesis topic and title (by the end of the winter semester)

The student determines the thesis topic in consultation with the supervisor. If the supervisor is an academic teacher who does not conduct a thesis seminar (bachelor’s or master’s), the topic must also be agreed upon with the head of the relevant thesis seminar.

The topic must align with the discipline, study profile, and education level.

  • A bachelor’s thesis demonstrates the student’s preparation for conducting scientific research
  • A master’s thesis demonstrates the ability to conduct scientific research

By the end of the first semester of the final year, the thesis seminar instructor collects thesis topics agreed upon by students and their supervisors (if the instructor is not also the supervisor). The list is submitted to the Didactic Council for approval, ensuring the topics comply with the discipline, study profile, and education level.

If there are any concerns regarding the proposed thesis topic, the Didactic Council may request clarification, refinement, or modification from the supervisor. The supervisor must provide a response at least three months before the defense date.

Any changes to an already approved thesis topic must be reported immediately and no later than three months before the planned defense.

Detailed information on substantive and formal requirements for the thesis

The substantive scope of the thesis

A thesis, written as part of a diploma seminar, must fulfill the intended learning outcomes for the course, which constitute the substantive requirements for the thesis.

The thesis demonstrates the ability to acquire, select, and synthesize information by meeting the following criteria: proper critical interpretation of archaeological findings; use of databases, digital repositories, library resources, and other sources; critical analysis of texts; and the ability to formulate conclusions effectively.

The thesis may take the form of a research, methodological, or review study.

Bachelor’s Thesis:

  • A research-oriented thesis presents the analysis of archaeological sources conducted under the supervision of an experienced researcher
  • A methodological thesis demonstrates the application of a method to the study of archaeological sources
  • A review-based thesis includes an assessment of the state of research on a selected topic, based on a literature review and the formulation of a research problem

Master’s Thesis:

  • A research-oriented thesis presents an independent analysis of archaeological sources
  • A methodological thesis develops a new method for studying archaeological sources
  • A review-based thesis involves the formulation of an original research problem based on the reinterpretation of existing studies on a selected topic, supported by a comprehensive literature review

Formal requirements for the thesis

The thesis must comply with formal requirements in accordance with the latest university regulations (Rector’s new ordinance No. 120)

Additionally, it must meet the formal criteria of academic work, including adherence to Polish copyright law (Act of February 4, 1994, on Copyright and Related Rights). These regulations must be respected throughout the thesis preparation process, particularly regarding references to literature and sources.

Detailed guidelines on standards and procedures for handling cases of academic misconduct in coursework and theses at the University of Warsaw have been established by the University Council for Education (Uchwała nr 14 Uniwersyteckiej Rady ds. Kształcenia z dnia 13 lipca 2020 r.)

The thesis should be written in a correct and clear language, presented in a logical and coherent manner. Any supplementary materials (such as figures, photographs, etc.) must be legible.

The minimum length of the thesis should be:

  • Bachelor’s thesis: 30 pages of standard manuscript format (approximately 55,000 characters including spaces)
  • Master’s thesis: 60 pages of standard manuscript format (approximately 100,000 characters including spaces)

These suggested lengths exclude illustrations and the bibliography and may vary depending on the research topic.

Formatting recommendations:

  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12 (size 10 in footnotes)
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides

The thesis must include:

  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Title in both English  and Polish
  • Table of contents with chapter and subchapter titles along with corresponding page numbers
  • Introduction, which should include general information about the thesis, explanation of its thematic scope (chronological and spatial), research objectives, theses and assumptions, research methods, sources, and the state of research
  • Main body, presenting the core research problem
  • Conclusion, containing a summary and key findings
  • Bibliography, listing all cited literature in alphabetical order, formatted according to the bibliographic standards used in humanities academic publications

Optionally, the thesis may also include a catalog and additional appendices.

Failure to meet the formal requirements, constitutes grounds for refusing the thesis for defense. In the case of a reported violation of copyright law by the supervisor or reviewer, the Head of the Educational Unit will additionally refer the matter to the appropriate authorities at the University of Warsaw for further consideration.

Completion of studies (by the end of the resit examination session in September)

To complete studies and be eligible for the defense of the thesis, students must pass all courses included in the study program in the required quantity, number of hours, and ECTS credit value.

The completion of the diploma seminar is recorded only when the diploma examination committee is appointed. If the examination does not take place before the study completion deadline, the seminar instructor should assign the grade “NZAL” (Not Passed) with the comment: “due to failure to submit the thesis”.

Failure to pass all required courses means that the studies are not completed.
A final-year student may repeat the year due to a lack of required course completions (the option of conditional year completion is not available).
Each academic year can only be repeated once.
Failure to pass all required courses without the possibility of repeating the year results in removal from the student list without the option of resumption (students must reapply and start their studies anew).

Completing all courses in the study program (except for the diploma seminar in cases where “NZAL” is assigned with the comment “due to failure to submit the thesis”) means the study program is completed, and The student obtains Absolutorium (Completion of Studies) in accordance with the study regulations.

If Absolutorium is not obtained by September 30, the student is automatically removed from the student list.
If Absolutorium is obtained, but the student is unable to defend the thesis within the regular deadline (by September 30), they may apply via USOS for an extension of their study period. The maximum extension period is 3 months, meaning that, if the EUH approves the request, the thesis defense must take place before December 31 of that year. Due to the holiday period, it is recommended that the defense take place before the winter break. The thesis should be submitted (final accepted version) to the supervisor in the first week of December.

Thesis defense

Before the thesis defense

The supervisor informs the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Archaeology (EUH) about the acceptance of the final version of the thesis by submitting a request to appoint the examination committee. In this request, the supervisor provides:

  • The student’s full name and number
  • The title of the thesis
  • The proposed composition of the examination committee
  • The proposed date of the thesis defense, agreed upon with the committee members

Based on this request, the preparation process for the defense begins. The examination committee must be appointed no later than 14 days before the defense date.

At least 14 days before the scheduled thesis defense, the student must complete the electronic clearance slips (e-obiegówka) in their USOS account.


The thesis defense is the final requirement for completing studies in archaeology. It takes the form of an oral examination and is conducted by the examination committee appointed by the EUH.

The diploma examination is conducted by an examination committee appointed at the request of the thesis supervisor by the EUH. The committee consists of at least three members:

  • The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Archaeology (EUH) or another academic staff member designated by them
  • The thesis supervisor,
  • The thesis reviewer

If the thesis was supervised by an academic staff member who did not conduct the diploma seminar, the seminar instructor may also be included in the committee. The thesis reviewer must meet the qualification requirements set for supervisors, in accordance with §1 (ROL and ROM §10 sec. 2).

If the thesis was supervised by a person from outside the university, that person is included in the committee as a member. At least two members of the committee must hold a doctoral degree or higher.

The committee is chaired by the EUH or a previously designated representative. The thesis supervisor or the seminar instructor cannot serve as the committee chair.

At the written request of the student or the thesis supervisor, submitted no later than one week before the examination date, the EUH may appoint additional committee members, particularly representatives of the socio-economic sector related to the thesis topic.

After the examination committee is appointed, the student affairs office staff begins the process of closing the student’s academic record in the USOS system. This includes: finalizing the study program completion, activating the electronic clearance slips, verifying financial settlements.

If there are no objections, the details regarding the thesis and the appointed committee members are entered into USOS and then imported into the Archive of Diploma Theses (ADT), known as Archiwum Prac Dyplomowych (APD). The student receives an automatic notification from APD requesting them to complete the required data.

The student logs into APD using the same credentials as for USOSweb. In the APD system, the student must:

  • Upload the thesis, which will then be assessed by the supervisor and reviewer
  • Enter the thesis title, abstract, and keywords
  • After approving the entered data, upload the thesis in PDF format (file size must not exceed 20 MB)

The thesis file name can be chosen freely. Since June 1, 2021, students should not include their PESEL number in the file name. The APD system automatically renames the uploaded file, adding a certificate (diploma) code and OS_ID, a unique student identifier in USOS.

After uploading the thesis, the student must select “All files have been submitted” and confirm the changes.

The evaluation of the diploma thesis is conducted through the Archive of Diploma Theses (ADT).

All theses are mandatory checked for plagiarism using the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System. Each thesis is independently assessed by both the supervisor and the reviewer, who are members of the examination committee.

Diploma theses are evaluated based on substantive and formal requirements, with particular emphasis on achieving the learning outcomes specified in the study program.

The review, completed using the APD-provided evaluation form, includes an assessment according to the following criteria:

  1. Is the content of the thesis consistent with the title?
  2. Evaluation of the thesis layout, division of contents, order of the chapters, completeness of the arguments etc.
  3. Factual evaluation
  4. Does the thesis constitute a new approach, and to what extent?
  5. Characteristics of the choice and usage of sources
  6. Evaluation of the formal aspect of the thesis (correctness of language, mastery in technique of writing, table of contents, footnotes)
  7. The way in which the thesis is used (publication, sharing with institutions, sources)
  8. Other comments
  9. Overall evaluation of the thesis
  10. Thesis grade

Thesis reviews must be approved in the Archive of Diploma Theses (ADT) at least three full working days before the scheduled diploma examination date. If, after reviewing the thesis, the reviewer determines that significant revisions are necessary, they may request the student to make corrections within a deadline agreed upon with the thesis supervisor. The reviewer must provide a written list of required modifications. If the revised thesis is not submitted within the specified deadline, the reviewer will assign a failing grade. If the student submits the revised thesis within the agreed timeframe, the reviewer proceeds with the evaluation. If the revised thesis receives a positive review, the supervisor, in consultation with the examination committee members and the student, schedules a new defense date. If the reviewer assigns a negative evaluation, the EUH  appoints a second reviewer. If the second reviewer gives a positive assessment, the supervisor, in consultation with the EUH, reviewer, and student, schedules a new defense date. If the second reviewer also issues a negative evaluation, the thesis cannot be accepted as the basis for obtaining a bachelor’s or master’s degree. A request for revisions or a negative review automatically cancels the originally scheduled defense date.

Diploma examination

The diploma examination is conducted orally and is formally recorded. The final grade for the examination is determined by the committee during a closed deliberation. The result is announced to the student immediately after the deliberation.

Upon the supervisor’s request, submitted along with the request for appointing the examination committee, the EUH may approve conducting the defense remotely using video conferencing tools. Participants are responsible for ensuring the technical conditions necessary for the connection. The student must submit a written consent acknowledging the possibility of interruption or postponement of the exam due to technical difficulties.

Additionally, upon a justified written request from either the student or a committee member, submitted at least one week before the exam date, the EUH may allow one committee member to participate remotely using video conferencing tools.

Upon a written request from the student or supervisor, submitted at least one week before the exam date, the EUH may approve an open defense. In this case, observers may attend the public part of the examination. Observers may ask questions, but their questions do not influence the final grade.

The exam consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of five questions, which assess:

  • The student’s knowledge related to the thesis
  • The skills and competencies acquired during the studies
  • The supervisor asks questions from a pre-published list of general topics related to the diploma seminar. This list must be announced no later than the beginning of the second semester
  • The reviewer asks questions related to the thesis topic
  • Additional committee members, if appointed, also have the right to ask questions.

Each question is graded separately, and the final defense grade is determined during the closed session of the examination and is calculated as the average of all individual grades.

Diploma issuance

In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of National Education and Sport of July 23, 2004, regarding the types of diplomas and professional titles, as well as the diploma templates issued by universities, the University of Warsaw has been issuing diploma supplements since January 1, 2005.

The university provides the graduate with:

  • A diploma (in Polish)
  • A diploma supplement (in Polish)
  • Two copies of both documents (in English)

These documents are issued within 30 days of graduation.
The diploma pickup date is displayed in the USOS system on the graduate’s account.

Diploma Fee

  • First-cycle (BA) students who began their studies in the 2019/2020 academic year and
  • Second-cycle (MA) students who began their studies in the 2020/2021 academic year (or later)
    → are exempt from the diploma fee (based on Dz.U.2021.661; Chapter 9, §36).
  • Other students must pay a 60 PLN diploma fee to their personal bank account number before the diploma issuance process.