Jaskulska Elżbieta

Elżbieta Jaskulska, PhD 
Vice-Dean for Student Affairs
Katedra Bioarcheologii

for students – wa.student@uw.edu.pl
for other matters – ejaskulska@uw.edu.pl

Office hours:
Thursday 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, online or in-person by appointment.

Appointment can be arranged by email or Google Calendar appointment page (using the University of Warsaw email account only). Do not forget to indicate your name and year of study as well as information if an online or in-person meeting is required.

In matters unrelated to the function of acting Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, please make an appointment individually by e-mail (at other times).

research interests:
bioarchaeology, palaeopathology, analysis of the cremains

Cremains Workshop: http://www.archeo.uw.edu.pl/cremainsworkshop/index.html

Department for Underwater Archaeology

Crimea Project
Crimea Project (Crimea, Ukraine), photo: Underwater Expedition IA UW

Address: 00-927 Warsaw, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście St., Szkoła Główna, room 3.18, phone: 55 22 801

Head of Department:
Professor Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti
e-mail: iwonamodrzewska@uw.edu.pl
duty hours:
meetings on the “google meet” platform (request for prior e-mail contact: iwonamodrzewska@poczta.onet.pl):
Tuesday: 13:00 – 13:45
Friday: 13:00 – 13:45

Artur Brzóska, M.A.
e-mail: a.brzoska6@uw.edu.pl
duty hours:
Thursday: 11:00 – 12:00
Friday: 13:00 – 14:00

Magdalena Nowakowska, M.A. (Administrative Director of Faculty of Archaeology)
e-mail: magdalena.nowakowska@uw.edu.pl

Karolina Trusz, M.A. (Ph.D. candidate at IAIE PAN)
e-mail: k.trusz2@uw.edu.pl

Ph.D student:
Małgorzata Mileszczyk, M.A.
Academia, ResearchGate, ORCID
Available for consultations via e-mail: m.mileszczyk@uw.edu.pl


Department for Underwater Archaeology was established in 2012, and since 2014 it has been a full-member of UNESCO UniTwin Network for Underwater Archaeology. Its Head, from the very beginning, has been Professor Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti, whose main research interest is the ancient trade in the area of the Mediterranean. Studies of trade routes are also the main activity of Marta Żuchowska, Ph.D. Artur Brzóska, M.A., concentrates on the methods of underwater research. The Ph.D. candidate of the Faculty of History, Małgorzata Mileszczyk, is studying lake grid dwellings from the north-eastern Poland. Aleksandra Chołuj, M.A., investigator within the “Harmonia” grant, focuses on studies of ancient glass. The regular co-operator of the Department is also Magdalena Nowakowska, M.A.  The activities of the Department involve the classes in archaeology of ships and boats, methods of underwater research, protection of underwater cultural heritage and ancient trade issues.


Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti: NCN (Harmonia) „Commercial Contacts the Region of Murcia (Spain) with the Mediterranean World in Antiquity on the Basis of Archaeological and Historical Sources”

Marta Żuchowska: NCN (Opus) “Tkaniny w ikonografii Palmyry” (01.02.2017 – 30.01.2020)

Aleksandra Chołuj, Małgorzata Mileszczyk, Magdalena Nowakowska, the Explorers Club
„3rd Warsaw Seminar on Underwater Archaeology”

Łajtar Adam

Adam Łajtar
prof. dr Adam Łajtar
Chair of Epigraphy and Papyrology


duty hours:
Monday 13.00–16.00, room 3.15
Thursday 13.00–16.00, room 3.15

research interests:
– Greek epigraphy with a focus on inscriptions from the Eastern Mediterranean (Asia Minor, Palestine, the Nile Valley) dated to the Hellenistic, Roman, and medieval periods
– Greaco-Roman Egypt, with a focus on religion
– Christian Nubia

Adam Łajtar

research grants:
– 2017–2019: Wall Inscriptions in Banganarti Churches. Contribution to the Study of the Society and Culture of Christian Nubia; National Science Centre, grant no. UMO-2016/21/B/HS3/00930
– 2009–2015: A Study of Greek and Latin Papyri from Qasr Ibrim from the Augustan Period discovered during the British excavations in the years 1963–1988; National Science Centre