Workshop (27-28.10) devoted to the topic of regional variation in Mycenaean pottery – dr hab. Bartłomiej Lis

Dear All,

We would like to bring to your attention an international workshop devoted to the topic of regional variation in Mycenaean pottery, organized by Bartłomiej Lis from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences. It is a two-day online event, scheduled on October 27th and 28th, and starting at 1 PM (Central European Summer Time).

Continue reading “Workshop (27-28.10) devoted to the topic of regional variation in Mycenaean pottery – dr hab. Bartłomiej Lis”

Textile technology in Bronze Age Greece. Part I: Raw materials

A new video about textile raw materials in antiquity

Welcome to the new video of Agata Ulanowska about textile raw materials in antiquity. This is the first video in a short series about textile production made for the educational project ‘Artefacts, Creativity, Technology, and Skills from Prehistory to the Classical Period in Greece. Communities of Learning in the Past and in Higher Education Today’ (ACTS), funded by the 4EU+ Alliance and the Erasmus+ programme. Two more videos about about spinning and weaving are coming soon.

Artefacts, Creativity, Technology, and Skills from Prehistory to the Classical Period in Greece – 4EU+ educational project and summer semester courses

We welcome you to join the summer semester courses offered by the new educational project funded by the 4EU+ Alliance, the first archaeological project integrating teachers and students from four 4EU+ Universities: Heidelberg, Charles, Copenhagen and Warsaw. The project is titled ‘Artefacts, Creativity, Technology, and Skills from Prehistory to the Classical Period in Greece. Communities of Learning in the Past and in Higher Education Today’ (ACTS) and it has been designed as a new platform of innovative research-based teaching among the four partner universities: Heidelberg, Charles, Copenhagen and UW.
The recruitment slot for the course offered by the FA UW (Communities of practice: hands-on approach to skills and textile technology in Bronze Age Greece, by A. Ulanowska, hybrid on Mondays, 16.45-18.15 CET) is opened now (24/01-6/02.2022 and 14/02-20/02). The UW students need to enroll via USOS.For the offer and registration links for the courses offered by the Charles and Heidelberg Universities, please see here: The CU has already offered two courses: Ancient Ionia (for description, see: and Archaeology of production: methods and experience (, registration slot: 07/02/2022 – 04/03/2022. Heidelberg offer will appear soon.The recruitment for the summer school at Athens (24/07-31/07/2022) will start in March or April. Please note that students who wish to apply for the school must prove their participation in other courses offered by the ACTS project.

Kind regards,
ACTS UW Coordinator
Agata Ulanowska

Berto Claudio

Claudio Berto
dr hab. Claudio Berto, prof. ucz.
Katedra Archeologii Epoki Kamienia
Laboratorium Archeologicznych Analiz Specjalistycznych


phone number:
+48 22 55 22 842

duty hours:
Thursday 11.30–13.30, room 2.15

research interests:
– Microvertebrate Paleontology
– Biochronology
–  Quaternary Mammals
– Pleistocene palaeoecology
– Paleoclimate reconstructions
– Environmental reconstructions in Palaeolithic sites


Publications in indexed scientific journals

Berto C., Szymanek M., Blain H.-A., Pereswiet-Soltan, A., Krajcarz, M., Kot, M., 2021. Small vertebrate and mollusc community response to the latest Pleistocene-Holocene environment and climate changes in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland (Poland, Central Europe). Quaternary International.

Kot, M., Gryczewska, N., Szymanek, M., Moskal del-Hoyo, M., Szeliga, M., Berto, C., Wojenka, M., Krajcarz, M., Krajcarz, M.T., Wertz, K., Fedorowicz, S., Jaskulska, E., Pilcicka-Ciura, H., 2021. Bramka Rockshelter: An Early Mesolithic cave site in Polish Jura. Quaternary International.

Berto, C., Krajcarz, M.T., Moskal-del Hoyo, M., Komar, M., Sinet-Mathiot, V., Zarzecka-Szubińska, K., Krajcarz, M., Szymanek, M., Wertz, K., Marciszak, A., Mętrak, M., Suska-Malawska, M., Wilcke, A., Kot, M., 2021. Environment changes during Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in southern Poland (Central Europe). A multiproxy approach for the MIS 3 sequence of Koziarnia Cave (Kraków-Częstochowa Upland). [accepted manuscript]. J. Archaeol. Sci. Reports 35.

López-García, J.M., Cuenca-Bescós, G., Galindo-Pellicena, M.Á., Luzi, E., Berto, C., Lebreton, L., Desclaux, E., 2021. Rodents as indicators of the climatic conditions during the Middle Pleistocene in the southwestern Mediterranean region: implications for the environment in which hominins lived. J. Hum. Evol. 150, 102911.

Berto, C., Nadachowski, A., Pereswiet-Soltan, A., Lemanik, A., Kot, M. , 2020. The Middle Pleistocene small mammals from the lower layers of Tunel Wielki Cave (Kraków-Częstochowa Upland): An Early Toringian assemblage in Poland. Quaternary International, in press.

Moncel, M.H., Santagata, C., Pereira, A., Nomade, S., Voinchet, P., Bahain, J.J., Daujeard, C., Curci, A., Lemorini, C., Hardy, B., Eramo, G., Berto, C., Raynal, J.P., Arzarello, M., Mecozzi, B., Iannucci, A., Sardella, R., 2020. The origin of early Acheulean expansion in Europe 700 ka ago : new findings at Notarchirico ( Italy ). Sci. Rep. 1–16.

Baca, M., Popović, D., Baca, K., Lemanik, A., Doan, K., Horáček, I., López-García, J.M., Bañuls-Cardona, S., Pazonyi, P., Desclaux, E., Crégut-Bonnoure, E., Berto, C., Lenardić, J.M., Miękina, B., Murelaga, X., Cuenca-Bescós, G., Krajcarz, M., Marković, Z., Petculescu, A., Wilczyński, J., Knul, M.V., Stewart, J.R., Nadachowski, A., 2020. Diverse responses of common vole (Microtus arvalis) populations to Late Glacial and Early Holocene climate changes – Evidence from ancient DNA. Quat. Sci. Rev. 233, 106239.

Berto, C., López-García, J.M., Luzi, E., 2019. Changes in the Late Pleistocene small-mammal distribution in the Italian Peninsula. Quat. Sci. Rev. 225, 106019.

Berto, C., Santaniello, F., Grimaldi, S., 2019. Palaeoenvironment and palaeoclimate in the western Liguria region (northwestern Italy) during the Last Glacial. The small mammal sequence of Riparo Mochi (Balzi Rossi, Ventimiglia). Comptes Rendus Palevol 18, 13–23.

Cheli Cheheb, R.C., Arzarello, M., Arnaud, J., Berto, C., Cáceres, I., Caracausi, S., Colopi, F., Daffara, S., Canini, G.M., Huguet, R., Karambatsou, T., Sala, B., Zambaldi, M., Berruti, G.L.F., 2019. Human behavior and Homo-mammal interactions at the first European peopling: new evidence from the Pirro Nord site (Apricena, Southern Italy). Sci. Nat. 106, 16.

Kot, M., Gryczewska, N., Berto, C., Wojenka, M., Szeliga, M., Jaskulska, E., Fetner, R., Krajcarz, M., Wertz, K., Zarzecka-Szubińska, K., Krajcarz, M.T., Moskal-del Hoyo, M., Leloch, M., Jakubczak, M., 2019. Thirteen cave sites: settlement patterns in Sąspów Valley, Polish Jura. Antiquity 93, e30.

López-García, J.M., Berto, C., Peresani, M., 2019. Environmental and climatic context of the hominin occurrence in northeastern Italy from the late Middle to Late Pleistocene inferred from small-mammal assemblages. Quat. Sci. Rev. 216, 18–33.

Moroni, A., Boschian, G., Crezzini, J., Montanari-Canini, G., Marciani, G., Capecchi, G., Arrighi, S., Aureli, D., Berto, C., Freguglia, M., Araujo, A., Scaramucci, S., Hublin, J.J., Lauer, T., Benazzi, S., Parenti, F., Bonato, M., Ricci, S., Talamo, S., Segre, A.G., Boschin, F., Spagnolo, V., 2019. Late Neandertals in central Italy. High-resolution chronicles from Grotta dei Santi (Monte Argentario – Tuscany). Quat. Sci. Rev. 217, 130–151.

Berto, C., Luzi, E., Canini, G.M., Guerreschi, A., Fontana, F., 2018. Climate and landscape in Italy during Late Epigravettian. The Late Glacial small mammal sequence of Riparo Tagliente (Stallavena di Grezzana, Verona, Italy). Quat. Sci. Rev. 184, 132–142.

Boschin, F., Boscato, P., Berto, C., Crezzini, J., Ronchitelli, A., 2018. The palaeoecological meaning of macromammal remains from archaeological sites exemplified by the case study of Grotta Paglicci (Upper Palaeolithic, southern Italy). Quat. Res. 90, 470–482.

Berto, C., Boscato, P., Boschin, F., Luzi, E., Ronchitelli, A., 2017. Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic context during the Upper Palaeolithic (late Upper Pleistocene) in the Italian Peninsula. The small mammal record from Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico, Foggia, Southern Italy). Quat. Sci. Rev. 168, 30–41.

Arnaud, J., Peretto, C., Panetta, D., Tripodi, M., Fontana, F., Arzarello, M., Thun Hohenstein, U., Berto, C., Sala, B., Oxilia, G., Salvadori, P.A., Benazzi, S., 2016. A reexamination of the Middle Paleolithic human remains from Riparo Tagliente, Italy. Quat. Int. 425, 437–444.

Berto, C., Bertè, D., Luzi, E., López-García, J.M., Pereswiet-Soltan, A., Arzarello, M., 2016. Small and large mammals from the Ciota Ciara cave (Borgosesia, Vercelli, Italy): An Isotope Stage 5 assemblage. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15, 669–680.

Blain, H.-A., Delfino, M., Berto, C., Arzarello, M., 2016. First record of Pelobates syriacus (Anura, Amphibia) in the early Pleistocene of Italy. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 96, 111–124.

López-García, J.M.J.M., Luzi, E., Berto, C., Peretto, C., Arzarello, M., 2015. Chronological context of the first hominin occurrence in southern Europe: the Allophaiomys ruffoi (Arvicolinae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from Pirro 13 (Pirro Nord, Apulia, southwestern Italy). Quat. Sci. Rev. 107, 260–266.

López-García, J.M., Berto, C., Luzi, E., Dalla Valle, C., Bañuls-Cardona, S., Sala, B., 2015. The genus Iberomys (Chaline, 1972) (Rodentia, Arvicolinae, Mammalia) in the Pleistocene of Italy. Ital. J. Geosci. 134, 162–169.

Peretto, C., Arnaud, J., Moggi-Cecchi, J., Nomade, S., Pereira, A., Falguères, C., Bahain, J.-J., Grimaud-Hervé, D., Berto, C., Sala, B., Lembo, G., Muttillo, B., Gallotti, R., Thun Hohenstein, U., Vaccaro, C., Coltorti, M., Arzarello, M., 2015. A Human Deciduous Tooth and New 40Ar / 39Ar Dating Results from the Middle Pleistocene Archaeological Site of Isernia La Pineta, Southern Italy. PLoS One 10, 1–19.

López-García, J. M., Berto, C., Colamussi, V., Dalla Valle, C., Lo Vetro, D., Luzi, E., Malavasi, G., Martini, F., Sala, B., 2014. Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstruction of the latest Pleistocene–Holocene sequence from Grotta del Romito (Calabria, southern Italy) using the small-mammal assemblages. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 409, 169–179.

Berto, C., Rubinato, G., 2013. The upper Pleistocene mammal record from Caverna degli Orsi (San Dorligo della Valle – Dolina, Trieste, Italy): A faunal complex between eastern and western Europe. Quat. Int. 284, 1–8.

Arzarello, M., Daffara, S., Berruti, G., Berruto, G., Berté, D., Berto, C., Gambari, F.M., Peretto, C., 2012. The Mousterian Settlement in the Ciota Ciara Cave: the oldest evidence of Homo neanderthalensis in Piedmont (Northern Italy). J. Biol. Res. – Boll. della Soc. Ital. di Biol. Sper. 85, 71–75.

Publications in other scientific journals

Paronuzzi, P., Berto, C., Ghezzo, E., Hohenstein, U.T., Massarenti, A., Reggiani, P., 2018. Nota preliminare sulla sequenza UMG di ex Cava a Filo (Croara, BO): gli aspetti stratigrafico-sedimentari, paleontologici e antropici alla luce delle ultime indagini (2006-2016). Mem. dell’Istituto Ital. di Speleol. II, 131–144.

Berto, C., Luzi, E., Guerreschi, A., Fontana, F., Valletta, F., 2016. Small mammals from Mondeval de Sora (San Vito di Cadore, Belluno): paleoenvironmental differences between early and late Holocene. Preist. Alp. 48, 69–72.

Angelucci, D. E., Arnaud, J., Arzarello, M., Berruti, G. Berruto, G., Berté, D. Berto, C., Buccheri, F., Casini, A., Daffara, S., Luzi, E., López-García, J. M., 2015. Borgosesia, Monte Fenera. L’occupazione musteriana della grotta della Ciota Ciara, nuovi dati dalla campagna di scavo 2014. Quaderni Della Soprintendenza Archeologica Del Piemonte, 400-402.

Daffara, S., Arzarello, M., Berruti, G., Berruto, G., Bertè, D., Berto, C., Casini, A., 2014. The Mousterian lithic assemblage of the Ciota Ciara cave (Piedmont, Northern Italy): exploitation and conditioning of raw materials. Journal of Lithic Studies, 1, 2, 1-16.

Arnaud, J., Arzarello, M., Berruti, G., Berruto, G., Bertè, D., Berto, C., Buccheri, F., Daffara, S., Luzi, E., López-García, J. M., Peretto, C., 2014. Borgosesia, Monte Fenera. Grotta della Ciota Ciara. Quaderni Della Soprintendenza Archeologica Del Piemonte, 29, 204–206.

Arzarello, M., Daffara, S., Berruti, G., Berruto, G., Bertè, D., Berto, C., Peretto, C., 2013. Borgosesia, Monte Fenera. L’occupazione musteriana della grotta della Ciota Ciara. Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte, 27, 331-336.

List of published chapters in scientific monographs

Berto, C., 2020. I piccoli mammiferi (Strati N-F). In: Martini, F., Sarti, L. (Eds.), Il Musteriano Di Grotta Del Cavallo Nel Salento (Scavi 1986-2005). Culture e Ambienti. Museo e Istituto Fiorentino di Preistoria “Paolo Graziosi,” Firenze, pp. 75–83.

Sala, B., Berto, C., 2020. I grandi mammiferi (Strati F-N). In: Martini, F., Sarti, L. (Eds.), Il Musteriano Di Grotta Del Cavallo Nel Salento (Scavi 1986-2005). Culture e Ambienti. Museo e Istituto Fiorentino di Preistoria “Paolo Graziosi,” Firenze, pp. 65–74.

Berto, C., 2019. La microfauna, in: Steffè, G., Degasperi, N. (Eds.), Il Villaggio Neolitico Di Lugo Di Romagna Fornace Gattelli. Strutture, Ambiente, Culture. Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Firenze, pp. 361–363.

Berto, C., Bon, M., Zampieri, S., 2012. I reperti faunistici provenienti dal sito del Neolitico recente di Botteghino (Parma), in: Atti Del 6° Convegno Nazionale Di Archeozoologia (Orecchiella, 2009). pp. 183–185.

Bon, M., Zampieri, S., Rocco, G., Berto, C., 2012. Analisi archeozoologica degli insediamenti tardomedievali e moderni di San Giacomo in Paludo (VE), in: Atti Del 6° Convegno Nazionale Di Archeozoologia (Orecchiella, 2009). pp. 351–354.



As Principal Investigator


OPUS20: 2020/39/B/HS3/00932. A palaeoecological approach to archaeological sites: The landscape of the human occupation between the late Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic in southern Poland


Miniatura 4: 2020/04/X/ST10/01659. Environment and climate reconstruction in Central Italy between Late Pleistocene and early Holocene. Testing direct radiometric dating method on the small mammal bones from Grotta della Ferrovia


IDUB: 501-D115-20-0004316. Climate and environment during the final Pleistocene to Early Holocene transition. Chronological framework of three archaeological cave sites in the Sąspów Valley

As Participant


Sonata BIS: 2016/22/E/HS3/00486. Settlement of the Sąspów Valley from Palaeolithic up to Modern times- elaboration of the unpublished fieldwork results of prof. Waldemar Chmielewski. Principal Investigator: Dr. Małgorzata Kot

2015 – today: From the Gravettian to the Epigravettian in Southern Italy. Changes in behaviour, technological know-how and symbolism at the cave sites of Paglicci (Rignano Garganico, Apulia) and La Cala (Camerota, Campania). Project founded by several Italian institutions such as MIUR (Italian Ministry for University and Research) and local communities. I am responsible for the small mammal collections study. Principal investigator: Dr. Adriana Moroni (University of Siena).

2015 – 2016 and 2019 – today: Early Evidence of Acheulean bifacial technology in Europe. Project founded by the Leakey Foundation. I am the responsible for the small mammal study of Notarchirico (Middle Pleistocene). Principal investigator: Prof. Marie-Hélène Moncel (MNHN – Paris).


Dzbyński Aleksander

Aleksander Dzbynski

dr hab. Aleksander Dzbyński
Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology


Phone number:
+48 22 55 22 814

Office hours: Mondays 15:00 – 16:00; Fridays 14:45 – 15:45 (by prior arrangement)

Research interests:
– development of mathematical cognition in prehistory
– philosophy
– archaeological theory
– history of science and technology
– archeoturism
– cognitive archaeology
– Paleolithic
– Neolithic
– Copper Age
– Bronze Age


Department of Medieval and Early Modern Archeology

Faculty of Archeology, 00-927 Warsaw, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, ‘Main School’, rooms: 0.36, 3.13, j 3.21, 3.21a.

head of the Department:
dr hab. Tomasz Nowakiewicz

Dr. Karolina Blusiewicz
Dr. Dariusz Błaszczyk
Dr. Michał Starski
Marek Truszkowski, MA
Dr. Sławomir Wadyl
Dr. Mikalai Plavinski
Dr. Ludwika Jończyk

PhD Candidates:
Maciej Miścicki, MA
Marek Truszkowski, MA

retired employees:
Dr. Wojciech Wróblewski
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Buko
dr hab. Joanna Kalaga, prof. ucz.
prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kruppé
Martyna Milewska, MA


about the Department:

The Department was created from the fusion of two departments of the former Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw: the Department of Early Medieval Archaeology and the Department of Late Medieval and Modern Era Archaeology. The areas of interest of the staff fall within the broad spectrum of problems relevant to these periods (i.e. early and late Middle Ages and modern times), along with their specificity and scientific workshop. The subject of research are various aspects of the material and spiritual culture of those times, reconstructed on the basis of archaeological sources, obtained, among others as a result of own field works, carried out mainly in the area of northern and north-eastern Poland (within the borders of early medieval Pomerania and the Prussian-Yotvingian lands and the medieval monastic state in Teutonic Prussia). They are complemented by various research projects undertaken in Mazovia, Podlachia and abroad. In-office studies, supported by a rich collection of archival artefacts stored at the Faculty of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw (e.g. from Chojnice, Ciechanów, Frombork, Gdańsk, Lębork, Rawa Mazowiecka, Sąsiadka, Wiślica), go far beyond the indicated geographic scope.

The main research topics of the Department’s employees focus on:
• the formation and disappearance of early medieval tribal structures in Prussia, Yotvingian lands and Pomerania, the material and spiritual culture of those communities inhabiting these lands and their relations with the inhabitants of neighbouring areas;
• comprehensive studies of various categories of finds representative of medieval towns and castle complexes (including ceramics, glass, wooden and leather finds);
• archaeological and architectural research;
• the use of isotope analyses in archaeology to determine the chronology of finds (radiocarbon dating), diet (stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur), origin and migration (stable isotopes of strontium and oxygen), as well as DNA analyses;
• archival archaeology and reconstruction of collections lost and dispersed as a result of World War II, from former museum collections from Polish lands (within the borders of the Second and Third Republic of Poland) and related to Poland.

In carrying out their research, the staff of the department cooperate with representatives of other scientific and museum centres in Poland, as well as with researchers from Belarus, Czechia, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Russia and Ukraine.

The sites excavated by the staff of the department:

  • Błonie, Masovian voivodeship, medieval chartered town (town plots; K. Blusiewicz)

  • Ciepłe, Pomeranian voivodeship, early medieval cemetery (S. Wadyl)

  • Czaszkowo (former Lake Nidajno), Warmian and Mazurian voivodeship, sacrificial place from late antiquity (in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Science; T. Nowakiewicz)

  • Człuchów, Pomeranian voivodeship, Teutonic and gubernator’s castle (M. Starski, K. Blusiewicz)

  • Debrzno, Pomeranian voivodeship, medieval town and defensive walls (M. Miścicki, M. Truszkowski)

  • Obłęże, Pomeranian voivodeship, early medieval barrow cemetery and stronghold (in cooperation with the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń; S. Wadyl)

  • Pasym, Warmian and Mazurian voivodeship, early medieval stronghold (S. Wadyl)

  • Puck, Pomeranian voivodeship, medieval chartered town (town plots, church graveyard; M. Starski, K. Blusiewicz)

  • Skarszewy, Pomeranian voivodeship, medieval chartered town (town plots, fortifications; M. Starski, K. Blusiewicz)

  • Szczeberka (vicinity), Podlachia voivodeship, a complex of early medieval cemeteries on the Szczeberka River (in cooperation with the Terra Desolata Foundation; T. Nowakiewicz)

  • Shestovitsa, Chernihiv region, Ukraine, early medieval barrow cemetery (in cooperation with the Taras Shevchenko Chernihiv National Pedagogical University; D. Błaszczyk, V. Skorokhod)

grants carried out by department staff (projects in which staff performed leading functions)

Dr. Dariusz Błaszczyk 

  • Locals or foreigners? Burials in chamber graves in Poland in the early Middle Ages (National Science Centre Fuga 2 grant), grant completed.

Maciej Miścicki, MSc

  • Barrels as a source for research on the provenance of wooden products from the territory of the state of the Teutonic Order. Production techniques – specialized analyzes – long-distance trade (National Science Centre Preludium 14 grant), grant in progress.

dr hab. Tomasz Nowakiewicz

  • Ostbalticum project (co-coordinator of the framework project of the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport), project in progress;

  • Conservation, compile, analysis and publication of finds from water deposits from Nidajno and former Herrn-See lakes (the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport/the National Institute of Cultural Heritage grant), grant completed;

  • Non-invasive prospection of the former cult place in Lake Nidajno in Masuria: extent, threats, paleoecological background (the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport/the National Institute of Cultural Heritage grant), grant completed.

Dr. Michał Starski

  • Puck’s material culture in the late Middle Ages. Archaeological portrait of a small town on the southern Baltic coast (National Science Centre Sonata 5 grant), grant completed;

  • The town’s plot of Długi Targ – Powroźnicza – Ogarna Streets in Gdańsk. Compile and publication of the results of archaeological research (the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport/the National Institute of Cultural Heritage grant), grant in progress.

Dr. Sławomir Wadyl

  • Prussian lands in the early Middle Ages. Shaping a new settlement-territorial and social structure in the light of archaeological sources (National Science Centre Fuga 4 grant), grant completed;
  • The place that created the power. A stronghold from the early Middle Ages in Pasym in the Masurian Lake District (the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport/the National Institute of Cultural Heritage grant), grant in progress.