sitting from the left: Anna Gręzak, Wiesław Więckowski, Joanna Piątkowska-Małecka, Alicja Lasota-Moskalewska, Monika Dzierlińska, Elżbieta Jaskulska)
Address: 00-927 Warszawa, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Szkoła Główna, tel. 55-22-837 (844), pok. 0.26, 0.28, 0.29
Head of department:
Dr. Anna Gręzak
Prof. dr hab. Alicja Lasota – Moskalewska (prof. emeryt.)
dr Rafał Fetner
dr Elżbieta Jaskulska
dr hab. Joanna Piątkowska-Małecka
dr hab. prof. UW Arkadiusz Sołtysiak
dr Wiesław Więckowski
dr hab. Janusz Wołoszyn
Dr Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow)
mgr Agata Bebel
PhD students:
mgr Monika Dzierlińska
mgr Kamil Niemczak
mgr Joanna Szymczak
mgr Aleksandra Grzegorska
At the Department of Bioarchaeology we conduct research and teach courses in archaeozoology, anthropology and archaeobotany. Bioarchaeology is an integral part of any archaeological research, especially helpful in the reconstruction of human and environmental relations throughout history. We conduct analyzes of animal, human and plant remains, reconstructing the economy, living conditions, diet, health or origin of animals, humans and plants, as well as the environment, trade, intercultural contacts and issues related to worship and religion. We work with many archaeological missions in Poland and abroad, in Europe, as well as in Asia, Africa and South America.
Bioarchaeology of the Near East