Dear students,
please see the dates of registration for review courses in the winter session below:
Continue reading “Dates for registration for languages courses in the winter session”
Dear students,
please see the dates of registration for review courses in the winter session below:
Continue reading “Dates for registration for languages courses in the winter session”
Dear all
I would like to kindly inform you that the Dean’s team has decided to establish hours free from teaching on Thursday the 21st of December from 1 PM.
Dear Students
we are announcing the call for applications in the 3rd edition of the Competition for the FA UW Student Mini-Grant in the academic year 2022/2023. The application should be submitted in electronic form with attachments by sending it from an account in the domain to the following address: with the heading “Competition Student Minigrants WA UW 3”. Competition details and document templates are available at: https://www.archeologia.
Applications should be submitted by January 8, 2023, at 23:59.
Settlement of the competition – the date will be announced after the end of collecting applications.
Dear Students,
I would like to inform you that 22 December is a Dean’s day – free from academic classes
Dear Students,
today (October 11th), the classes conducted by Mr. Phd Konstantinos Balamosev are canceled.
Dear All,
The Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference Committee kindly wishes to invite everyone to register for our Fifth Annual Conference! We aim to provide a forum for archaeology and heritage students at any stage of their education to discuss their research interests in a productive and enriching environment. Our Conference will take place on September 16th-18th both online and in person at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
This year’s topic is ‘Crisis and Resilience’. This conference provides with us the opportunity to share our understanding of how crises impacted on past societies, how people have moved on with resilience, and more importantly, what we can learn from the past that will help us now and in the future.
This year’s conference consists of seven captivating sessions, which are proposed and chaired by archaeologists across the globe, covering the field of social archaeology, archaeological science and heritage study. Thirty two strong papers from twenty two universities and institutions will be presented to explore the crisis and resilience of Homo erectus right to the present day. We aim to encourage our audience to communicate the proposed issues freely in a warm, friendly, and inclusive environment with mutual respect.
The committee strongly encourages our audiences to attend in person as we have prepared wine reception and conference dinner for participants to continue fascinating discussions and establish friendships.
The registration link is here:
Please note that presentations are recorded (Q&A will not be recorded), so if you do not wish to be recorded, please turn off your camera.
We hope to see you in our conference soon!
Best wishes,
The CASA Committee
Dear Colleagues.
The Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in 2022 announces 10 archaeological topics for doctoral studies. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2022. The Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences has signed cooperation agreements with two universities in Slovakia. With the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra for a 3-year internal and a 5-year external study in the field of archaeology.
With Comenius University in Bratislava for 4-year internal and 5-year external studies in general history.
Students can find more information about the admission interviews on the universities’ websites:
Institute of Archaeology SAS_Slovakia_dissertation topics
Yours sincerely
PhDr. Klaudia Daňová, PhD.
Dear Students,
we would like to inform you that The Academic Clinic CenterMed Warszawa Sp. z o.o launched a special telephone number dedicated to providing free medical care (internist and occupational medicine) for students of the University of Warsaw:
22 592 48 30
The number will be used to quickly sign up for an appointment or to obtain other free medical assistance (prescription, sick leave, referral, information) for all foreign-language students of the University of Warsaw, in need of this help. As a rule, assistance will be provided free of charge to all students covered by the NFZ benefits (National Health Fund), both to those registered with our internists and in the form of one-time visits to students from outside Warsaw who have a selected doctor in their place of residence.
The free assistance obtained under this number can also be used by foreign students who have the European health insurance card EKUZ (European Health Insurance Card), Pole’s Card, Permanent Residence Card or individual health insurance – signed and paid for in the National Health Fund.
If you don’t have insurance or you have problems with insurance, our consultants on this number will provide each interested student with information on the methods and formalities that need to be completed in order to use such free medical assistance in our facilities.
In the student’s section you can find a business card with a telephone number and code QR to facilitate contact with a doctor.