Miasteczko na Styku Kultur – Cultural Hot Spot UW

Dear Students,

The Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw, The UW’s Students’ Union and Welcome Point would like to invite you to co-create the 2nd edition of a very special event: Miasteczko na Styku Kultur – Cultural Hot Spot UW. It will be a showcase of the multicultural potential of our academic community and an opportunity to bring different cultures together.

Cultural HotSpot WILL TAKE PLACE ON MAY 20TH (FRIDAY) ON UW’S MAIN CAMPUS (26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street).

If you want to present your country, teach us about its language, customs or cuisine, the stage is yours! The way you want to show your culture is entirely up to you, all creative ideas are most welcome!

What do we expect from you?
• to participate in a multicultural workshop combined with the organisational meeting at the beginning of May (the exact date will be arranged soon together with volunteers);
• to be available on May 20th (from noon until early evening – the exact hours to be announced soon). Coordinators will provide beverages and lunch.
• to have an idea about what you would like to present on your stand. The coordinators of the event will provide space for each stand and all necessary supplies.

If you are interested, please FILL IN THIS APPLICATION FORM (check “Organisation of the “Miasteczko na Styku Kultur – Cultural Hot-Spot UW”): https://wolontariat.uw.edu.pl/volunteer-form/. If you have already filled in the volunteer form, please send an email to wolontariat@uw.edu.pl with the information that you are interested in joining this event.

All students who decide to join the event and present their home culture will receive a

We are counting on you!

Best wishes,
Cultural HotSpot Coordinators

Interdisciplinary international conference „Echoes of Antiquity” – call for applications

The Faculty of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw, The Royal Łazienki Museum, and The University of Warsaw Museum kindly invite specialists and young researchers from various disciplines to take part in an interdisciplinary international conference „Echoes of Antiquity” at the University of Warsaw.

The conference will be held on 22-24th June, if the situation allows, in offline mode. We invite scholars whose research concerns the tradition of ancient art and broad reception of antiquity in disciplines such as archaeology, history, history of art, cultural studies, and literary studies but not limited only to these. The proceedings will be organised in three panels, each of them devoted to a different aspect: collections of plaster casts, reception of Antiquity in city landscape and architecture, and the Antiquity in modern culture. Two days of proceedings will be followed by a tour in Warsaw, focusing on the places with the richest references to the ancient culture. We are also happy to announce that proceedings in every panel will be opened by the keynote speeches delivered by recognized specialists from various institutions. Proposals must be written in English and submitted to conference.echoes@gmail.com by 11th April 2022. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee which will select successful applicants. No fee is required. Further information and abstract template available: (2) Echoes of Antiquity. International interdisciplinary conference | Facebook

Organizational committee: Monika Dunajko (University of Warsaw), Emilia Jastrzębska (Royal Łazienki Museum), Michał Kuźmiński (University of Warsaw).

Echoes of Antiquity conference information



Draw out your gremlin – break free of limiting beliefs and self-judgements – coaching workshop for international students

Dear Students,

We would like to invite you to our next workshops for international students: ‘Draw out your gremlin’.

The workshop includes:

• Presentation of most common patterns of self-sabotage: creating a ‘storage of limiting beliefs’ – ignoring the positive and focusing on negative – allowing fear to take over and guide one’s thoughts and actions – focusing on the past – comparing with others – settling for less to be “on the safe side” – mastering procrastination

• Exercises and tools to find one’s self-sabotage patterns

• Strategies to overming your weakness, creating one’s own strategy and new thinking habits, boosting one’s strengths

• Exercise: Learning “force-field analysis” and “ants model” to deal with your self-sabotage and inner critic

• Staying accountable to yourself and some more tips and tricks

More information:


Call for sessions: 5th Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference

The Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference Committee is delighted to announce our Call for Sessions for our fifth annual conference! We aim to provide a forum for undergraduate and graduate students to discuss their research interests in a productive and enriching environment!

Conference Theme:
As the world continues to battle against the COVID-19 pandemic and struggle with climate change, there is no better time to talk about the resilience of humankind in the face of various crises. The theme of the 5th Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference is therefore “Crisis and Resilience”.
Archaeological evidence has illuminated many crises the past societies withstood, be it climate change, natural disaster, plague or warfare. It is our job as archaeologists to not only identify how these crises had impacts on past societies but also understand how people tackled such devastation and moved forward. Such explorations of the past aim to illuminate the present and beyond. The key question we ought to ask is: what can we learn from the past that will help us now and in the future?
The perspectives with which archaeology examines past crises and resilience is far from limited. We invite social archaeologists, archaeological scientists, biological anthropologists, and heritage researchers to explore this theme. Our call for session encourages proposals including but not limited to the following areas:
– Exploring past disease, plague, and their relation to the lifestyle
– The traces and impact of environmental change and natural disaster, and their effects on the society and human body
– Uncovering the effect of conflicts, violence and warfare on different social groups: archaeological and heritage perspectives
– Social, political and/or religious “revolutions” in the face of crisis and their effects on mindsets, beliefs and practises
– Learning from the past: archaeological and heritage perspectives on contemporary issues
– The emergence and evolution of diverse human technologies to cope with external change and/or challenges
– Environmental resilience in the face of past human impact
– Collapse and Resilience/Resilience Theory
– Ethnicity, trauma and resilience in times of crisis: solidarity and bottom-up approaches
– Recording crisis: from textual, iconographical and material perspectives

The deadline for Session Proposals is Monday April 4th. Information on possible topics can be found in our Call for Session Poster. Please find the application here: https://forms.gle/N2v3b1Pt8wcszJ558 or find the attached word file. Please return the word file to casa@arch.cam.ac.uk, cn399@cam.ac.uk, gyk20@cam.ac.uk and jt795@cam.ac.uk

This year’s CASA Conference will take place on September 16th – 18th 2022, at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. We aim to conduct a hybrid event to allow for maximal participation and to better manage the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. A hybrid event means that panels and participants can attend either in person or online. This is so that we can welcome all participants regardless of their funding limitations and travel restrictions and to accommodate public health to the best of our abilities.
We are applying for funding to cover some of the conference costs but are at present unable to guarantee financial support to any of the participants. Please could you let us know, therefore, if you have funding of your own or would need partial or full financial support for travelling and staying in Cambridge? As our funding is limited, we will be prioritising those with the greatest need.

We look forward to your applications!
Warm Regards,
The CASA Committee

XVI International Numismatic Congress (11-16 September 2022, Warsaw) – call for volunteers

We invite all interested BA, MA, and PhD students to take part in the XVI International Numismatic Congress, organised by the University of Warsaw! We offer you the possibility to work with the professional team from Mazurkas Travel and meet a wide range of academics, museum workers, and collectors from all over the world.

If you are interested in joining our volunteer team, check our website for more details:


Application deadline: 28th February 2022

The Faculty of Archaeology building – opening hours during the winter session and inter-semester break

The Faculty of Archaeology building – opening hours during the winter session (31.01.2022 – 11.02.2022)

The building is open from 08.30 AM to 05.30 PM

The Dean’s Office is open from 09.00 AM to 03.00 PM

The Faculty Office for Students is open from 09.00 AM to 03.00 PM

The Accountant Office is open from 09.00 AM to 03.00 PM

The Faculty of Archaeology UW Library is open from 09.00 AM  to 05.00 PM


The Faculty of Archaeology building – opening hours during the inter-semester break (12.02.2022 – 20.02.2022)

The building is open from 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM

The Dean’s Office is open from 10.00 AM to 02.00 PM

The Faculty Office for Students is open from 10.00 AM to 02.00 PM

The Accountant Office is open from 10.00 AM to 02.00 PM

The Faculty of Archaeology UW Library is open from 10.00 AM  to 02.00 PM