List of exams for the summer semester 2021/2022

The current exam schedule (the list will be updated after the lecturers submit their exams to us):

20.06.2022 godz. 17:00 – 18:30, s. 1.18 Archaeology of ANE, dr hab. D. Ławecka

22.06.2022 godz. 11:00 – 12:30, s. 2.13 Introduction to bioarchaeology, written exam, dr R. Fetner

24.06.2022 godz. 10:00-12:00, s. 2.13 Ancient Greek for Begginers, dr K. Balamosev

28.06.2022 godz. 11:00- .., s. 2.13 Archaeology of Ancient East (lecture), dr hab. A. Smogorzewska

01.07.2022 godz. 10:00 -11:30, s. 2.06 A, Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia – lecture, dr hab. D. Zielińska


Classes temporarily cancelled

Today (8th of April), dr. Dorota Dzierzbicka’s classes: Exploring Scientific Research Papers- translatorium dla st. dziennych and Scientific writing workshop (MA) have been cancelled. We apologize for this situation.

The 16th International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw (11-16 September 2022) – call for volunteers

We invite all interested BA, MA, and PhD students to take part in the XVI International Numismatic Congress, organised by the University of Warsaw! We offer you the possibility to work with the professional team from Mazurkas Travel and meet a wide range of academics, museum workers, and collectors from all over the world.


If you are interested in joining our volunteer team, check our website for more details:

Application deadline: 28th February 2022

Certification of Language Proficiency

Dear Students

Taking into account the rapidly changing epidemiological situation in the country, The University Council for the Certification of Language Proficiency decided to conduct the winter session of the academic year 2021/22 in a remote mode.

According to the resolution of the Council No. 2 dated 24.01.2022, both the written part and the oral part will be held online.


Online Welcome Week

Dear Student,

We would like to invite you for the series of meetings, which will inaugurate the academic year 2020/2021. Our Online Welcome Week 2020 lasts from 6th to 9th of October.

Detailed schedule can be found on our website:

Our Online Welcome Week starts with Welcome Days – both in Polish (on 6th of October) and English (on 7th of October).

At the meeting you will learn the most important things about the University itself, its structure and basic rules. We will also give you more information about other possibilities that are waiting for you as members of the community.

Participation in the meeting is free of charge upon registration through this online form: (for meeting in English).

Don’t hesitate and register! Please also join our Facebook event:

We can’t wait to see you there!

A request to students

Dear Students, we are working on decisions concerning the organization of the winter semester of the academic year 2020/21. At present we are trying to collect information which will help us to decide whether and which classes will be held at the University and which will be based on distance online learning.
We are asking you to send us information whether you are able to arrive in Poland and participate in some classes at the University. We would also like to know whether you have any obstacles in participating in online classes.
The information should be sent not later than 25th of September on the email address or