PhD Adam Cieśliński, professor of the University of Warsaw
duty hours:
Wednesday 9.45-11.30, room 305 (online duty by appointment by e-mail)
research interests:
– archeology of the Roman and Migration periods
– barbarians and Romans
– Wielbark culture
– Archive’s archeology
– GIS in archeology
From 1999 till today: Faculty (former Institute) of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw (now employed as an assistant professor). In 2011-2013, academic leave at the University of Warsaw in order to take part in a Alexander von Humboldt scholarship. At that time a guest researcher (Gastwissenschaftler) in the Zentrum für Baltische und Skandinavische Archäologie in Schleswig.
Since 2017 head of the Zakład Archeologii Europy Starożytnej (Department of Archaeology of the Ancient Europe) on the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw. Since 2021 head of the Katedra Archeologii Barbaricum i Prowincji Rzymskich (Department of Barbaricum and Roman Provincial Archaeology) on the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw.
1. Scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung – Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers (July, 2010), Bonn, Germany.
2. The scientific scholarship of the Rector of the University of Warsaw for the academic years 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2016/2017, Warsaw.
3. Scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science (November-December, 2002), Warsaw.
4. Scholarship of the Herder-Institut in Marburg (March, 2002), Marburg, Germany.
5. Scholarship Rotary International for an annual academic activeness (Romano-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute, Frankfurt/Main) and study on the Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main and the Phillips University, Marburg (September, 1998 – August, 1999), Germany.
1. Correspondence member of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin (since 2016).
2. Member of the Kommission zur Erforschung von Sammlungen Archäologischer Funde und Unterlagen aus dem nordöstlichen Mitteleuropa, Berlin-Frankfurt/Main (since 2015).
3. Member of the academic association AG Römische Kaiserzeit im Barbaricum, Schleswig (since 2014).
4. Member of the steering committee of the international academic association: International Sachsensymposion. Archäologie der Sachsen und ihrer Nachbarvölker in Nordwesteuropa (International Sachsensymposion. Research network for the archaeological study of the Saxons and their neighbouring peoples in northwestern Europe), Brussels (since 2012).
5. Member of the Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, Cracow (since 2011).
6. President of the Scientific Council of the Museum of Mazovian Ancient Metallurgy in Pruszków (2009-2010).
7. Vice-president of the Foundation Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica, Warsaw (since 2006.)
8. Expert of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage for the programme “Protection of archaeological monuments” (National Heritage Board of Poland) (2018).
1. Principal-investigator in a NSC grant no 2017/01/X/HS3/00275 ‘Contact – Migration – Acculturation. The borderland of the Przeworsk and Wielbark cultures in North-Eastern Poland in light of archival sources and new discoveries’.
2. Co-investigator in a NSC grant no 11H 11 018680 ‘Past Societies. Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence to the Early Middle Ages’; the programme of the Minister of Science and Higher Education: ‘National Programme for the Development of the Humanities’.
3. Project manager and co-investigator of the SCSR/NSC grant no NN109 206540 ‘Studies on the cemeteries from the central European Barbaricum IV’.
Organization of 11 scientific conferences, e.g.:
1. Jahrestagung der Kommission zur Erforschung von Sammlungen archäologischer Funde und Unterlagen im nordöstlichen Mitteleuropa (KAFU), Warsaw, June, 21–24, 2018.
2. 10 Jahre Stiftung Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica, Warsaw, January 26, 2017.
3. Interacting Barbarians. Contacts, Exchange and Migrations in the First Millennium AD, 65. International Sachsensymposion, Warsaw, September 13-17, 2014.
1. Zaborów, warszawski zachodni district: a cemetery and settlements of the Przeworsk culture; in cooperation with the Museum of Ancient Mazovian Metallurgy in Pruszków (since 2021, with M. Woźniak).
2. Nowy Łowicz, Drawsko Pomorskie district: a cemetery of the Lusatian and Wielbark cultures, settlement of the Lusatian culture; in cooperation with the Museum in Koszalin (2000-2018, with A. Kasprzak).
3. Piotrowicze near Brest (Belarus) – a Wielbark culture cemetery; in collaboration with the Belarussian National Academy of Sciences (September, 2001, with V. Belavec).
4. Lubieszewo, Gryfice district: the ‘princely’ barrow of the Wielbark culture and a settlement of the Lusatian culture; in collaboration with the Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie der Universität Bonn (September‒October, 2006, with J. Schuster).
1. Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica, Warsaw (since 2018). ISSN 1426-3998.
2. Światowit Supplement Series B: Barbaricum, Warsaw (since 2017). ISSN 1231-1499.
1. A. Cieśliński, B. Kontny (eds), Interacting Barbarians. Contacts, Exchange and Migrations in the First Millennium AD, Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung 9, Warszawa 2019. ISBN 978-83-66210-06-6.
2. A. Cieśliński (ed.), Agnieszka Jarzec, Krosno stan. 1. Nekropola kultury wielbarskiej z obszaru starożytnej delty Wisły. Materiały z badań w latach 1980-2010, Światowit Supplement Series B: Barbaricum 12, Warszawa 2018. ISSN 1231-1499.
3. J. Andrzejowski, C. von Carnap-Bornheim, A. Cieśliński, A. Kontny (eds), ORBIS BARBARORUM. STUDIA AD ARCHAEOLOGIAM GERMANORUM ET BALTORUM TEMPORIBUS IMPERII ROMANI PERTINENTIA ADALBERTO NOWAKOWSKI DEDICATA, Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica, Series Gemina VI, Warszawa-Schleswig 2017. ISBN 978-83-61367-19-4.
4. B. Kontny, A. Cieśliński, A. Chilińska-Früboes, A. Juga-Szymańska, A. Maciałowicz, I. Szter (eds), Jerzy Okulicz-Kozaryn in memoriam, Światowit Supplement Series B: Barbaricum 11, Warszawa 2015. ISSN 1231-1499.
5. A. Cieśliński, B. Kontny (eds), Interacting Barbarians. Contacts, Exchange and Migrations in the First Millennium AD, Warszawa 2014. ISBN 978-83-61376-14-9.
6. W. Nowakowski, J. Borkowski, A. Cieśliński, A. Kasprzak (eds), Goci i ich sąsiedzi na Pomorzu, Studia Archaeologica Pomeranica II, Koszalin 2006. ISBN 83-7364-330-3.