Uniwersytet Warszawski będzie gospodarzem międzynarodowych warsztatów „Textile Heritage Research and the Future. Reflecting on the Role of Historical Textiles for Society, Economy, and Sustainability”. Spotkanie odbędzie się na Wydziale Archeologii UW w dniach 20-21 marca 2025 r.
Jest to pierwsze wydarzenie organizowane przez HERITEX-HUB (Building a Heritage-Based Knowledge Hub to Empower the Green Transition in Textiles and Fashion) – projekt kontynuacyjny EuroWeb – Europe through Textiles w ramach akcji COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Innovators Grant).
The University of Warsaw will host the international workshop „Textile Heritage Research and the Future. Reflecting on the Role of Historical Textiles for Society, Economy, and Sustainability,” which will take place at the Faculty of Archaeology on March 20-21, 2025.
This is the first event organized by HERITEX-HUB (Building a Heritage-Based Knowledge Hub to Empower the Green Transition in Textiles and Fashion) – a follow-up project to EuroWeb – Europe through Textiles, carried out within the framework of the COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Innovators Grant).